• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Pastor of Assault Rifle guy at Obama Rally prays for Obama to die!


Well-Known Member
I agree a lot of these whack jobs would like to see him get assassinated and since they appeal to other whack jobs it is a very real possibility. If it does happen you can bet on a real civil war. People have really had enough of some of these inbreds.
Agreed. But I don't think you would like the outcome of that civil war. Those whack job, rednecks are the ones with all the guns, know how to fire them with great accuracy and make up a LARGE majority of our military (not to mention actually believing the Lord is on their side). While most of the individuals that would label them as whack jobs, live in states and cities that either ban weapons or make it very difficult to obtain them. Not to mention most of them couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, let alone muster the stomach to massacre the enemy.

Back to the original topic. I have been fearful for Obama's life since the election. There are far too many racists and hate groups in this country for me to feel comfortable about his safety until the last day of his presidency. Whether you agree with his policies or not, you gotta give it to him, that is one brave dude.


New Member
Part of it is frustration. When ppl get on the political threads and start saying Obama' way is the correct way and simply ignore BASIC economic facts which say...NO....that is incorrect. Obamas way of spending is exactly the WRONG way to pull the country out of any kind of a recession.

Obama is putting us all the way to the right of that chart folks. That's what all this spending will do to growth. How is that going to work? It's not.... it will break us.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. But I don't think you would like the outcome of that civil war. Those whack job, rednecks are the ones with all the guns, know how to fire them with great accuracy and make up a LARGE majority of our military (not to mention actually believing the Lord is on their side). While most of the individuals that would label them as whack jobs, live in states and cities that either ban weapons or make it very difficult to obtain them. Not to mention most of them couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, let alone muster the stomach to massacre the enemy.

Back to the original topic. I have been fearful for Obama's life since the election. There are far too many racists and hate groups in this country for me to feel comfortable about his safety until the last day of his presidency. Whether you agree with his policies or not, you gotta give it to him, that is one brave dude.
Hmmmm... some things I agree with and some I don't... Yes I do think alot of these racist idiots do join the service, but once in they do have a change of mine ( not all ).. The service tends to be a brotherhood of what ever branch you are in...Fighting side by side with a person that you have to depend on for your life makes you see a person in a different way and getting away from the backwoods of WV, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi,etc..etc..etc tends to help..Traveling the world tends to help.....and they don't make up the MAJORITY of the service from what I have seen being in the service...
I don't know of any state that bans weapons that any other state ( I said state not D.C. ) has if we are talking about firearms... also if you think about your urban citys ...like New york, Atlanta, LA, Chicago,etc etc...I bet you there are alot of weapons people have and would use them.... the difference being responsible gun owners don't go around waving their guns and felons don't let alot of people know they got a gun ( Hell T.I. had a damn arsenal ).....You would never think that I owned a gun, but you would be surprise as to what I have (legally) just due to the wackos in this crazy country ( and I do like to collect guns )... Think about the inner city hell you got gun stores/pawnshops and liquor stores on the same corner..Hell the Rodney King trial showed us how quickly people can get together and just tear shit up and loot the hell out of gun stores/pawnshops ( as well as grocery stores, circuit citys, swap meets ..lol )...For the most part these wack jobs are in your backwoods and rural areas they don't bring that shit to any urban community because they know the deal...

I do believe that President Obama is a brave man, but every man that runs for that office has the target on him ( ask Reagan )...It just seems that we have more hatred on Obama because he is black which just goes to show that racism is still alive and well in AMERICA, but hey what should we expect from a country that was built on slavery, robbery and lies...Just would think that we could move from the hate by now...Now I do realize we have people that just don't like his policy but believe me its very easy to tell the difference ...very easy


Active Member
Sounds like you are against free speech.
dont you mean FEAR SPEECH?

the right wing cant logically debate an issue so they use scare tactics.
didnt jfk say "the only thing to fear...is fear itself."?
dont be scared....everything is going to be ok, even if your republican. we are AMERICA.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I hate to say but I do think it will happen. No doubt there are thousands or maybe tens of thousands of people that are at least contemplating it, and it just takes one. When you get nutcases that believe they are doing Gods work you get the same mentality as the 9/11 hijackers and the suicide bombers.

