DXM! Liver? Trippy - YES


Well-Known Member
Whenever I do delsym with robogels it is always pretty intense I have found (and is actually one of the best things to do on robo, but by itself it SUCKS.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I do delsym with robogels it is always pretty intense I have found (and is actually one of the best things to do on robo, but by itself it SUCKS.
You need to try real DXM then haha..Fuck polisterex. Worst shit for trying to have a nice intense trip. Fried on lower doses it is said to be itchy. I wouldnt hope for a 4th plateau trip on DXM untill you had more then one 4oz bottle which is only approximatley 360mg DXM Hbr. I would go with around 600mg next time.Try 7oz. If your ballsy you will just drink the 8oz but it might be too intense. Also dont waste your money buying name brand Robitussin. Every place that sells robbitussin(CVS, WallGreens, WALLY WORLD) All have there own thats specifically the same as Robitussin. Just always check your Active Ingrediants just to be sure its the only one.

I always suggest first timers to go high 2nd plateau. Never dissapoints. There are plenty of dosage calculaters out there to show you how much to take by weight and product to what plateau you want to reach.

I havent done this is over a month I think im due. =D. Still wish I can get pure...=\


Well-Known Member
Obviously, you have never combined Delsym with any Robitussin products or generic products, it has something to do with DXM to DXO conversion, but I will tell you if you combine it, it is a much different experience than by itself. And you're telling me the doses to try?! I actually took 600 mg yesterday, then 420 mg an hour later right before it really hit me, and then another 300 mg an hour and a half - 2 hours later.
I have to say this was the highest dose I have taken, and still didn't really experience any hallucinations, but I did have EXTREME time dilation, like I would feel like I would be doing something and it would just skip and it would be awhile later.. I am not sure how to explain it. and everything seemed so surreal and mechanical, but it was definitely a worthy experience with some insight and was VERY VERY intense, I still feel it quite a bit actually, because of the high dose I took.. The marijuana I smoked this morning definitely exponentiated that factor.


Well-Known Member
I was talking to fried about dosages. He only had a 360mg hence the annoying itchyness. And I still dont like polisterex. Now pure is a lot different strength wise compaired to obtaining it from syrups.


Well-Known Member
Oh, sorry I misunderstood. And really? How much stronger is the pure powder than the stuff you get from the OTC medicine? Like what would you compare 600 mg of powder to in terms of DXM in OTC meds? If I could order DXM online, I would do it in a heartbeat.. I would empty my fucking bank account.. Alas, too bad it is not to be :(


Well-Known Member
Dude I think your frying too much on 4:20...come on..I was relating the robo function to the way dxm causes your body to lose nerve impulse replies..therefore leading to a stiff, robot like walk.

Please do not ever insult my intelligence like that...lols


Well-Known Member
I did this for the first time today.
all I can say is it was weird. Difficult to fathom
I think I only hit 2nd plateau.

It wasn't a bad trip, but it wasn't good either.
It was a little introspective in a positive way though.
I didn't really enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
Not sure if I will do it again anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Wow Harsh.
Not harsh, just informing someone ignorant of the fact.

I was drinking a hawaiian punch when my eyes darted at these words:

Robo-Tripping has nothing 2 do with robots
it stands for robitussin"

I almost threw up a gulpful of punch on my computer screen. You have to be kidding me, are you serious man? Its so cute I want to pet you like an animal!



Well-Known Member
Theres a certain song, .. Day and night, that seems to trip me out the hardest... By Kid Cudi. I heard it first on a dxm trip with my best friend who was also tripping (he did it all the time and always got some for me. Then he got sent away, to a outside rehab facility.. but even when im not tripping it still floods me with those feelings just for that reason, and when I'm on DXM it makes me stare out and my mouth is left a gape


Well-Known Member
Theres a certain song, .. Day and night, that seems to trip me out the hardest... By Kid Cudi. I heard it first on a dxm trip with my best friend who was also tripping (he did it all the time and always got some for me. Then he got sent away, to a outside rehab facility.. but even when im not tripping it still floods me with those feelings just for that reason, and when I'm on DXM it makes me stare out and my mouth is left a gape
Nice story... but Kid Kudi is done with here... that song day and nite should be laid to rest... its so overplayed!