The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Right people its been too long coming but finally i have a pic of 1 of my wonder woman bought from . They are 3weeks old and i will have more on tonight so you peeps can see the progress.Also number two is a pic of a plant problem i had but couldnt identify; its sorted now but would like to find out what caused it. rep+ to any helpful answers 000



Active Member
thanks geo! ive been searching high and low for a clue about the wrinkly leaves thing but to no avail!
I goin to put some more recent ones on tonight for anyone curious about wonder woman so stay tuned! 000

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
wooooo, my white widow is chopped and trimmed, took almost an hour, and my hands are icky stickkkky. i'll grab the pics off my cam later on, looks like a damned good pull though, was aiming for 2 Oz per plant but this one looks GOOD, the buds covered a dustbin lid :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
little taster, nice bit of smoke to be had off that :)

:):):) just smoking up the first bit of fully dried Church as a bit of a celebration :) (i snapped a branch off accidentally a week ago)
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