Science Over Faith?


New Member
Let's just stick with the NEW Testament when speaking of Christianity. The Old testament is a stolen ideology, unless you are Jewish.

I've read the book....there in lies the problem. It's a book of contradictions and primitive boogedy boo gibberish.

My sis goes to Bible study every weekend. She has for 12 years now....

So one day I asked her if she has ever read it the whole way through chapter by chapter...story by story. Read it like a real book... Nope. That's not the way to read it she tells me.... :lol:

I can read most any book within 3 or 4 days. My sis is still working on ONE book 12 years later.

There is something wrong with a book which isn't offered as a whole but talked about in tiny unconnected bits........ it's least in the modern world. I'm sure it made more sense to the primitives. Oops... no they said it was silly too.


Active Member
Let's just stick with the NEW Testament when speaking of Christianity. The Old testament is a stolen ideology, unless you are Jewish.

My sis goes to Bible study every weekend. She has for 12 years now....

So one day I asked her if she has ever read it the whole way through chapter by chapter...story by story. Read it like a real book... Nope. That's not the way to read it she tells me.... :lol:

I can read most any book within 3 or 4 days. My sis is still working on ONE book 12 years later.

There is something wrong with a book which isn't offered as a whole but talked about in tiny unconnected bits........ it's least in the modern world. I'm sure it made more sense to the primitives. Oops... no they said it was silly too.
did you read the part about them being grafted in?

i know alot of christians that havent read the bible ,which is strange.. they dont even know what it teaches they just know what the preacher teaches :wall: and believe me some preachers do not teach what the bible teaches


New Member
The reason ppl don't read the Bible is because it is mostly unintelligible.

It's the largest published book by volume, and the least read. It's an empty vassel of comfort slipped into a drawer as a talisman against misfortune... still a very superstitious ppl we are.


New Member
You are obviously NOT reading my posts. I have told you on NUMEROUS occasions that I have read the Bible......completely.....:roll:


Active Member
question is can you understand it thats why i sugested you read it a few more times..... i dont doubt that you have read it


New Member
No one can understand it entire point. Ever wonder why when you go to church that the bible isn't simply read out loud in context?

The usual sermon has a few bits and pieces from all over the Bible and then placed into a "new" context followed by a 20 minute speech about a modern day homily.
Pastor: reads verses
Pastor: Now how is this applicable in our lives today? I was talking to mrs. fgijuh and as I ..... blah blah blah.
Pastor: let us pray....

That's how it goes in almost every church every weekend.

No one is actually reading the Bible, least of all the Priests and Pastors.


New Member
Yes, ever notice how Linus from Peanuts was the religious one (had a blanket constantly)..... Schultz had a sense of humor..... :wink:


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling this thread will spin in circles forever. After reading most of the pages, it amazes me the length anti-christians will go to argue christianity.


I have a feeling this thread will spin in circles forever. After reading most of the pages, it amazes me the length anti-christians will go to argue christianity.


what in the hell is an "anti-christian"??:lol:


New Member
I have a feeling this thread will spin in circles forever. After reading most of the pages, it amazes me the length anti-christians will go to argue christianity.
And vice versa ...... no one would argue against it if it wasn't tossed in our paths constantly. A better question may be why Christians insist others think like them..... it's an insecure religion.


Active Member
And vice versa ...... no one would argue against it if it wasn't tossed in our paths constantly. A better question may be why Christians insist others think like them..... it's an insecure religion.
sounds like your sister has been hounding you :lol:


Active Member
you have a pretty good understanding of religion in general but your understanding on christian religion is off and for good reason there are not many bible believing christians anymore.. well not in my area and from what i see on tv whew them guys are wack.. money hungry wackos

i just cant figure out why you hate christianity so much, what do you think of Judaism?