• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Pastor of Assault Rifle guy at Obama Rally prays for Obama to die!


Well-Known Member
Click on the original story; the source isn't even credible

The extent liberals will fear monger in order to scare folks into handing over complete control to an authoritative government is despicable.
Why did you not say this at first instead of saying you support this as free speech...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, your free speech is stymied because a marijuana growing site doesn't have a politics section! As if the barometer for free speech is one completely non-political growing site. Give me a break.

You are absolutely correct, it wouldn't be at all, however why should it be removed when anyone who doesn't like the tone and direction a majority of the members are moving in can always choose not to read the threads. It's the same thing with the upcoming and renamed fairness doctrine... it you don't like the content a particular station is providing.... don't tune in. But don't take it away from me simply because you disagree with it.

And I'm all for a healthy marketplace of ideas. I've stated this numerous times, but you didn't listen. I surround myself with varying viewpoints and make sure my students consider multiple ideas and views as well. What I HATE - what I ABHORE - is that you think every single fact and statistic in the whole world only supports republican agenda. That is the definition of an anti-intellectual.

If that's true, then great. But, going by your previous posts, and that's all I have to go by, you seem to detest the only outlets that are providing dissenting views to the administration. And make no mistake, they are the ONLY outlets doing so.

I've voted republican. I love conservatives and libertarians. I wholly admire liberals and everyone else in between. None of these parties own all facts and truth in the world. So we must come together in debate and find what works best. Sometimes, liberal policies work. Sometimes, conservative policies work. I support whatever works and whichever ideology was a result of thoughtful discussion. That is the truth.

Can't argue with any of that. However, what I believe you are running into that you typically identify as ignorant and obstinate unwillingness to listen, is the fact that a great many people in this country have watched the erosion of the Constitution and its core principles for decades and these people have finally reached a point where they are willing to say "No Further". It isn't specifically against liberals, but against any of the politicians that promote any further government power and control. There is no debating on this issue, there can be no compromise any longer. Some people have woken up and look back at the last 70 years and finally see the systematic move towards a society and government that the Constitution was created to prevent. It may not be your view, but it is the view of many and they will not be swayed any longer.

Finally, I want the politics section closed because I've seen at least 15 members leave in the last two years because of constant abuse from elite members. Good, contributing people have left because they were bullied for expressing their viewpoints in a thoughtful and respectful manner. This section is anything but a bastion for liberal thought - it's the opposite. There are currently 15 threads whose sole purpose is to bash liberals. There are over 10 images equating liberals to pussies and thieves. There are no active threads on why conservatives are pussies or thieves. This section is a bastion for conservative thought and everyone else's ideas are shed aside by means of insult and alienation. I'm sick of it. There are many people - you included - who have strictly stated that liberals have nothing to offer. I would never make such a claim about conservatives. I love conservatives - just not bullies (esp. on the internet).

I think the predominance of anti-liberal threads is simply due to the fact that they are the ones currently running the country. I can't imagine it being any different. The party or ideology that has it's hand on the steering wheel is always going to be the target of the back seat drivers. The other problem for the liberals, not saying you are or aren't one, but many of them are very upset because the conservatives are using the very effective tactics that have been being used against the right for decades. Name calling, sarcasm and outright disdain for their positions, attacking the individual and not the message, trying to make them feel isolated or embarrassed of their beliefs, organizing rallies and protests... all of it. These are tactics the left hasn't had to contend with and have used with great success. They aren't going to get any sympathy from me and they certainly aren't going to be given any mercy from the conservatives, they wanted to muck around in the sewer with these tactics so now they can just suck it up and face the music.

So call me a comrade. Call me a pussy. Call me a thief. Call me whatever you want. You'll get away with it - of course you will. The 'liberals' are being banned or run off in a systematic manner. And you support this deplorable behavior. Shame on you. Shut this section down.
I certainly hope the "banning" claim is incorrect. I would hope no member is banned for anything that isn't directly against the forum rules. I would also hope they were given multiple warnings and chances to correct their infractions. As to them being "run off", well again you aren't going to get any sympathy from me, just as you do, they had the opportunity to post their opinions knowing there would be some who support and some who oppose. When I make a claim or put forth an argument, I know jrh, PVC, hanimmal and others are going to sally forth with opposing ideas, and I don't want that to stop. Since fdd's warning I have it toned down on the direct insults and tried to stick to the argument, can't say I've completely succeeded at it, but I'm trying.


