Is this not just the study of evolution that is micro and macro? You are getting pretty worked up over the timelines people study. It does not make it different processes. Macro is the study after the branch. So say you study human genetics and how we changed once we became modern humans. So how we moved from africa to today. Where Micro just continues to follow those changes all the way back.
The process is not changing, just when you chose to look at it.
Yeah! You are almost there. The
fact that the nail corrodes is indeed a fact. But the
theory is why it does that. We can back that theory up with all kinds of facts, but in the end it is still the
Basic Corrosion Theory.
That is the same with evolution. The
fact is that these changes take place. But the name of it that is using all the facts is the
theory of evolution.
The problem is where we evolved from. In the jungles skeletons do not last long. It takes a very special set of circumstances to keep fossils intact for more than 10,000 years, much less the 5 million years it would need to see these transitional bones. Bone diagenesis happens and then you will not find them. Then you have the fact that they would not have burried the dead, so animals would have eaten the bones. It is very difficult to find them because of this.
Here they are: