What would you do?


Well-Known Member
yeah your right.. i just saw it and couldnt hold myself...LOL..
couldn't hold yourself...... hmmm never had that problem in fact some may say i hold myself too much........anyhoo the watercure, tried it.... hmmm well the weed i used tasted bad to begin with, thats why i figured i would try it and well, it definatly has a difrnt taste now not sure i would say it was good, but it was crappy tastn to begin with so i cant say a water cure is bad or good.... i will try it with a small portion of my next harvest, should taste much better now that summer is over and the temps are back t norml so this thread is still dead i have nothing to add............yet


Water curing sounds great for emergencys
My personal view is influenced by the following conjectures.
Although thc is non soluble, Terpene,s are, theses flavouring elements could be dismissed as nothing but dressing but!!!
I have recently heard that smell may be activated by quantum interactions ,
So that smell may actually be influencing your own quantum state!
Which together with taste and the enhancing effect of thc may put you in a different state as opposed to water cure that gets rid of these terpene,s


Well-Known Member
Water curing sounds great for emergencys
My personal view is influenced by the following conjectures.
Although thc is non soluble, Terpene,s are, theses flavouring elements could be dismissed as nothing but dressing but!!!
I have recently heard that smell may be activated by quantum interactions ,
So that smell may actually be influencing your own quantum state!
Which together with taste and the enhancing effect of thc may put you in a different state as opposed to water cure that gets rid of these terpene,s
aroma therapy anyone? ;) :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Alright, I have been forced to perform an early harvest on one of my girls, as a BIG gust of wind sent her right off our deck. At least a 30' drop.
(I was standing there and heard it coming, too, wicked scary, didn't think it would take anything off quite like that, whoops!)

I immediately sprang into action and ran down to the plant, thinking that if the main tap root system wasn't damaged too badly I could re-pot, tape and splint her boo-boos and keep her going to the finish line. I was also planning on re-vegging any and all who take to it. Not so with this gal. Root ball is demolished, soil all over the place, broke one of my better pots very well, main stem split ALL the way down to the root ball, or what remained of it. I must harvest early.

My main problem, there is soil stuck in a lot of the buds. We have a compressor, so I tried to carefully blow out loose bits of soil, but the buds are pretty sticky, so there's a good bit of soil stuck in still. What would you do? I tried lightly spraying one of the buds off, no good (I'm not too worried about delayed drying, it's pretty dry up here), not effective.

Would you just leave it? Let the soil fall where it may? Try to further clean? Needless to say I do not want to toss several months'-worth of work away, fortunately she was pretty close to finishing anyway (but I wasn't ready to start trimming and cleaning right now, sheesh). I will begin my trimming while eagerly awaiting your replies.
Come back Sea!, I have all the results from the hermie experiment...miss you and caregiver.