Well-Known Member
No, not all..... but certainly the poor and middle class are going to be crushed....that much is certain.
hell they were getting crushed by Bush the guy you said had some good ideas...Thats how this country got in this mess in the first place...or do you disagree ????:?:


New Member
Simply untrue....

What got this country in trouble was Bush letting Congress spend like they had a Democrat in the White House.

The financial meltdown was initiated by Congress and few others..... you know, the ones with all the answers now...like burying us all in generational debt, and then not providing recession relief in any lasting manner.


Well-Known Member
hell they were getting crushed by Bush the guy you said had some good ideas...Thats how this country got in this mess in the first place...or do you disagree ????:?:
Where have you been?

Both houses of Congress have been controlled by Democrats since 2006.

Bush is not the President. Surely you heard about it.

In was in all the papers.

All kidding aside, Bush did not create this mess all by himself. It did not begin with him and it will not end with the Messiah when he finally retires and hangs up his crown of thorns.

This started a long time ago when this country became a Democracy. I use 1913 as a benchmark because that is when Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated. He was the great Progressive who sought to reshape the U.S. into more of a parliamentary democracy like all them countries way over there in Europe. Those European democracies that started and hosted two world wars last century.

The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the party that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections. - Lord Acton


Well-Known Member
Please Bush has not even been out of office a year yet..How quick some Americans try to forget ( can't blame you though)..How much do you think that war in Iraq cost..just the simple part of the resources that you have to had to run a war...Hell the the oil cost along would bankrupt some nation ( planes,tanks,jeeps,ships...etc..etc) Still trying to not blame Bush you do that...thats your right...Tell me what did Bush do to make this economy any better..hell him and mccain thought it was sound...when we stop the stupid war spending, start back with taxes we had before Bush, create jobs to get off depending on foreign oil maybe then we can start to move forward..I thank God Obama is trying..Got to get pass the haters though.....I wonder what were you doing when Bush was screwing this country..did you protest as loudly..I guess you agree with illegal wire taping too


Well-Known Member
hmmm let me look at the numbers ...bush in office 8 years.....rep had congress 6 years ...dems had congress 2 years ...hmmm 2+2=4 4+4=8 yeah i know my math....so how the hell can dems be the blame when they just got the hell in...this crap did not happen overnight...it took Bush 8 years to make this mess...so give Obama at least two to fix it..unless the hate just can't let you do that .....


Well-Known Member
Where have you been?

Both houses of Congress have been controlled by Democrats since 2006.

Bush is not the President. Surely you heard about it.

In was in all the papers.

All kidding aside, Bush did not create this mess all by himself. It did not begin with him and it will not end with the Messiah when he finally retires and hangs up his crown of thorns.

This started a long time ago when this country became a Democracy. I use 1913 as a benchmark because that is when Woodrow Wilson was inaugurated. He was the great Progressive who sought to reshape the U.S. into more of a parliamentary democracy like all them countries way over there in Europe. Those European democracies that started and hosted two world wars last century.
Clearly you don't understand the 8 year effect of a term. Bush had a HUGE hand in this mess. His emphasis was solely focused on international wars - nothing else. He did nothing for our own country during his reign and allowed corporations to run rampant. Their blind pursuit of profit fucked people. You may say that all his actions were the result of some altruistic, domestic protection, but I wholly disagree. He ignored direct evidence that Iraq had no weapons, created his own evidence and fed that BS to congress, and then let Al Qaeda take back Afghanistan while he's concentrated elsewhere. All the while, our country is going to the shitter. We needed a leader and he was absent - a vacuum so to speak. The only domestic policies he was responsible for limited our freedoms and dumbed our nation down. Between the patriot act and no child left behind - two abominations - Bush was a failure. Who in their right mind would think that education is bettered by focusing on the WORSE students? WTF!

