Making seeds


Active Member
I can read, just like I'm sure an admin might...shut up unless its something useful to the thread, moash.


New Member
good info luda..

The terms homozygous and heterozygous are useful in describing the genotype of a particular plant. If the genes controlling a trait are the same on one chromosome as those on the opposite member of the chromosome pair (homologous chromosomes), the plant is homozygous and will "breed true" for that trait if self-pollinated or crossed with an individual of identical genotype for that trait. The traits possessed by the homozygous parent will be transmitted to the offspring, which will resemble each other and the parent. If the genes on one chromosome differ from the genes on its homologous chromosome then the plant is termed heterozygous; the resultant offspring may not possess the parental traits and will most probably differ from each other. Imported Cannabis strains usually exhibit great seedling diversity for most traits and many types will be discovered. - Source Marijuana Botany, Robert Connell Clark
thank you very much and dont let the newbies get under your skin.
it aint worth the hassle.
you will soon see who knows what and who does not.
(good luck).
