now you'll spend all day arguing with me, AGAIN.So because I'm logged in and parked on a thread, that means I'm sitting in front of the computer the whole time?
I posted a response at about 9:30, and another 15 minutes later.
If you really must know what I was doing for those other 11 minutes that I was "sitting" on this thread, I was playing tooth fairy for my daughter which required a quick run to the ATM machine down the block. How can I recall this? Because unlike most people here, I'm SOBER.
I already had the screenshots, all I had to do was cut the relevant parts and paste them into one image file and upload it.
you can't admit to anything, can you.

you said "i love games". you are way to emotional to be any good at them though.

i have to go trim a few pounds now. c-ya this afternoon.