And as for democracy, I agree that allowing the people to rule can be problematic, but it's simple reality. If the people want something, they will get it. Turning more democratic was merely an extension of a republic. This European model that you mention is quite telling. You may say the EU enslaves their citizens, but they would beg to differ. The only way to keep stability is to allow the people to truly rule. Those collective people may be wrong in ideology and opinion, but that's reality. The people always rule. "They got the guns, but we got the numbers"!


Well-Known Member
Please Bush has not even been out of office a year yet..How quick some Americans try to forget ( can't blame you though)..How much do you think that war in Iraq cost..just the simple part of the resources that you have to had to run a war...Hell the the oil cost along would bankrupt some nation ( planes,tanks,jeeps,ships...etc..etc) Still trying to not blame Bush you do that...thats your right...Tell me what did Bush do to make this economy any better..hell him and mccain thought it was sound...when we stop the stupid war spending, start back with taxes we had before Bush, create jobs to get off depending on foreign oil maybe then we can start to move forward..I thank God Obama is trying..Got to get pass the haters though.....I wonder what were you doing when Bush was screwing this country..did you protest as loudly..I guess you agree with illegal wire taping too
The only two good things Bush as far as I can tell did was lower taxes for everybody and prosecute the war. A war we did not start. I know... IRAQ! But he did not start Iraq, Saddam Hussein did in 1990. And Iraq was a theater in the clash of civilizations we euphemistically called the War on Terror. It was not the whole war.

A few questions to ponder:

In WW II, why did we invade North Africa in 1942? After all, none of those countries attacked us. Neither did the Germans for that matter. But, we did land in North Africa and we did fight the Germans there. Why?

Q: Why did we not go straight to Japan?

A: We couldn't get to Japan in 1941. In fact, we occupied Japan only after they surrendered. But in 1941 Germany was deemed the biggest threat.

Q: So then the question becomes, why did we not go straight to Germany?

A: We fought the Germans where we could beat them and that meant beating them across North Africa, and up Italy until we landed in France in 1944, finally reaching Germany in 1945. It was not easy, but we did make it into Germany. But we would have failed had we tried to go straight into the German fatherland in 1942.

Tell me, do you know anyone personally who has been illegally wiretapped?

Eric Holder is planning to emasculate the CIA in order to provide political cover to the Messiah from the far Left who feels he has let them down.

We'll see shortly what Bush did in the absence of what Obama now refuses to do.

By the way, how is that good war working out for you?


Well-Known Member
Having served in the war I can tell you it is no such thing as a good one...Iraq was not a threat to America.. Still waiting for the WMD...tell me how going to Iraq solved any problems for us..It only fueled hatred for this country more...The war was in afgan but we left it unfinished why to go after Sadamm..WTF.....You get rid of your known dictator only to replace it with what ???? hmmm have you ever served in the service ?????


Well-Known Member
Having served in the war I can tell you it is no such thing as a good one...Iraq was not a threat to America.. Still waiting for the WMD...tell me how going to Iraq solved any problems for us..It only fueled hatred for this country more...The war was in afgan but we left it unfinished why to go after Sadamm..WTF.....You get rid of your known dictator only to replace it with what ???? hmmm have you ever served in the service ?????
LOL! Why is it that anyone losing an argument on military matters retreats into that "Have you served?" mode?

Although irrelevant because everyone is entitled to an opinion, regardless of service, I will answer. On second thought....

Screw that. It's none of your fucking business.

And you completely missed or ignored my point on theaters in war. Iraq was not a war unto itself, nor was Afghanistan. Both were theaters in the same war, and we bled the enemy in Iraq. In fact, we defeated Al Queda there. I fear Obama is intent on reversing the victory there, but we brought freedom to the Iraqis. While the U.S. was fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan was largely contained. And at the time we could not very well invade Pakistan to kill or capture bin Laden as he made a very hasty departure from Afghanistan shortly after the first boots were on the ground.

Afghanistan was contained, such is no longer the case under the leadership of the Big O.


