cops monitoring this site?


Well-Known Member
IMO i think they do monitor this site. but not for the small fries , more like the big bag of potatoes if you know what i mean.


How does one trace their IP? And I really hope that feds/cops have better things to do. Tax dollars hard at work? or hardly working? HA!


New Member
i don't know why authorities waste their time trying to catch marijuana grows. We have hardcore drugs on the street starting gang wars, alot of murder, theft, etc... So they have nothing better to do than find some harmless plants?? Really what the hell? I just don't get it.


Active Member
they are monitoring ive seen posts asking for stuff. he will be someone who asks for weed, or clones or other kinds of shitty pig slang they know and they will one have 1 or so more posts. so pay attention to whose in the threads before posting ...... BADLLAMA that is the only cop i know on this website he had one post and asked for people on the east coast if they had clones for sale.


New Member
they are monitoring ive seen posts asking for stuff. he will be someone who asks for weed, or clones or other kinds of shitty pig slang they know and they will one have 1 or so more posts. so pay attention to whose in the threads before posting ...... BADLLAMA that is the only cop i know on this website he had one post and asked for people on the east coast if they had clones for sale.
Yeah i thought that guy seemed weird, but you think they wpuld actually be smart and get to know people, make a good reputation of themselves then try catching people. But i guess we are talking about the same people who think marijuana is bad :(


Well-Known Member
yeah well i told my growing buddy about how i post on here, and he was pissed as fuk, he thinks that cops monitor this and were about to get busted...? anybody else think this?
why would u grow with some body if one of yall get jammed up one of yall gonna be snichin