• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Chem Trails


Well-Known Member
It's called weather modification & was best described by Hayduke on page 1 of this thread. Cloud-seeding is part of the program, but there is much more to it & it has been going on for quite some time(50 -60 years). At first there were only experiments, but now they do it all the time in real time. I think there was a show on Discovery called weather wars that talked a little about what's happening. My understanding is this...small reflective particles such as aluminum are sprayed into the atmosphere to help slow down global warming, the military is trying to learn how to control lightning & storms so they can be used as a weapon on the battlefield, & some other things like cloud-seeding to help produce needed rain in a particular area. The HAARP device is said to be capable of steering storms like Katrina for example & manipulating the jet stream. I know we will pay dearly someday for tampering with nature...we are already starting to see the signs in my opinion. There's that disease that was mentioned earlier in this thread & our wildlife is doing strange things these days. If there is a God...he's probably getting pretty pissed about people messing with his creations. Seriously though check out Weather Wars on Discovery...you can find it on youtube-very interesting show.


The most interesting stuff I've heard about chemtrails is this: They are distinguishable from contrails in that the don't dissapate. Their purpose is military communication. They are a dispersion of a barium compound that allows super high bandwidth, and yet the signal stays close to the dispersion.
Sounds a little specious to me, like why they couldn't use satellites and codes securely anyway. But there must be some explanation.


Well-Known Member
NO!!!! ONLY FOOD!!! If you don't draw a hard line.... it will be crossed.
I agree, but I feel that it not only has been crossed, but the line on food has been obliterated by Agrabizz...but that is another story...

It's called weather modification & was best described by Hayduke on page 1 of this thread. Cloud-seeding is part of the program, but there is much more to it & it has been going on for quite some time(50 -60 years). At first there were only experiments, but now they do it all the time in real time. I think there was a show on Discovery called weather wars that talked a little about what's happening. My understanding is this...small reflective particles such as aluminum are sprayed into the atmosphere to help slow down global warming, the military is trying to learn how to control lightning & storms so they can be used as a weapon on the battlefield, & some other things like cloud-seeding to help produce needed rain in a particular area. The HAARP device is said to be capable of steering storms like Katrina for example & manipulating the jet stream. I know we will pay dearly someday for tampering with nature...we are already starting to see the signs in my opinion. There's that disease that was mentioned earlier in this thread & our wildlife is doing strange things these days. If there is a God...he's probably getting pretty pissed about people messing with his creations. Seriously though check out Weather Wars on Discovery...you can find it on youtube-very interesting show.
The HAARP is pretty scary also. No major storms hit the gulf for a few years after Katrina....they took sharp turns and went into the Atlantic. The Jet Stream disappeared in the 50's sending the Western US into a major drought...this was blamed on the soviets using something similar to HAARP (which exists, the only "conspiracy" is why and for what)

This summer has been a little strange. During the dog days of summer, Socal has seen record high temps. During these same days, Kansas City was in the 60's!!!!!!! Now hot weather in the summer is not new....but cool weather during August in the Midwest IS! Even during the floods of '93 when it rained everyday in June, July, and August...it was still hot.

About a week ago, the jet stream was non-existent.

The most interesting stuff I've heard about chemtrails is this: They are distinguishable from contrails in that the don't dissapate. Their purpose is military communication. They are a dispersion of a barium compound that allows super high bandwidth, and yet the signal stays close to the dispersion.
Sounds a little specious to me, like why they couldn't use satellites and codes securely anyway. But there must be some explanation.
I have read about people having the unusually heavy dust (after seeing spray planes) analyzed, and finding high levels of barium. Had not heard about communications...sounds iffy, but something about barium and health issues.



Well-Known Member
Indeed i agree weather patterns have been insane the last decade.I was researching another Idea for the chem trails which involves harp using chem trails in conjunction with high bandwidth frequencies to Control the over all morality of an entire city's population. I began to research this Idea when I Had a Career which required me to travel across the united states. I noticed from city to city The atmospheric pressure was greatly Increased where there was a obvious GREAT amount of chem trails being Dispersed above. I also Noticed "cell Towers" Hydraulic arms where greatly extended. The idea is that they're using Conductive metals and compounds which Can be manipulated. and once these Compounds are ingested and get into the blood stream who knows what it could do.