Well-Known Member
LOL! Why is it that anyone losing an argument on military matters retreats into that "Have you served?" mode?

Although irrelevant because everyone is entitled to an opinion, regardless of service, I will answer. On second thought....

Screw that. It's none of your fucking business.

And you completely missed or ignored my point on theaters in war. Iraq was not a war unto itself, nor was Afghanistan. Both were theaters in the same war, and we bled the enemy in Iraq. In fact, we defeated Al Queda there. I fear Obama is intent on reversing the victory there, but we brought freedom to the Iraqis. While the U.S. was fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan was largely contained. And at the time we could not very well invade Pakistan to kill or capture bin Laden as he made a very hasty departure from Afghanistan shortly after the first boots were on the ground.

Afghanistan was contained, such is no longer the case under the leadership of the Big O.
I asked you have you served in the military not because I was losing the argument( far from it), but I believe if a person is talking about war and how good it is must have never served in the service..in which you just pretty much told me you have not...Afghan was contained ...lol... man you are lost....leaving afgan gave them a chance to regoup and cross back and forth to pakistan..contained ...lol....any woot...now if a fellow service bud whats to discuss war and the value of it I might listen but to "Johnny I never left home"..not...Afgan and Iraq was not the same theater of war...just goes to show how little you know...Afghan/Pakistan yes (or should have been )....By the way how many Iraqs was on the planes that crashed into buildings???? how many talibans did Sadaam hide???? We went into Iraq because your Hero Bush sad they had WMD...did we find any ????


Well-Known Member
LOL! Why is it that anyone losing an argument on military matters retreats into that "Have you served?" mode?

Although irrelevant because everyone is entitled to an opinion, regardless of service, I will answer. On second thought....

Screw that. It's none of your fucking business.

And you completely missed or ignored my point on theaters in war. Iraq was not a war unto itself, nor was Afghanistan. Both were theaters in the same war, and we bled the enemy in Iraq. In fact, we defeated Al Queda there. I fear Obama is intent on reversing the victory there, but we brought freedom to the Iraqis. While the U.S. was fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan was largely contained. And at the time we could not very well invade Pakistan to kill or capture bin Laden as he made a very hasty departure from Afghanistan shortly after the first boots were on the ground.

Afghanistan was contained, such is no longer the case under the leadership of the Big O.
And you ignored my argument about the complete failure that was Iraq. While we were in Iraq, Afghanistan was not 'largely contained'. Their ever-increasing stranglehold was well documented. It was the third biggest talking point in the latest presidential elections. If McCain and Obama were debating the ever-increasing strength of al qaeda in Afghanistan, then how is it Obama's fault? He did what he said he would do - send more troops there. The destabilization was completely Bush's fault, even McCain admitted it - watch the debates.

And what about Bush's release of Valerie Plame's name? You remember the whole Scooter debacle? He intentionally hushed Joseph's report that Iraq never tried to purchase yellow cake uranium from Nigeria. In fact, Bush told congress the opposite after the report and used the claim as his main justification to go to war. What the fuck!

And now you'll probably say that Clinton was to blame for 9/11 too, right? Blame the democrats, praise the republicans. Well, I have newspaper articles from the transition period into Bush's presidency talking about how Osama and al qaeda should be, and would be, priority number one when he took office. Clinton made sure to make Bush aware and called Osama america's number one enemy. What did Bush do in response to this information? Nothing. I have video of Condoleeza being interrogated on the matter - reporters are asking why Bush wasn't responding to Clinton's exhortations concerning Osama. Her response.....do you know what it was?


Well-Known Member
No, I never said I did not serve. I told you it was none of your business.

Big difference.

Iraq did have WMDs. That is indisputable. Ask the Iranians and Iraqis Hussein gassed.

Conversely, WMD was a stupid excuse to invade. No dispute there.

How many Moroccans bombed Pearl Harbor?

"Johnny I never left home." Funny. That, my friend, is an insult which deserves neg rep, even a report to a mod if I knew of one who did a tour. But you know what? Fuck it. You are not worth it.

We're done.