As far as the aftermath, I dont think it would be liberals necessarily that would react the harshest but more so minorities, especially the African Americans, and who could blame them?


Active Member
oh by the way, us liberals have guns too, we just know how and WHEN to carry/use them.
beware of the radical right and the religious fundamentalists, y'all saw the news about the girl that was kidnapped, raped and held captive for 18 years? the kidnapper said the whole story was heartwarming! this guy was extremely religeous.

i live about 10 miles from this fuckers house....please excuse my language but this guy is a freakin nut, where was god for this poor girl that now has 2 kids by this rapist! not there for 18 years......got faith? that kidnapper/rapist does....

oh also we will be able to counter the radical right militias with the civilian national security force thats being formed with RESPONSIBLE gun owners.....funded and trained by the best military force in the world....AMERICA!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the secret service is most likely tuning in now guys. Making clear statements wishing death upon the president is never smart. I've stated numerous times that I hope this section gets closed down, but it might not be up to rolli anymore...


Well-Known Member
Discussing idle threats to the President and advocating his demise are not new concepts here at RIU. To think otherwise is to ignore the previous administration's reputation among the looney Left.

As long as we are on the topic of nutjob religious leaders, I would point out that the Left has some doozies.


New Member
Remember Cindy Sheehan? :lol: Seems she is no longer "in vogue". Funny how seemingly rock hard liberal positions....change constantly.

I give props to Sheehan for at least continuing to follow through with the "cause", even though I think she is wrong.

The funny thing is though, after the Bush admin left...so did the protests, even though nothing had changed in policy or action. The Bush doctrine is still in full effect, although the names have been changed to protect the innocent (bumda dad da dum).

Now Charlie Gibson (a mountain of journalistic professionalism) who ran Sheehan footage freely before Obama says, "enough already" with a sigh.

Rock hard principles....


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the secret service is most likely tuning in now guys. Making clear statements wishing death upon the president is never smart. I've stated numerous times that I hope this section gets closed down, but it might not be up to rolli anymore...
For starters, I haven't read any statements clearly wishing death upon our president by a member of this forum. Could you please include the quote with any reply. I have seen people commenting on the legality of others expressing that wish and I've seen a lot of members criticizing that wish, but I haven't actually seen anyone saying they feel the same way. I think it is HILARIOUS that you believe the secret service is going to shut us down because of political dissidence on a Marijuana Growing forum.

What doesn't surprise me is your wish to close this section down. Hey, maybe while we're at it we can close down Fox news, all non-liberal blogs and websites, conservative talk radio, email accounts of all conservatives, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Times, my phone service (cell and home) and that way we won't have to deal with opposing viewpoints to the state... COMRADES REJOICE!!!... WE HAVE STAMPED OUT THE ABILITY OF THE CAPITALIST DOGS TO EXPRESS THEIR HATRED... WE HAVE BEGUN THE JOYOUS ERA OF STATE CONTROLLED THOUGHT AND SPEECH... WE WILL NO LONGER BE BOTHERED WITH OUTDATED CONCEPTS, SUCH AS FACTS, COMMON SENSE AND INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY...YES COMRADES, IT IS A GREAT DAY!


Well-Known Member

For starters, I haven't read any statements clearly wishing death upon our president by a member of this forum. Could you please include the quote with any reply. I have seen people commenting on the legality of others expressing that wish and I've seen a lot of members criticizing that wish, but I haven't actually seen anyone saying they feel the same way. I think it is HILARIOUS that you believe the secret service is going to shut us down because of political dissidence on a Marijuana Growing forum.

