cops monitoring this site?


Well-Known Member
Re-legalize it.
Our glorious leaders are hanging on to reefer madness logic in order to serve the corporatocracy. What the hell happened to "We the people"? We as a culture need to stand up and not take this anymore. The biggest danger that marijuana poses is that it is illegal in most places. Countless ruined lives and broken families lay in the wake of this nonsensical war. Arm yourself with knowledge and spread the word. The only way we are ever going to win this war is to get the people sitting on the fence to realize what's happening. We have to take back this country from the greedy corporations because that is who is really running shit. Until we get off our asses and get involved nothing will ever change.


Well-Known Member
Our glorious leaders are hanging on to reefer madness logic in order to serve the corporatocracy. What the hell happened to "We the people"? We as a culture need to stand up and not take this anymore. The biggest danger that marijuana poses is that it is illegal in most places. Countless ruined lives and broken families lay in the wake of this nonsensical war. Arm yourself with knowledge and spread the word. The only way we are ever going to win this war is to get the people sitting on the fence to realize what's happening. We have to take back this country from the greedy corporations because that is who is really running shit. Until we get off our asses and get involved nothing will ever change.
It was not just corporate greed. There's government greed, too. Civil forfeiture anyone?

Let's not forget political opportunism personified by Harry Anslinger.

Racism. The authorities could not stand idly by and let them white women be corrupted by those reefer smoking jazz musicians.

And apathy on the part citizens who would trade liberty for security. Now we have neither in terms of the Drug War.


Well-Known Member
the FBI didn't do a good job with the 'major hack' a couple of years ago b/c i wasn't in your insurance policy's or the ISP's best interest. that was more of a politically motivated obstruction of justice than anything else, it happens all the time....

as for tracking you online, yes it's possible and really not that difficult. but police need to see with you plants with their very eyes, or see weed coming out of your house, or SEE something. if not it'll be very difficult for them to obtain any sort of warrant....

the basic thing is this: someone has to "flip" on you. "flip" is what the DEA does to catch higher level drug dealers. they give softer sentences, a lot of times not even filing a charge when some low level dealer gives up his source. and mentioning the source isn't enough, they have to meet their source and do a "buy" with marked bills.

so basically whoever you sell to can flip on you. try that person/people to always be the same person, and keep a schedule of when/where to do buys, don't do any transaction out of schedule, don't sell at the grow, don't let anyone ANYONE see the grow, be aware of anything suspicious, and if you do get caught, shut up and lawyer up....


Well-Known Member
It was not just corporate greed. There's government greed, too. Civil forfeiture anyone?

Let's not forget political opportunism personified by Harry Anslinger.

Racism. The authorities could not stand idly by and let them white women be corrupted by those reefer smoking jazz musicians.

And apathy on the part citizens who would trade liberty for security. Now we have neither in terms of the Drug War.
This is true. We need to get more people on our side though. I think most people want decriminaliztion but are afraid because they smoke and don't want people to know. The people who don't smoke don't care. We have to make them care! Sick people suffer because of this stupid war. And harmless people get locked up with violent offenders because they grew a plant! The question isn't as much how we got here but how do we get out of this mess. It's time to send the message that we are not a danger to society. We are a benefit. Most of us are intelligent, productive members of society. Tell everyone you know to get involved and convince those who need convincing that the time to act is now!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
apple smoked? fry piggy fry!

people are so apathetic these days, not a fan. was talking to the parents, "no, no son, it's illegal, and it always will be" to which you just have to ask why? if a majority ask this question, and can't answer it in a valid format etc, then why are they not turning around and demanding it to be changed. society is just as bad as the government at the end of the day. in a different way that is.

The Potologist

Active Member
this is true. We need to get more people on our side though. I think most people want decriminaliztion but are afraid because they smoke and don't want people to know. The people who don't smoke don't care. We have to make them care! Sick people suffer because of this stupid war. And harmless people get locked up with violent offenders because they grew a plant! The question isn't as much how we got here but how do we get out of this mess. It's time to send the message that we are not a danger to society. We are a benefit. Most of us are intelligent, productive members of society. Tell everyone you know to get involved and convince those who need convincing that the time to act is now!
amen!!!! And the truth shall set you free


New Member
It needs to be framed within the civil rights movement. We are a minority in need of protection for being different..... blacks, gays, women,........ stoners? :wink:


Well-Known Member
It needs to be framed within the civil rights movement. We are a minority in need of protection for being different..... blacks, gays, women,........ stoners? :wink:
Exactly. We are a culture being discriminated against so why isn't the ACLU coming to our aid? What we need is a voice. And it needs to be so loud that everyone will hear. "We shall overcome....."


New Member
Exactly. We are a culture being discriminated against so why isn't the ACLU coming to our aid? What we need is a voice. And it needs to be so loud that everyone will hear. "We shall overcome....."
Yippies need not apply.... we've had enough of that kind of exposure. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Has anybody mentioned the fact that RIU would have to give up the IP address of a specific poster for a specific post, and the fact that IPs are deleted every 5 minutes (as far as I remember from my earlier days here)?


Well-Known Member
Exactly. We are a culture being discriminated against so why isn't the ACLU coming to our aid? What we need is a voice. And it needs to be so loud that everyone will hear. "We shall overcome....."
Who needs the ACLU?


If that's not your cup of cannabis tea, then join any of the following:

Mari-juana Policy Project (MPP)
Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
The Drug Policy Alliance

But these organizations need support. One simply should not expect them to work for one's freedom on somebody else's nickel.

No need to join all of them. One will do.