New Member
The global warming scheme is evident that the environmental movement has been full hijacked by politics, and science has taken a back seat.

It is disturbing to find out man is trying to manipulate the weather..... we are often completely wrong when it comes to weather patterns.


Well-Known Member
The global warming scheme is evident that the environmental movement has been full hijacked by politics, and science has taken a back seat.

It is disturbing to find out man is trying to manipulate the weather..... we are often completely wrong when it comes to weather patterns.
Yepp, and get ready to pay taxes on your supposed carbon footprint and personal waste.


Well-Known Member
It's funny to hear the horror used by the media when using the word's "climate change", when all you need to do is look at the rings of an old tree and see that the weather has been all over the place for the last thousand years.

We do need to be aware of the impacts we have on the environment, but the media likes to jump on the extreme examples of research, which often end up not sounding nearly so extreme when more data comes in after the initial papers are published.


Well-Known Member
The global warming scheme is evident that the environmental movement has been full hijacked by politics, and science has taken a back seat.

It is disturbing to find out man is trying to manipulate the weather..... we are often completely wrong when it comes to weather patterns.
Even from the back seat the science is clear...but it is the talking heads that have you convinced there is no science! Oh...and the handful whose research is funded by oil and gas!

Yepp, and get ready to pay taxes on your supposed carbon footprint and personal waste.
I totally agree that this is BS

It's funny to hear the horror used by the media when using the word's "climate change", when all you need to do is look at the rings of an old tree and see that the weather has been all over the place for the last thousand years.

We do need to be aware of the impacts we have on the environment, but the media likes to jump on the extreme examples of research, which often end up not sounding nearly so extreme when more data comes in after the initial papers are published.
Good luck finding an old tree for one....(ok...there are a few...and there are plenty of stumps to look at!....or.....Ice cores!!!!!)

The part of the earth that humans inhabit is very narrow...we can argue about whether or not it is a problem....(that will probably work;-))

Look at the changes in ocean chemistry! If the glacial evidence is not shocking enough (thousands of years of ice melted in a few decades!) Look at what has happened to the coral over the last 25 years.

The science is clearer on this issue than many, and scientists are not in disagreement. They also do not (for the most part) have an agenda...it goes against the very definition of what it means to do science! Do some have a political or financial bias...sadly yes. But to think that the majority of scientists (across many disciplines) from all over the world are in on some kind of shenanigans is a joke.



Well-Known Member
Hayduke... I hope you don't believe in man made global warming.... :roll:
It's not religion dude!... :roll:...The greenhouse effect is why we can live on this lovely planet. The science is clear. Yes the climate changes naturally (over long periods of time...without an impact or large volcanic event). There is good data from ice core samples of trapped gases; the temp data, trawl sampling, and chemistry of the global ocean; not to mention photographs and satellite images past and present.

The argument seems to be whether or not all of this data which in time correlates with the Industrial Revolution, also correlates in an increase in various greenhouse gasses which moderate our daytime/nighttime temperatures so that we are so much nicer than Venus.

There is an increase in atmospheric CO2 and in the acidity of the ocean. We have been pumping and mining carbon out of the earth that is millions of years old, burning it and releasing combustion gases while at the same time deforesting and paving large areas of the world.

So if the Atmospheric and oceanic CO2 did not come from this previously sequestered carbon, where did it come from?....Oh yeah...Cow farts.

And the temperature of the ocean has risen, killing corals and threatening not only the corals but the community which lives on them...ice has melted raising sea levels...these observances are since 1980...If not because of an increase in the gasses which keep the few hundred feet closest to the earth nice and cozy, while 450 degree fluctuations occur without this nice blanket...then what?...Oh yeah the Earth's tilt...but both poles are seeing warming, just more in the North.

The once mythical Northwest Passage is ice free in the summer!

If God could produce a tenth of the evidence of her existence as we have in climate data...the human race would end, as we would all become nuns and priests...and pray and diddle ourselves right down the evolutionary drain...so no...I am not a believer.;-)



New Member
None of the global warming data holds up to scrutiny. It's not correct. All of the global warming GURUS (not science) MISSED the now accepted 30 year (at least) cooling period of which we are a decade into.

