cops monitoring this site?


Well-Known Member
what is OG
and is there any cops or lawyers (DA perfered) that wants to come out and answer questions was a site based out of Canada. It got busted by the US DEA because the site's owner was selling seeds to the US. It was around the same time they were rounding up Marc Emery.

Pretty lame OG used to be THE pot forum, grow site, ect. The site was huge with thousands of members from around the world.

The DEA shut it down to try and scare people, they did confiscate the servers but I have yet to hear of anybody who was prosecuted from info on the server. The courts threw it out as evidence pretty much.

There are too many grows in this country for the police to prosecute every one of us. We have in effect succeeded at what OG and Marc have been trying to do "overgrow the government". It has become a HUGE industry, seed sales are big money, MMJ is blowing up, #1 cash crop in Cali, hemp is making a comeback, and so many more.

The point is we kept growing, despite the DEA's taking of political prisoners.:weed:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
what is OG
and is there any cops or lawyers (DA perfered) that wants to come out and answer questions

OG is the original pot site. OverGrow. No longer around.

I was a member. I have seen a few familiar faces, Al B Fuct would be one most here know also. Almost the whole FAQ section is from the old overgrow.


Active Member
awesome post NG. So I guess if the DEA could shut them down then they could potentially do the same to the other seedbank as well?


Well-Known Member
awesome post NG. So I guess if the DEA could shut them down then they could potentially do the same to the other seedbank as well?

Potentially. At this point, every action they take against legitimate cannabis enterprises garners more sympathy for our cause, and increases the public's mistrust of law enforcement (which is already substantial).

That's why the ONDCP is shifting their media campaigns to focus on prescription drugs, and the feds are obsessed with the Mexican guerilla growers. The more they persecute us the louder we cry, and people are starting to listen.


Well-Known Member
awesome post NG. So I guess if the DEA could shut them down then they could potentially do the same to the other seedbank as well?
Well that is the problem there are too many seed banks and seeds are LEGAL in most parts of the world.

It is VERY difficult even for the DEA to prosecute people in other countries for something illegal in the US but completely legal in most other countries.

So just like Tommy Chong the DEA takes a few big name political prisoners to scare us.

Marc Emery was the #1 source for seeds but most of all he is politically active and outspoken. He is in the public eye as well. Same with Richard B. the guy who ran OG, he had set up a place where pretty much anybody in the general public could learn to grow pot, source seeds ect, all anonymously.

The DEA probably thought they could shut down the big seed sellers in Canada and take the information off the internet.

All that really happened was a rift occurred in the US seed market and it was filled buy seed companies in the UK and Holland.

It was just cool to buy from Marc because he put almost every dime back into legalization of cannabis. Don't get me wrong Attitude is cool but they are for profit unlike Marc.


Active Member
yes I hear you on that NG. Attitude is definitely about the profit along with all of them it seems. Would be nice to support someone actively involved like you say


Active Member
any sane judge would refuse to sign a search warrant request based on any info contained on this site. usually search warrants based on internet postings are child abuse/molestation related. And to get a specific location based on an IP addy is both seriously time and resource wasting