Stoned Diva's grow journal

So I'm starting my grow journal, first is some stuff that I got my husband for his b-day, the rest is my setup and a coupple of the plants that I need help with, the first is the queen that was doing well till she went into the aeroponic setup, she is starting to curl up and wilt. the temp in the grow room has been arround 100 and I have been trying to cool it off but every thing I do seems to make the room warmer, I know that I need to cool down the reivor water, I have coco and grow beads that look like cocoa puffs, do I need to use both, neither, ? my ph has been around 5.8 I'm using a mixture of all three nutes like it says just 1/4 of the amount, along with 1/4 the amount of superthrive mixed in with the water, the 2nd plant looks like it might be something with the nutes. the water temp has been arround 80F and the humidity has been arround 60 in the room, I have great air flow in there and everything. I have been trying to get the water level so its on 1 min and off 5 min, its pretty close so I don't know what is going on with those 2 plants, along with a few others that are just curling up.



Well-Known Member
hello wellcome to i think your baby has nute burn.. looks like a seedling, they dont need any food for about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks then giver it some food..but for now give her fresh water with a LIL BIT of superthrive and it should bounce back..also what strain is it??
hello wellcome to i think your baby has nute burn.. looks like a seedling, they dont need any food for about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks then giver it some food..but for now give her fresh water with a LIL BIT of superthrive and it should bounce back..
I will try that tonight and hopefully they bounce back, so what should the plant look like when I should start adding nutes to it?
also what strain is it??
I don't know what strain it is, someone just gave me some seeds and I thought I'd give it a try, the aeroponic stuff is my husbands who is growing them with me


Well-Known Member
they'll be about a month or so old befor they need food..the bottom leafs will start to turn yellow ( lack of mag) because water, tap or RO has very lilttle to none in look for that and slow growth as the 1st sign, well thats what i do at least..hope i helped..
thats kinda weird cuz one of the plants the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow and its just in the water, is that something I need to attend to or ?


Well-Known Member
thats kinda weird cuz one of the plants the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow and its just in the water, is that something I need to attend to or ?
proby mite be from the nute burn or just a old set of the 1st leafs, thats should be are they looking now?
78 is perfect...water should be cooler.....
My water is anywhere around 60-80 degrees, I use cold water to fill up my resivor and usually by the time I'm done it is warmed up to 60 degrees, then by the end of the week-week and a half it is arround 80 degrees, also could it be because I have them planted in 2 mediums, a coco pot thing, and the pebbles? I'm just afraid that they aren't getting any water to very little water, they are not looking any better, actually they are looking worse, I have them on their 4-6 hours of dark right now when I wake them up I will take some pix for you guys to see... I want them to live but they aren't doing so well...
So I found out that one of my major problems was my roots are sucking up a TON of water and I'm having to re-fill my resivor every day, it goes down about a gal a day, the plants are looking a little better, but they aren't taking off and looking their best. Heres a few new pix as you can see some of the leaves are turning yellow and the one that was the queen has some new leaves on it, but I'm afriad that it is too late for them and I will have to start over, can anyone help??? or do I need to start some nutes??


right now my ph is at 7 after flushing, haven't messed with the ph or any nutes yet, it is just running off of tap water and root thrive


