

Well-Known Member
I agree, he belongs to the best ones in this art, along with Machida, Fedor, GSP and this hawaian guy i dont like - BJ penn


Well-Known Member
hey i wanted to know what you UFC fans thought of my ultimate match up

what do you think about a fight between the ref, big jon mcarthy and joe rogan?


hey i wanted to know what you UFC fans thought of my ultimate match up

what do you think about a fight between the ref, big jon mcarthy and joe rogan?
I'd give it to Big John. He's got more experience, and It hink Rogan is a few inches shorter and maybe 40-50lbs lighter..

I know Rogan trains and has some experience, but John has waaaay more.. I'm not exactly sure on his 'hands on' training experience or what he might be able to do.. I just know a little about his background, being a body guard n shit... so yeah, I'd give it to Big John.

I'd want to smoke a joint with Rogan though for sure, that guy is awesome, and funny as fuck!


Well-Known Member
I don't know about you guys.. but i'm DYING to see Fedor vs Lesnar.

I think Fedor is the only person that could stop him right now...


Well-Known Member
im dying with you, but we wont see it soon.. if ever. On ufc 106 Shane Carwin will try against lesnar. i hope he will succeed... but if i was going to bet my money i would rather go with lesnar.
Lesnar is a hard ass! I DONT KNOW WHY EVERYONE TALKS SO MUCH SHIT. Look at all of you wondering who's going to beat him, no one is, the mans a brute. People can keep talkin shit but lesnar is the best and will be the best for a while. OH ya 106 carwin is going to get his ass kicked. If randy cotour couldn't do it or frank mir, do you really think that carwin is going to even come close


Well-Known Member
Lesnar is a hard ass! I DONT KNOW WHY EVERYONE TALKS SO MUCH SHIT. Look at all of you wondering who's going to beat him, no one is, the mans a brute. People can keep talkin shit but lesnar is the best and will be the best for a while. OH ya 106 carwin is going to get his ass kicked. If randy cotour couldn't do it or frank mir, do you really think that carwin is going to even come close
Exactly... that's why i want Fedor to step in the ring/cage with him. He will be beaten... it's just "when".