What doesn't surprise me is your wish to close this section down. Hey, maybe while we're at it we can close down Fox news, all non-liberal blogs and websites, conservative talk radio, email accounts of all conservatives, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Times, my phone service (cell and home) and that way we won't have to deal with opposing viewpoints to the state... COMRADES REJOICE!!!... WE HAVE STAMPED OUT THE ABILITY OF THE CAPITALIST DOGS TO EXPRESS THEIR HATRED... WE HAVE BEGUN THE JOYOUS ERA OF STATE CONTROLLED THOUGHT AND SPEECH... WE WILL NO LONGER BE BOTHERED WITH OUTDATED CONCEPTS, SUCH AS FACTS, COMMON SENSE AND INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY...YES COMRADES, IT IS A GREAT DAY!
Yeah, your free speech is stymied because a marijuana growing site doesn't have a politics section! As if the barometer for free speech is one completely non-political growing site. Give me a break.

And I'm all for a healthy marketplace of ideas. I've stated this numerous times, but you didn't listen. I surround myself with varying viewpoints and make sure my students consider multiple ideas and views as well. What I HATE - what I ABHORE - is that you think every single fact and statistic in the whole world only supports republican agenda. That is the definition of an anti-intellectual.

I've voted republican. I love conservatives and libertarians. I wholly admire liberals and everyone else in between. None of these parties own all facts and truth in the world. So we must come together in debate and find what works best. Sometimes, liberal policies work. Sometimes, conservative policies work. I support whatever works and whichever ideology was a result of thoughtful discussion. That is the truth.

Finally, I want the politics section closed because I've seen at least 15 members leave in the last two years because of constant abuse from elite members. Good, contributing people have left because they were bullied for expressing their viewpoints in a thoughtful and respectful manner. This section is anything but a bastion for liberal thought - it's the opposite. There are currently 15 threads whose sole purpose is to bash liberals. There are over 10 images equating liberals to pussies and thieves. There are no active threads on why conservatives are pussies or thieves. This section is a bastion for conservative thought and everyone else's ideas are shed aside by means of insult and alienation. I'm sick of it. There are many people - you included - who have strictly stated that liberals have nothing to offer. I would never make such a claim about conservatives. I love conservatives - just not bullies (esp. on the internet).

So call me a comrade. Call me a pussy. Call me a thief. Call me whatever you want. You'll get away with it - of course you will. The 'liberals' are being banned or run off in a systematic manner. And you support this deplorable behavior. Shame on you. Shut this section down.


Well-Known Member
Yea I havent seen anyone directly threatening the president on here, maybe some have but I havent seen it. Even so the FBI is not going to shut down a forum because of it. On another board I'm on someone did make a threat and he was visited by the FBI but nothing came of it. This board is pretty tame actually compared to some.


New Member
It's the President & Congress who are doing the threatening..... to us, to our economy, to our very future as a world leader capable of shaping events to our citizens advantage.


Active Member
What doesn't surprise me is your wish to close this section down. Hey, maybe while we're at it we can close down Fox news, all non-liberal blogs and websites, conservative talk radio, email accounts of all conservatives, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Times, my phone service (cell and home) and that way we won't have to deal with opposing viewpoints to the state... COMRADES REJOICE!!!... WE HAVE STAMPED OUT THE ABILITY OF THE CAPITALIST DOGS TO EXPRESS THEIR HATRED... WE HAVE BEGUN THE JOYOUS ERA OF STATE CONTROLLED THOUGHT AND SPEECH... WE WILL NO LONGER BE BOTHERED WITH OUTDATED CONCEPTS, SUCH AS FACTS, COMMON SENSE AND INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY...YES COMRADES, IT IS A GREAT DAY!

dramatic and comical, yet completely fallacious hyperbole? glenn beck? is that you? will i finally get to know what awesome strain you're growing?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Click on the original story; the source isn't even credible

The extent liberals will fear monger in order to scare folks into handing over complete control to an authoritative government is despicable.