400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Active Member
Hello again growers.
These are the last pics until monday, when i chop my girls down
There will be some :cry: at first followed by alot of :bigjoint: & bongsmilie and plenty of kiss-assfrom my friends! haha!

After much deliberation i have decided to go ahead and cut them after a weekend of darkness, i have noticed that they have bulged out alot this past week and i'm starting to think that maybe im slightly off with the 7 weeks, maybe they are 8/9, they look done, they look like how i like my steak...well done :lol:
I got slightly worried earlier but because dem coming down monday i have decided not to worry....touch wood.....
Anyways i'm chuffed with the way they turned out and would like to thank those who helped me along my travels.....uh... thanks.:mrgreen:
In january, im going to start a grow journal of my next crop, which was going to be big bang but I may change my mind and will be posting on here, thanks again to everyone....

.G 4 J.



Well-Known Member
nice work G4J!

Never tried removing all the leaves before harvest. Is this called pop-corning? what are the benefits?

send me a nug :)


Active Member
nice work G4J!

Never tried removing all the leaves before harvest. Is this called pop-corning? what are the benefits?

send me a nug :)
Thanks man
To be honest with you i havent got a clue,:p
i read either in WW or on here that removing the fan leaves roughly 1/2 - 2/3 through flowering helps the buds grow better, wether this is true or not im not sure. So i thought i would remove most if not all the leaves i can in the last weeks and it doesnt seem to have done any harm, but im sure the leaves help get rid of all the nutes ect.. so i guess you have to flush well, which i have done, so we will see when they dried.
being my first grow i havent managed to experiment yet but im going to try fimming next time so still wont be able to tell!:lol:

If only that were possible!! the one and only thing i hate about this site................................................
not being able to sample everyones greenery!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man
To be honest with you i havent got a clue,:p
i read either in WW or on here that removing the fan leaves roughly 1/2 - 2/3 through flowering helps the buds grow better, wether this is true or not im not sure. So i thought i would remove most if not all the leaves i can in the last weeks and it doesnt seem to have done any harm, but im sure the leaves help get rid of all the nutes ect.. so i guess you have to flush well, which i have done, so we will see when they dried.

Nice G4J, very nice, enjoy the rewards.

different people seem to have different opinions about the removing of leaves..some are adamant not to, some think that is the way to go. personally I have never done an experiement to proove either incorrect. Does anyone know anyone who has?


Active Member

different people seem to have different opinions about the removing of leaves..some are adamant not to, some think that is the way to go. personally I have never done an experiement to proove either incorrect. Does anyone know anyone who has?
Thanks man, it will be nice to smoke some decent green for once.:bigjoint:


DST: Does anyone know anyone who has?

that is a good question man.


Well-Known Member
Nugs look good G4J, with the bigger pots on your next grow you gonna get better results. Look into some training to ie. topping, fimming, LST, supercropping. These can all help you have a bunch of shoots and thus more bud. Of couse a bit more veg is required but well payed in the end.



Well-Known Member
thy look gd hope min r lik that yea uv don a gd job
Dude really what up with you? I cant even read what you post. Its all gibberish. Try a complete sentence with all the words and letters. Maybe then I would take the time to read our question and offer you some help but for now its just a pain in the ass to even try to figure out what your trying to say.


Active Member
Nugs look good G4J, with the bigger pots on your next grow you gonna get better results. Look into some training to ie. topping, fimming, LST, supercropping. These can all help you have a bunch of shoots and thus more bud. Of couse a bit more veg is required but well payed in the end.

Thanks greenfirekilla :joint:
looking forward to my next grow now i have a little bit of experience,:mrgreen: and yes i will def look into some different techniques aswell, especially going to look into and most probably try next is the ''fimming'' technique. I dont know much about supercropping but damn....it sounds good :eyesmoke:
i have to remind myself sometimes that there are other threads on here apart from the 400watt club that can help with these!! :lol:



Active Member
check out this fimming guide here going to try it on my White widow clone when she gets big enough.
Cheers for the link Reiss, definatly going to try this on my next grow, dem plants looked evilish on there! :twisted:
Post some pics of your white widow when you FIM her.




Well-Known Member
Supercropping is where you pinch the stem and then fold the stem over. It may sound a bit harsh bit its supposed to make the bent stem explode with new growth. Fimming is a bit difficult to get the hang of. Topping is nice and easy just cut the top of and bam a week later you have multiple shoots.



Well-Known Member
Dude really what up with you? I cant even read what you post. Its all gibberish. Try a complete sentence with all the words and letters. Maybe then I would take the time to read our question and offer you some help but for now its just a pain in the ass to even try to figure out what your trying to say.
WTF I get neg rep for this? What a joke. Get yourself straightend out snd maybe someone will help you. I for one will not.