The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

my grow guy says to use cogr from seed in the coco, for veg and flower, do you agree and can you advise why it would be best to use cogr intead of just coco nutes. thanks

if you want to grow in slabs then cogr seems to be the way to go...

i dont have a lot of time to do research on a product i'm not using but here is some basic standard info on Canna COGR....

About COGr

About COGr

The COGR range is a proven system that is rapidly becoming the method of choice for growing in coco slabs in Holland. At the heart of this system are compressed un-buffered slabs of coco that require you, the grower, to soak with the special COGr buffering agent and then feed with a dedicated COGR Vega feed during the vegetative stage switching to COGR Flores during the flowering period. These nutrients contain added humic and fulvic acids for improved nutrient uptake as well as silicon for increased resistance to pests and disease.
For growers wanting to use this system in pots you simply buffer the slabs in the normal way and then empty the contents out into pots. Each slab makes between 21 - 25 litres of coco when decompressed. A 1 Litre pack of COGR Buffering Agent dilutes to 500 Litres, one application per crop. A 2 Litre pack of Canna COGR nutrients (1 Litre A, 1 Litre B) makes up 250 Litres of full strength nutrient. Universal formulation for hard and soft water.

COGr Buffering Agent

Liquid that is used to soak and buffer the COGr boards. CANNA developed this agent especially for the preparation of the growing medium.
COGr Buffer Agent for soaking the COGr substrate.
COGr nutrition also contains pH-stabilisers, silicon, humic and fulvic acids. COGr in combination with COGr growing medium is the nutrient for the experienced and demanding grower.

Special buffering concentrate for soaking the COGr growing substrate with water. Contains ingredients that act as buffers, pH stabilizers and trace elements.
Instructions for use

● Dosage: 20 ml / 10 Liter - 8 ml / US gallon (1:500)
● Shake the buffer agent well before use
● Administer 12.5 liter (3.3 Gallons) of diluted COGr Buffer Agent solution per COGr board and allow to swell for at least 24 hours
● After swelling the surplus of buffer solution in the COGr boards must be drained out
● Don’t forget to make drain slits
● Recommended EC for COGr Buffer Agent is 1.4 - 1.6 mS/cm (assuming source water at 0.0 EC)
● Recommended pH: 5.2 - 6.2

COGr Slabs

COGr Slabs

After years of research, CANNA introduces a new and revolutionary coconut product: CANNA COGR. This product consists of a sophisticated mix of coconut grit, coconut fiber, and coconut granulates. Thanks to the coarse coconut structure, COGR has the unique property of being able to absorb large amounts of nutrients, moisture and air simultaneously, which are made immediately available to the plant. This makes the medium superior to all other growing media, promoting faster root development and higher yields. Follow the instructions given below carefully; convince yourself of the superior properties of this top quality, professional product.
COGr Slabs Directions of Use


• COGR boards are pressed and delivered dry, which facilitates transportation and storage, see (1).
• In order to prepare them for use, the COGR boards must first be soaked and buffered in the specially prepared COGR BUFFER AGENT. The boards will increase in volume from 3 litres to 17 litres of top quality substrate, see (2).
• Dilute the BUFFERING AGENT with water in the ratio 1:500 andadjust the pH to 5.5-5.8.
• Add ± 12.5 litres of diluted buffering liquid per COGR board,using a watering can or hose, see (3).
• Drainage slits are made either before or after the BUFFERINGAGENT has been added,depending on which system you use, see (4).
• Leave the COGR in the BUFFERING AGENT for 24 hours toallow for total conditioning. Allow the excess moisture to drain from the slab and then make holes for the plant, see (5).

• The COGR is now ready to be planted, see (1).
• As soon as the cuttings are in the slab, werecommend that you use RHIZOTONIC. This stimulates root growth and facilitates rooting within the slab. More vigorous plans are formed, yielding a more productive plant. RHIZOTONIC can be added by spraying the leaves, using a watering-can or a drip irrigation system, see (2).
• Start with COGR VEGA with an EC of1.5 mS/cm2, pH 5.5-5.8. See (3).
• Once the plants have developed a good root structure, the EC should beraised to 1:250. Recommended EC:1.8-2.4 mS/cm2, depending on the quality of the water and its EC.

