Pastor of Assault Rifle guy at Obama Rally prays for Obama to die!


Well-Known Member
There it is. And it only took a couple of hours - like puddy!

I must admit, this was fun. You reacted in textbook fashion, ignoring every hint I gave you. Shame. Shame. Remember, predictability is a weakness. That's why deer are so easy to hunt.
Played right into your hands did I Doctor Jay?


Perhaps you could explain your mastery over me to all of us.

If only we inferior intellects could ever understand your towering logic.


Remember now, is out of commission.


New Member
Non referenced puddy aside (way to be obtuse), the tissue offer stands sweetie.

Dictionary....should I report that Johnny??


Well-Known Member
I must say, this is the first time I've ever been tag-teamed! It feels kinda nice.

Good to see BOTH of you here, at the same time! What are the odds?


Well-Known Member
Played right into your hands did I Doctor Jay?


Perhaps you could explain your mastery over me to all of us.

If only we inferior intellects could ever understand your towering logic.


Remember now, is out of commission.
Really? That's as creative as you can get? Boo.


New Member
It could also be a reference to David Puddy from Seinfeld, but it wasn't pinned down for anyone to be able to comprehend the meaning. I'm glad he is averse to video, who knows what we'd be shown.


Well-Known Member
WHAT! He quoted YOUR words! He's absolutely right. You will make a blanket statement, but when applied to republicans, exposing any weakness or negativity, you deny application. You then call the person who called out your hypoocrisy illogical and hypocritical. This is nonsense. Holy 'effin SHIT!

So let me get this straight. Someone PROVES that you're hypocritical and illogical and your only response is that THEY are hypocritical and illogical. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
what you don't seem to realize is that this post IS a personal attack. you are no better then those you BITCH about. stop flooding my inbox with your whining nonsense. i told you all i was DONE.


Well-Known Member
It could also be a reference to David Puddy from Seinfeld, but it wasn't pinned down for anyone to be able to comprehend the meaning. I'm glad he is averse to video, who knows what we'd be shown.
Nope. Definitely a mis-spelling. I am only human.

And I am not averse to video unless it is the only medium presented as evidence for an argument of weight or gravitas. Nice straw man.....again.


Well-Known Member
There it is. And it only took a couple of hours - like puddy!

I must admit, this was fun. You reacted in textbook fashion, ignoring every hint I gave you. Shame. Shame. Remember, predictability is a weakness. That's why deer are so easy to hunt.
so you find this amusing? :-? :-|


Well-Known Member
this is a threat. :cry:
And here it comes.

Again, you take a clear joke as a threat. I mentioned Santa Claus! As in, he won't get any more presents. JOKE! I wanted to see just how long I would be berated for continuing on in a harmless manner. And I was. But who's the bad guy? ME!!!! WTF!!!


Well-Known Member
And here it comes.

Again, you take a clear joke as a threat. I mentioned Santa Claus! As in, he won't get any more presents. JOKE! I wanted to see just how long I would be berated for continuing on in a harmless manner. And I was. But who's the bad guy? ME!!!! WTF!!!

NO, again i just awake from a nap to find my personal email filled with your whining dribble. i tired of you. period.

you bring ALL the attention to yourself. i told you this 3 days ago. your whining is worse than the insults.

i'm also tired of you accusing me of being part of your delusional conspiracies. i am NOT on anyones side or team. i am a mod looking out for the interest of this site.


Well-Known Member
NO, again i just awake from a nap to find my personal email filled with your whining dribble. i tired of you. period.

you bring ALL the attention to yourself. i told you this 3 days ago. your whining is worse than the insults.

i'm also tired of you accusing me of being part of your delusional conspiracies. i am NOT on anyones side or team. i am a mod looking out for the interest of this site.
I'm done. If you can't see it, then whatever. I'm not going to criticize you. I've made my suggestions; the display today speaks volumes, but only if you're willing to listen. I'm tired and going to bed. Continue on with the name-calling. I'm a whiner, a baby, a cry-baby OR I'm a name-caller, an antagonizer, a troll. You're right. Does the admission make you feel better?

Good night.


Well-Known Member
I'm done. If you can't see it, then whatever. I'm not going to criticize you. I've made my suggestions; the display today speaks volumes, but only if you're willing to listen. I'm tired and going to bed. Continue on with the name-calling. I'm a whiner, a baby, a cry-baby OR I'm a name-caller, an antagonizer, a troll. You're right. Does the admission make you feel better?

Good night.

thank you for choosing NOT to criticize me. you are a real pal. :wink: i owe you one. :hump:


Wow some of you cease to amaze me.
Beleive what ever the hell you want all i say is never resort to violence unless under attack your self. It didnt take god or allah speaking to me to figure that one out. And if your foreal going to go after people because there opinion conflicts yours your fuckin worse than the people rotting on the streets i get to deal with every want to be violent and a murder just to further your veiws then go ahead but killers lives dont end well let me assure you that.

Shanti Baba

New Member
Why is it that cj and jo can and do insult everyone but ffd never says even one word to get them to tone it down much less the insults and threats he heaps on any who stands up to them. Truth is if anyone dare speak up to them ffd comes and give they who dare speak truth to cj or jo no end of insults and threats? Is cj jo and ffd the same person? I read here where members where complaning about these two and ffd said to report them but when members do he comes to the the very thread and attacks not cj or jo he attacks the one doing what ffd himself told us to do to report them? How can ANYONE think for even one sec this is anything but a plain manipulation of the rules to help two members? Is cj and jo and ffd one and the same? Is this site as posted here many times realy run by the feds? Does anyone know? I would really like to know? That would explan everything?