My little "it", first grow GUIDANCE AND COMMENTS APPRECIATED :)


Well-Known Member
i have some roots that are at the top of the soil then bend back done is that bad?
Should i just put another layer of soil over it


Well-Known Member
Looking good my friend. I remember now why I stopped growing in soil. For a first grow I believe you're doing fine. Wish I could be more help to you but aeroponics is my area of expertise.


Well-Known Member
:-(Alright Im finally able to post my bad news after being without a computer for awhile. On Aug 22 me and a couple buddies did acid and were havin a blast untill i go check my baby just to find a light had fell and burnt all my new top leaves and some mature ones, This all started me into a bad trip. My small bubblicuous is dead bcause its stem snapped beyond repair. I did the surgery on Mystery Jane on ACID!! I had to cause i couldnt stop thinking about it. So yeah now i have a horribly trimmed plant. :wall:

My first pic is the day before it happened, second one is my butcher of a job. I will take pics of its recovery and post them tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
:-(Alright Im finally able to post my bad news after being without a computer for awhile. On Aug 22 me and a couple buddies did acid and were havin a blast untill i go check my baby just to find a light had fell and burnt all my new top leaves and some mature ones, This all started me into a bad trip. My small bubblicuous is dead bcause its stem snapped beyond repair. I did the surgery on Mystery Jane on ACID!! I had to cause i couldnt stop thinking about it. So yeah now i have a horribly trimmed plant. :wall:

My first pic is the day before it happened, second one is my butcher of a job. I will take pics of its recovery and post them tomorrow.
Drugs and plants don't mix.


Well-Known Member
I now have three tops, I trimmed all my lower leaves because of the cfls not penetrating far enough and for the buds to concentrate on just my few big tops, what are the new growths called that are like a whole new little tree that grow between the stem and a branch?

lol and yeah drugs and plants dont mix.



Well-Known Member
I have a fuit fly problem, there all over the place. How do I deal with them, someone once told me to put some sand on top of the soil to confuse them from putting their larva in the soil. If I did that could I just use any sand for example like from the dunes?


Well-Known Member
Alrighty then. So yeah i am into 3/4 strength nutes for tonights watering. It also has a new home, this pic is without my new white paint job in it but yeah, I havnt got any of my vents in yet so i just keep in it with doors open. Gotta get finished soon, wanting to flower soon and ill disturb the light cycle if I dont have it properly sealed off.

Ill put some pics of my stealth cabinet when its done.

Im still on 18/6 light but have had some disturbs because of power outages. 2 in a fucking week! Hopefully if it is female it wont be a hermie.



Well-Known Member
I now have the grow box made, had activated carbon for the smell and now after stealing someone elses idea on using pop cans for small lights.( Except I buffed that idea with the double size energy monster can with a 42 watt cfl :hump:).

After the second day I have been having problems with air circulation. Temperature high of 32'C and humidity high of 75%. So first to help it i took out the carbon filter thinking it was to much restriction for the computer fan. Still had temperature problems, so now not sure, might have to revize the whole operation, just have the doors open now for when its got lights on.


1 intake 70 cfm fan
1 exhaust 70 cfm fan
2- 42 watt 2700k
2- 42 watt 6500k
1- 25 watt 2700k
1 circulation fan.

Could someone please help with this problem :confused: pics on the bottom



Well-Known Member
This is my update of the past week, Tomorrow Ill post todays pics. Its always a fighting battle to get the lights in the right places. I have Counted 13 Colas and im training them to keep clear of each other for light effeciency with the low penetrating cfls.

It look real good and im thinking itll give off a nice harvest................. IF ITS A FEMALE still havnt seen any sex and its scary me to think of all my effort if its a male. FINGERS CROSSED!! Signes of it sex should be here soon 10 days into flowering.