Well-Known Member
right now my ph is at 7 after flushing, haven't messed with the ph or any nutes yet, it is just running off of tap water and root thrive
this is a prob,in hydro you want ur PH to be in the range of 5.5 to 6.5, PH is a big part of growing. the plant may not be able to use the lil bit of nutes that are in the water, also if useing tap water i whould get some CAL/MAG for later.. water: RO or tap has lil in them...IMO if i was in ur shoes i whould lose those babys and start over with new beans, the time will be the same if u wait for those babys to get better. :cry:
Their in the seed stage and everyone has been saying to just use normal water during the seed stage, besides when I was phing my water is when all this started and now that I have a ph of 7 again they have started taking off again...
so new day and the ones that were looking good are looking worse, but the ones that were looking bad are getting new sets of leaves and really starting to go now, the ones that were looking good now are yellow where the ones that were not looking so good are dark green, anybody know what causes this???
so here's some new pix, I took out two of the lights and now with it down below the room only gets to about 80 and stays just as bright, but the plants were still dying, I had an idea because the clay pebbles aren't getting wet, so I started pouring the water from the resivour over the clay pebbles, they were still going to the great RU in the sky so just as idea I decided to put in some nutes and now they are starting to make a comeback, heres some pix, they still don't look the best but they are looking better and getting new growth :???: and a picture of the pebbles right after watering, do they look to dry epically since I watered not 5 min before the pix were taken??? Also I am going to start my own system just using a 5 gal bucket, some rockwool, an old study light, and a water pump


Well-Known Member
Hey Stoned Diva,,,,Welcome to the site.. Gr8 to see another woman growing... I feel for you,,you have picked a very fiddly process as your first grow ((is it your first grow?)),,, but once you have mastered it you will grow gr8 plants... I started in soil and have progressed to Hydro but use co co in these special pots called auto pots is a very easy, forgiving medium... I know you have invested a lot already but starting in soil or even co co could bring you more joy.... Good Luck with every thing,,I hope you can save your babys
Hey Stoned Diva,,,,Welcome to the site.. Gr8 to see another woman growing... I feel for you,,you have picked a very fiddly process as your first grow ((is it your first grow?)),,, but once you have mastered it you will grow gr8 plants... I started in soil and have progressed to Hydro but use co co in these special pots called auto pots is a very easy, forgiving medium... I know you have invested a lot already but starting in soil or even co co could bring you more joy.... Good Luck with every thing,,I hope you can save your babys
Thnx even tho I'm not a woman :P and I did loose one more leaving me with 2 both of them are thriving well though, one has some dead leaves but getting some good growth on it now, the other is still kinda small but its starting to come out of it, I want these to GROW lol I've been following EVERYTHING I even tried starting some new seeds and they haven't poped yet...


Well-Known Member
Thnx even tho I'm not a woman :P and I did loose one more leaving me with 2 both of them are thriving well though, one has some dead leaves but getting some good growth on it now, the other is still kinda small but its starting to come out of it, I want these to GROW lol I've been following EVERYTHING I even tried starting some new seeds and they haven't poped yet...
oops,,,my have a feminine name.... bummer about losing another baby.... keep persevering and you'll get something going on...
A friend asked me to look after his hydr grow last christmas for a week or was a little like yours..he uses clay balls too... any hows he was concerned the ph might fluctuate and asked me to keep my eye on it... and keep it around 6... anyhows 1st time I checked it,it was 5.4 and I added some up time I checked it was 5.6 and I added some more up... happened another time... He came home and his plants all died..... :-( because I fucked with it too much and had no real idea of what I was doing....
I was shamed into learning that less is more when growing a vigorous weed like Ganga .... it certainly put me off ebb and flow.... I hope you are luckier then we were
oops,,,my have a feminine name.... bummer about losing another baby.... keep persevering and you'll get something going on...
A friend asked me to look after his hydr grow last christmas for a week or was a little like yours..he uses clay balls too... any hows he was concerned the ph might fluctuate and asked me to keep my eye on it... and keep it around 6... anyhows 1st time I checked it,it was 5.4 and I added some up time I checked it was 5.6 and I added some more up... happened another time... He came home and his plants all died..... :-( because I fucked with it too much and had no real idea of what I was doing....
I was shamed into learning that less is more when growing a vigorous weed like Ganga .... it certainly put me off ebb and flow.... I hope you are luckier then we were
yeah the most drasitc thing I did was change the ph, but ya know I don't think any of them were getting any of the water coming up to them, so I raised the water in the resivor more so cross your fingers that they come back.... I am crossing everything and praying that they bounce back... also whats everyones thoughts on rockwool???