• Use COGR VEGA up to and including the first 2-3 weeks ofthe flowering period (12 hours light/darkness). Once growth has peaked and flower formation begins, it is time to start using COGR FLORES (dilution 1:250;EC 1.8-2.7 mS/cm2; pH 5.5-5.8). See (1).
• During flowering, the plant needs more phosphate and potassium which canbe supplied by adding PK 13/14 for one week, four weeks before harvesting. Result: extra yield. see (2).
• Stop giving COGR FLORES a weekbefore harvesting.
• Just give water and CANNAZYM during the last week.


Due to its solid structure, COGR can be reused 3 timeswithout any problems or quality loss.
•Harvest the plant and remove the plant remains abovesoil level, see (1).
•Rinse the COGR granulate thoroughly with a double doseof CANNAZYM and allow it to rest for 24 hours, see (2).
•BUFFERING AGENT is no longer necessary, so you canbegin planting immediately, see (3).

The guideline for full grown plants is 4-6 litres/m2 a day. Therecommended number of drip feedings is 1 to 3 a day. Drip feeding should preferably take place during the day time when the lamps are on. Provide sufficient drainage (10-20%). With tap water that has a high saltcontent (EC > 0.6 mS/cm2) the percentage drain should be increased to prevent salt accumulation.
• Tips •

• When cultivating in plant trays with a sealable drainage system, it is easier to begin by making the drainage incisions, then turning over the COGr and filling the plant container with the buffering solution.
• Once the plants have been in the COGr for two weeks, it is recommended that CANNAZYM be added to the feeding. CANNAZYM breaks down dead roots, provides more air in the slab, prevents plant diseases, stimulates the soil's microlife and makes extra nutrients available to the roots. CANNAZYM can be given continuously with the feeding (dilution 1:400)
or once a week(dilution 1:100). Furthermore, CANNAZYM increases the re-usage possibilities of the COGr.
i generally use the pk from the 3rd week for a week then give it a couple of extra feeds at weekly intervals after that.

i was wondering jberry i know folks generally say there's little to no need to flush coco but last harvest i had a couple of plants that crackled once dried n smoked. so i probably should be flushing a bit longer. but if i want to re use the coco i dont want to be flushing with straight water right? ive got final phase from AN but haven't really used it since i switched to coco. should i just be flushing with the weakest A+B mix?


i learn somethin new everyday!!

check this out... i want some !

it says it flushes without fuckin up your micro life !!



Getting rid of excess nutrients in plants and substrates.
CANNA Flush is an additive to clean substrate and plants from any excess nutrients. To be used in the case of overfertilisation, it effectively cleans the substrate without killing any useful bacteria or beneficial fungi, as can be the case when using RO- or demineralised water. When used just before harvest it makes sure the plant gets rid of all excess which will lead to a clean and tasteful harvest.

Hey thanks for all the work you do here.

I am finishing up my Canna Coco grow just entered the 7th week.
I really love how easy Canna has made it to be successful.
That success does come with what I believe to be a hefty price tag though.

The Boost product is the main one that i have in my sites for elimination with rhizotonic following with a close second.
Don't get me wrong I believe these products do a fine job but they are increasing the bottom line a great deal.

The next cycle start will include the same strain veged for the same length of time with my own blend of boosting agents substituted for boost.
I will also quit using Rhizo at about 3 to 4 weeks flower.

You couldn't pry Cannazym from my cold dead fingers.
I have too many friends with too many root issues that I never have to think about and at a fair price.

The soup I am planning to replace Boost is a fulvic acid, humic acid, kelp, yucca extract and molasses with b vitamins.

Unless I am much mistaken this does not fall short of the tree that boost came from.

I am currently adding the kelp and molasses to the lowest dosage of Boost to keep my cost down.

Let me know what you think and if any of you have a low cost replacement that still gives you nice dankness.

