The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
whooo, all is curing :) currently tastes, smells, burns like crap, but get's be a teenyweeny bit bolloxed.

and i can confirm that stealth growing SUCKS, just had to stealth mix and fill 8 pots without anyone seeing, knowing or hearing me :D not easy haha, there is soil and perlite all over the attic :P


New Member
that cats on a mission for green or a big mac.
mine is still working on losing the fat from to many chicken burgers and k.f.c. zinger meals.



tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha :D i had to leave my gorgeous burmese with my parents when i took this flat, really very very depressed without her, so i've got plans, involving fishing nets and a bunch of wood, that will have me a cat or two before too long :) damned tennancy contracts, like fook i'm sticking to it. if they're a it worried that the cat might piss and make the rug smell, well they don't know about the holes in the cieling for the cab's ventiallation, or the converted attic, or the smoking in the flat, mwhahahahahaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
haha :D i had to leave my gorgeous burmese with my parents when i took this flat, really very very depressed without her, so i've got plans, involving fishing nets and a bunch of wood, that will have me a cat or two before too long :) damned tennancy contracts, like fook i'm sticking to it. if they're a it worried that the cat might piss and make the rug smell, well they don't know about the holes in the cieling for the cab's ventiallation, or the converted attic, or the smoking in the flat, mwhahahahahaaaaaa
hes definitly after weed this is him stoned lol:leaf:



Well-Known Member
haha :D i had to leave my gorgeous burmese with my parents when i took this flat, really very very depressed without her, so i've got plans, involving fishing nets and a bunch of wood, that will have me a cat or two before too long :) damned tennancy contracts, like fook i'm sticking to it. if they're a it worried that the cat might piss and make the rug smell, well they don't know about the holes in the cieling for the cab's ventiallation, or the converted attic, or the smoking in the flat, mwhahahahahaaaaaa
Many years ago I had a miniature burmese called Mooly (moo-lee), the most beautiful cat, all she wanted to do was sleep in the airing cupboard. We had to be so careful not to shut the door properly, inevitably we did and sometimes went raving for the weekend (early 90's!) and we would get back to find her shut in. Guilt and a come down!! Once she jumped in through the downstairs window and went into a pan we used to cook chips, we used to leave it on the window ledge to cool down, it was cold but she was fucked...We heard a loud rasping sound at the bottom of the garden one day and discovered her half dead from the effort of trying to clean herself, in vain. I had to man handle her into the sink and scrub her, afterwards she was the most grateful cat in the world and wouldnt leave my side....memories.:lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Many years ago I had a miniature burmese called Mooly (moo-lee), the most beautiful cat, all she wanted to do was sleep in the airing cupboard. We had to be so careful not to shut the door properly, inevitably we did and sometimes went raving for the weekend (early 90's!) and we would get back to find her shut in. Guilt and a come down!! Once she jumped in through the downstairs window and went into a pan we used to cook chips, we used to leave it on the window ledge to cool down, it was cold but she was fucked...We heard a loud rasping sound at the bottom of the garden one day and discovered her half dead from the effort of trying to clean herself, in vain. I had to man handle her into the sink and scrub her, afterwards she was the most grateful cat in the world and wouldnt leave my side....memories.:lol:
mine would always opt for the airing cupboard too. fluffy towels and a warm emerssion heater, also a big hole in the floorboards... used to get worried sick before i worked it out. She was so needy in the monrings for a cuddle, and i'm talking 5am, that she used to go out into the garden, and here is wheree the wtf becomes zomg!, she used to climb up a rose bush to the first floor and get into ym room through the window, else sit on the ledge crying and crying.

and i'm talking rosebush! rabo style!


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
bengal eh :D kinda figured it wasn't the average house cat :)

i don't know why or how, but last night my weed sucked a little, just plain average high, tonight they're destroying me :D

eye of the tiger!
some pics of 2 outside 1 8ft lebxkush in the ground and a 6ft in the pot what i dont know what strain it is.allso brought in to bud a 6ft nycd wide monster that is 2 weeks into budding and another nycd brought in 7 weeks ago allmost ready.smoking some nice hash with the mash the ole stockings & ice trik.:bigjoint:somewhere shth england


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
That looks Ab-Fab DGT!

first grow is curing, and it's getting better and better, but, but, but, i've also gotten through a damned good chunk already, to great results (1cm of this WW reef smoked and it's been sitting in the ash tray 25 minutes :P)

so this time i've got 8 on the go, with a catch, they're all bagseed, so i'm doubling for males, but is mainly to see if with good trimming and such, just how many i can get away with. 4 have broken the soil, it's fantastic to gotowork after looking at 2 1" sprouts, and coming home form work looking at 4 1" sprouts, fun times, so just waiting on the other 4, second time going i get pessimistic about the seeds and start finger digging :P no-patience wanker eh?

i'll try get pictures up this time, going for lots of topping, fuck-i-missed'ing and lollipop lollipoipppp and suchhh, the idea is to plant so many it all becomes good fuin dead or shooting for the starrrrs :D

whoooooooooooooooooo for homegorwn, bollocked is I :) cheers to any and everyone that helped, mainly mr gin and tonic :blsmoke: (went to pub once and was repeatedly bought gin and tonic by an 80yr old airport security guard, i couldn't decline free G&T :D)