"has us all laughing at you"? who else is here, taking part in this ridiculous waste of time? Nobody. Just you.
Am I loosing my cool? Not at all. Have I insulted you? Not particularly. In fact, it's YOU who keeps calling me "stupid", etc.
You must be a very lonely person if the only conversation you can have is in the form of a totally fabricated argument.
You clearly do not care about anything but your own simpleminded amusements.
Good day.
I am a very lonely person that sits at home waiting for the cops to kick in my door over a plant.
And yep your lover Obama hasnet changed anything on that note. So yep still a lonely person scared of the outside world and long prison terms. Sorry prohibiton can get the best of us when the only friends you can trust are online because they dont know your personaly.
So yeah thanks for pointing out that im in a house all alone waiting for the coppers. What do you do?
Because yeah you hit the nail on the head I grow pot and have no friends because of that(more because I dont like prison).
So what has Obama doen to make your life easier? He has made mine harder considering I cant buy the papers I want and thats all I do is smoke weed and go fishing sence I have no friends.
You see the little things to some people are big things to others. I didnt want to insault you I wanted you to understand that banning "just papers" is fucked up. It might not be to you , but to me(in your own words) im a lonely person with no friends and nothing to do but smoke my flavored papers and go fishing.
You see papers where alot to me because it was somthing I did EVERYDAY not just on some days EVERYDAY. So yeah Obama signed a bill that took my favorite rolling papers off the market and prolly out of buisness.
Thats my point. I know you dont care about the papers being banned for sale I mean its kinda simple to understand "you dont care". I do because I used them and you should atleast take that into account.
If Obama banned the sale of somthing you loved or liked I would be right along side you. Thats all im saying dont hate me because it happend. It did happen no matter how much you dont want to admit it he signed it last and made some gay speach about it so it was his priority. Unless he doesnt wright his own speaches and FDA does that for him to.
Everyday is always a good day when you wake up buddy.