As soon as I chop the current crop I will add a couple more pics. This one is in front of a board that has lines at 1" increments.
This bud is around 12" tall and 3.5" wide on a 24" tall plant.

"The soup I am planning to replace Boost is a fulvic acid, humic acid, kelp, yucca extract and molasses with b vitamins.

Unless I am much mistaken this does not fall short of the tree that boost came from."

the canna boost is derived from sugar beats but has many unknown rare plant flowering hormones as well... ( most boost products from the 0-0-0 npk products to the high 0-50-30 PK boost powders, all work well because of un named hormones in them... not because it has a NPK of a million and five, but i dont care why they work as long as they work) The labels of most products usually only list what ever is mandatory.... EXAMPLE: Cal/mag Plus and Magical both contain Sulfer and another group of unknown ingredients, but it only lists Cal, Mag, N, and Iron.

This is why a lot of companies dont want you mixing products from other companies.

the Coco and Coco A/B already has
fulvic acid and humic acid, and the rhizo has all the vitamin B's you need...

Canna isnt a huge fan of Molasses but they do recommend using a simple sugar complex when innocculating your garden/rez.

there is already a grip of different kelp extracts in the rhizo i believe?

the yucca extract may be nice, but idk for sure, but i have used a kelp/sugar product in the past that seemed to work well, and Bloombastic works really good and its all about the yucca extracts (really pricey tho) !

If you want to maximize yield, then innoculate your garden with Great White or anything like that, and make sure you have a constant, steady and correct amount of Calcium availible to your plants. These are the 2 most important things besides what is already on your Canna Feed Chart.

I dont use the boost anymore... when i first stopped using it, i had no drop in yield BUT i introduced Great White and extra Cal/Mag at the same time i stopped using the boost... My yield acually went up like 15-20 percent.

your plants look good fyi. Ive tried fixing things when they arent broken and it bit me in the ass !
but i believe you could axe out the boost without problem... Rhizo is good. just use it at lower rates less often if you want to save $... BUT i would use the full dose when you are first starting your root formation.... and it works really good as a foiliar feed as well.

Roots Exel. from H&G works awesome too, but it isnt any cheaper when you really crunch all the numbers... and it seems to stain the roots a bit and that is a downer for me.


that sucks bud.

I know that some of the mods (not fdd) have totally been rude to me for no reason at all, which i found pretty surprising since I was assuming that they would want me to enjoy and promote the website that they are a part of...

But, i agree that the website has its flaws, and some of the Mods being rude is one of them, and I really dont understand it.

they are probably getting all but hurt reading this right now :twisted:, and now im not gunna get my green bars and gold stars and get to all the high levels and stuff :( ........aaarrrrggghhh:eyesmoke:

stay positive and dont stress over people on the web.:eyesmoke:
^^ ignore above!

Cool stuff J....will be looking for some of that cannaflush :)

i dont mind, i'm all about freedom of speech.... but yeah, wrong thread lol.

and yes, i want some canna flush but i dont think they got it in the usa?
i dont mind, i'm all about freedom of speech.... but yeah, wrong thread lol.

and yes, i want some canna flush but i dont think they got it in the usa?

I wouldn't mind, but he's posted that everywhere this AM. :roll:

Just checked and we can get it in the UK....

available in 250ml as well. Nice. But they don't ship internationally though I'm afraid. Surely somewhere will stock it for you, a canna distributor should be able to order it in for you.
yea 10,000 watt guy or whatever your name is... could you stop posting the same thing over and over in this thread???

thanks buddy... dont make your self look bad...
Hey J, just been reading about your 16 plant SOG (per light) in Lacy's grow.....u got any pics of that setup or a journal at all mate? I would like to see how you roll with it! :mrgreen:
Thanks JBerry,
I have been using calmag at the accelerated rate (20ml/gal) for some time now as I am using ro/di water. (I am one of those clean water freaks :mrgreen:)
And I like that concept with rhizotonic using it less frequently after the initial veg period. I am using an inoculant , not great white, for the first time in my second cycle of this strain. I am also switching to the Canna Coco from the cheap brick coco I was using. I don't know if it makes that much difference after washing and buffering with COGr but it sure saves time and with 2 bags at around $50 that is only 50 cents a plant and not going to break the bank.
I am using Root Excel from H&G right now to start plants because a local gave me a small sample bottle and I figured the only way to see any results was where you use only a tiny bit.