Man made global warming is a farce....and about to become a very very expensive farce.

The ppl who are wrong about the climate RIGHT NOW cannot be trusted to tell us what the planet will be like in the future.


Well-Known Member
Ah, but the thing is "climate change" and "global warming" are two differing concepts.

Climate change is always going on, and can occur in sudden drastic changes.

Global warming is the horror story that we're going to hit the tipping point, cook everything, and end the world any time now. At least that's how it's portrayed in the media, by some politicians, and a few scientists.

But it's not as simple as that. You won't find very many scientists disputing that we have significant climate change occurring, but it's not as cut and dried as you hear in the mainstream media.

There's a lot of glacial melt, but then Antarctica is *gaining* ice at an amazing rate.

As a tactic to get people to start paying attention to the damage we're doing to the environment it's somewhat effective but not entirely honest.

Once the fear mongering and political agendas are out of the way, we should see more balanced coverage, and by that time, more published research.

If you want to see a scientist dissect other media stories, the Pharyngula blogs had some good ones recently, including the total wreckage of the Ardi story by the media.

The science is clearer on this issue than many, and scientists are not in disagreement. They also do not (for the most part) have an agenda...it goes against the very definition of what it means to do science! Do some have a political or financial bias...sadly yes. But to think that the majority of scientists (across many disciplines) from all over the world are in on some kind of shenanigans is a joke.



New Member
Congress isn't about to wait on any science... they smell money. Gore smelled money....he's a crook, plain and simple.

As of right now, considering the earth will be cooling over the next few decades.... we should be producing more carbon if that is the so called agent of change... (it's simply the most easily taxed!).

The sun and the ocean currents are the major factor of weather variations. Man controls neither.

Cap and trade is a farce simply because both China and India have NO DESIRE to stem their economies for carbon regulation, so they will easily cancel out anything we do. Our economies will strain under the regulations.... theirs will not. Who will be buying the carbon credits tho? Why China and India of course.

It's a farce.


Well-Known Member
the atmosphere IS being pumped full of CO2. and forests are being cut down and replaced by cement. the chemical make-up of the atmosphere of the world is being changed drastically. anyone that disputes that is wrong. PERIOD. 2000 years ago cars didnt exist. if you think a car doesn't do much harm to the environment, get in your car, turn the engine on, connect a hose from the muffler and run it through a window, like in the movie "The Client". you will doze off into death within a couple of minutes... and the car's in IDLE.

now, if that affects global warming or not, that's up to scientists to debate...

all I know is that alternative energy sources are becoming ever more available and are a economically viable option for generating electricity. mining coal and burning it is not the only fuel source. it WAS the fuel source of the past. it's not efficient enough, neither CLEAN enough (yes bush passed a law that gives companies the ability to "routine maintenance" their infrastructure without having to put scrubbers, so yeah, that clean coal commercial is complete bullshit) to provide enough electricity to everyone that's gonna need it in the future.

CJ, this isn't the cold war, we're not in the past, get over it. we have to look forward, progress, set an example, that's what America's all about. it's not gonna be a sacrifice to the economy. it's gonna create an entirely new industry that can flourish and provide this country with enormous wealth. it's the way of the future, it's not about cleaning the air, only plants and algae can do that, it's about creating industry, creating jobs, and possibly make the air in the US a little healthier to breathe....


New Member
alternative energies are not viable. they are extremely costly. Nothing beats oil and coal and gas.....nothing. We have plenty of all three.
The earth isn't warming... ur side was 100% INCORRECT. So that means that DESPITE the LIFE GIVING CO2 levels produced by man.....the earth is COOLING.

That means man made global warming is NONSENSE. Or is that too hard to follow....

and one need only look back at pics 30 years old to know the heavy lifting of cleaning up the USA has ALREADY BEEN DONE. I ought to know... I lived through it.


Well-Known Member
here's the real scary shit! you wanna talk about fuckin with the weather, these bastards are crazy!!!

theforbiddenknowledge.com/ weather warfare