Sorry about the fucktard thing. I barely meant it at all.
Talking to CrackerJax IS pointless, which is why I have essentially given up debating anything with him and choose instead to LOL@Him.
Experience, when talking about reading comprehension, is experience reading and comprehending. Education is book smarts, right? And you READ books, right? Do you see where I'm gong with this?
it irritates me to no end when someone who has NO IDEA what they're talking about most of the time attacks MY comprehension ability. In CJ's case, it's projection, I know.
I hope you didn't even barely mean it. If you really did it all it is is an attempt to diminish me in some way, which has no effect whatsoever, because opinions others have of me are of no matter to me.
You and CJ share the same opinion, that debating with each other is pointless. If so, then stop. But I believe it does have a point, it provides entertainment for you both.
Book smarts doesn't necessarily mean reading. It's organized information by the left brain. By experience I wasn't referring to reading comprehension, although it seems you were. Yes, experience with reading will allow you to comprehend better.
I was referring to experience as street smarts and flexibility.
Lacking education means you are too confused and scattered about the topic (what you would consider CJ to be with politics)
Lacking experience means you are too narrow and inflexible with the topic.
(what I consider you to be with politics)
Again, its all opinions, but if you can't integrate others ideas into your own, you really are selling yourself short.