I have been so pleased with the Canna Coco nutes over all just not with the price tag. H&G hasn't showed me they are caable of reproducing the results at a lower price point so why change it.

I will have to look into the super secret flowering hormones. I thought Kelp and Yucca were the answer but perhaps not.
Hey J, just been reading about your 16 plant SOG (per light) in Lacy's grow.....u got any pics of that setup or a journal at all mate? I would like to see how you roll with it! :mrgreen:

no, i dont feel comfortable with the pics... i put the one pic up just to shut the people up who were talking shit.... (Some guy that has a journal of one plant)

but i do 16 plants per 1000 watts...i can legally have up to 99 plants per card..... i veg for 2 weeks under t5's.... i use 2 gallon perfect pots.... my plants usually finish around 3 feet tall topped and lollipopped.... and i average around 500 gr. per sq. meter....and you already know most of the nutes i use....

... and i'm pretty much just a baller stuck in a gangsters body ! lol :eyesmoke:
Thanks JBerry,
I have been using calmag at the accelerated rate (20ml/gal) for some time now as I am using ro/di water. (I am one of those clean water freaks :mrgreen:)
And I like that concept with rhizotonic using it less frequently after the initial veg period. I am using an inoculant , not great white, for the first time in my second cycle of this strain. I am also switching to the Canna Coco from the cheap brick coco I was using. I don't know if it makes that much difference after washing and buffering with COGr but it sure saves time and with 2 bags at around $50 that is only 50 cents a plant and not going to break the bank.
I am using Root Excel from H&G right now to start plants because a local gave me a small sample bottle and I figured the only way to see any results was where you use only a tiny bit.

I have been so pleased with the Canna Coco nutes over all just not with the price tag. H&G hasn't showed me they are caable of reproducing the results at a lower price point so why change it.

I will have to look into the super secret flowering hormones. I thought Kelp and Yucca were the answer but perhaps not.

holy shizz, 20ml per gallon ?!!? im scared

im looking into this product called "Mykos" and i think i will end up using it instead of Great White.... it seems like high quality stuff and it has grown the worlds largest/heaviest pumpkin for the last three years.
holy shizz, 20ml per gallon ?!!? im scared

im looking into this product called "Mykos" and i think i will end up using it instead of Great White.... it seems like high quality stuff and it has grown the worlds largest/heaviest pumpkin for the last three years.

I almost forgot the other component that I am adding this time is alfalfa tea.

Alfalfa ingredients:
Triacontanol (growth stimulant)
Vitamin A (high concentration)
Pantothenic Acid
Folic Acid
Crude proteins (16 - 25% in dry alfalfa)

Amino acids (% in alfalfa meal).
Tryptophan, 0.3 %
Aspartic Acid, 2.3%
Threonine, 1.0 %
Serine, 1.0%
Glutamic Acid, 2.7%
Proline, 1.2%
Glycine, 1.1%
Alanine, 1.1%
Cystine, 0.2%
Valine, 1.0%
Methionine, 0.3%
Isoleucine, 0.8%
Leucine, 1.6%
Tyrosine, 0.5%
Phenylalanine, 1.0%
Histidine, 0.4%
Lysine, Total, 1.1%
Arginine, 1.1%

Minerals (contained in dry alfalfa)
Nitrogen 3.75-5.5 %
Potassium .75 - 3.5 %
Phosphorus .3 - .7%
Calcium 1 - 2 %
Magnesium .30 - 1 %
Sulphur .2 - .5 %
Manganese 30-200 ppm
Iron 20-250 ppm
Boron 20-80 ppm
Copper 5-20 ppm
Zinc 20-70 ppm

That's a lot of nutrients in a pretty cheap source. I buy the pellets at the feed store (50lb bag) and have them regrind it into meal for me.