First 2 pics are of sept 12 after training the colas. next 2 are the updated and better working cabinet and Mystery Jane at day 54, Sept 14



Well-Known Member
Kickass!! yesterday i finally seen a couple little nodes/growths that were alongside a new branch forming with one that had a little hair sticking out. So Jacked! Im wondering if i should take a few clones.

Whats the cheapest successful way for cloning?

And for it being female I dont have nice pics where you can see the nodes because of a shitty phone camera. I will take a pic of it as soon as its able.


Once they goo into flower, you shouldn't take clones. The stress may cause them to hermie.
Your grow looks good! Congrats on your new bundle of joy!


The pic is of my girls at day38 of 12/12 using T5's and CFLs



Well-Known Member
wow that looks really healthy, lovin that plant of yours congrats man. :weed:

Mines just a shorty, Havnt measured it in awhile but I'd say its about 14", ill measure it today. and get some pics of the sex soon as its big enough for my camera to pic it up.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 fertilizers for my flowering stage (pic on the bottom) plus also thinking of molasses.

Using them together would mean to introduce them each even less than 1/4 strength right? being that theres 2 of em, or is that just bullshit?



Active Member
wow bro ur grow seems to b doing awsome i love that its all bushy and everything u got the lights to hit it all in the right spots ... im actually gonna try to get sum more lights that i can get on the sides of the babies also some how.. and get them bushy like urs im 6 weeks and 2 days into veg rite now and still vegging them a bit longer.. planning to put them into 12/12 cycle soon i havnt even used n e nutes yet? have u? i noticed u got pics of sum bottles at the bottem? btw i wanted to ask what kinda soil did u use bro? check out my grow if u get the chance its in my signature


With organics, you don't need to worry so much about nute burn. With those 2 ferts you have, I would go t half strength. Do you have a ppm meter? If you do, run your bloom nutes for the first 2 feedings lower than the veg nutes and slowly work your way up to heavy feeding.


Well-Known Member
wow bro ur grow seems to b doing awsome i love that its all bushy and everything u got the lights to hit it all in the right spots ... im actually gonna try to get sum more lights that i can get on the sides of the babies also some how.. and get them bushy like urs im 6 weeks and 2 days into veg rite now and still vegging them a bit longer.. planning to put them into 12/12 cycle soon i havnt even used n e nutes yet? have u? i noticed u got pics of sum bottles at the bottem? btw i wanted to ask what kinda soil did u use bro? check out my grow if u get the chance its in my signature
Thanks for the compliments :mrgreen:, In the newer pictures you will see even more lights I have set up around Mystery Jane (her name) :blsmoke:. I have already used vegetative nutes, Its ideal to start giving nutes when its 2-3 weeks old but you have to slowly introduce them; 1/4 to 1/2 to 3/4 to full amount of recommended amount. Some say give it in a water cycle of nutes,water,nutes and others say nutes, water, water, nutes. The nutes I have in my recent pic are what i am introducing to her now that she is flowering. Im also adding Mollases, its supposed to give the bud a sweeter taste and helps build weight to the bud. I forget the name of my soil but its just a premium soil mix from homedepot with no added fertilizer, contains; humus, perlite, and compose.

I dont see a link at your signature?


Well-Known Member
With organics, you don't need to worry so much about nute burn. With those 2 ferts you have, I would go t half strength. Do you have a ppm meter? If you do, run your bloom nutes for the first 2 feedings lower than the veg nutes and slowly work your way up to heavy feeding.
One is organic and one is chemical, I don't have a ppm meter but wouldn't i just be able to measure the different amounts just with measuring spoons? I stopped using my veg nutes altogether, should i slowly ween it off of em?


Not so much weening as a smooth transition. If you stopped giving the veg nutes, then start giving it bloom nute. The Shultz you give at 1/4 strength, the muskie you can give at full power. Your spoons will be just fine for measuring. For a little extra cash you can pick up a 2 part organic feeding program. Technaflora makes a product called pure vida, you can use it as a 2 part or a one part feeding system. Its cheap and works well.

Good luck!