why does water sound like a pain in the ass?


Well-Known Member
hhaha ok so yeah I long would I have to leave the water out just to be on the safe side?

Most of the chlorine will evaporate out within 24 hours. I give my plants water straight from the tap most of the time. It only sits out if I fill the pitcher too full and there's water left over, because I'm lazy and just leave it there til it's time to water again.


Well-Known Member
wait then what should I do take tap water fill it up into a gallon and leave it for about 24 hours?


New Member
Set urself up a rain barrel. You can also just fill up a large open mouthed container and fill it with tap..... the chlorine will gas out along with sulphur. Sediments will fall to the bottom so pull from the top.

Chlorine and sulphur will gas out very quickly.... within 48 hours. Just make sure the opening is large.


Well-Known Member
I think im just going to go to a yuppe supermarket around here and look at there water hahaha