
nick the sick maniac

Well-Known Member
i love mma and martial arts in general. i train in judo and used to train bjj. just got done watching ufc 101 bj penn was a savage like always but i had forrest against anderson (i was dead wrong). ufc pisses me off though its gotten too mainstream and it always seems that they stop the fights too early. there is also a lot of people that watch ONLY ufc and think the fighters are the best in the world.

my favorite organization is Dream FC
my favorite fighters are fedor emelianenko, gegard mousassi, antoinio noguria (big nog), and shinya aoki

fedor = #1 heavyweight in the world
gegard mousassi > anderson silva
shinya aoki > bj penn


Well-Known Member
i think ufc is pretty shit most of the time, mostly rolling around the ground in gay positions, its no where near a good as boxing


Active Member
i think ufc is pretty shit most of the time, mostly rolling around the ground in gay positions, its no where near a good as boxing

i dont know about all that...boxing is way too boring & 1 dimensional...even tho the ground game can get boring sometimes at least that option is there...ive seens some krazy ass action on the ground...takes alot of talent to get out of some of that shit....


Well-Known Member
I might see one fight out like ten where they are on the ground too much ( usually both fighters are wrestlers canceling eachother out ). I don't like a couple fighters for the very reason that you know they are trying to take it to the gound asap. ( tito ortiz )

But overall I love the UFC! Closest thing to a street fight without actually having one. ( blows boxing out of the water )

I don't even see why people watch that fake wrestling shit, basically a bunch of greased up guys grabbing and rolling all over eachother. But the one positive is the chick fights. ( hate it, always have )


Well-Known Member
i like mma AND boxing. there is no point in comparing them, they are two different sports. both bloody and exciting..


I like UFC. I try to watch it everytime I catch it on tv. I've ordered a few of the ppv's.

I find it a lot more entertaining than boxing. Those huge gloves make it hard to watch..lol. Like grown men pillow fighting haha...

When you see a knockout in MMA, it's always different! From head kicks to flying knees to uppercuts to ground and pound! Not to mention the ground game, that's an entirely different aspect all together. MMA puts it all together and you actually get to see which form of martial arts is superior and what it takes to get to that level, on all the side projects the UFC does, the Ultimate Fighter and what not..


Well-Known Member
I like UFC. I try to watch it everytime I catch it on tv. I've ordered a few of the ppv's.

I find it a lot more entertaining than boxing. Those huge gloves make it hard to watch..lol. Like grown men pillow fighting haha...

When you see a knockout in MMA, it's always different! From head kicks to flying knees to uppercuts to ground and pound! Not to mention the ground game, that's an entirely different aspect all together. MMA puts it all together and you actually get to see which form of martial arts is superior and what it takes to get to that level, on all the side projects the UFC does, the Ultimate Fighter and what not..
That's what I like about it, never know which way it is going to end. knockout, tapout, tko or decision.


Active Member
Fedor > UFC MMA Pride.. My 2 cent.

Fedor and Silva has to be the best fighter pound for pound in the world. Machida is up there as well as GSP.

Brock lesnar is GOING DOWN. That overpowered fucker. Silva's only lefft competition is Machida but they said they wont fight cuz they're "bnrother".


Well-Known Member
ahaha silva wooped forests ass.. that was not fixed. silva is just a maniac..
everybodys always wants to say everythingsfixed


Well-Known Member
Fedor > UFC MMA Pride.. My 2 cent.

Fedor and Silva has to be the best fighter pound for pound in the world. Machida is up there as well as GSP.

Brock lesnar is GOING DOWN. That overpowered fucker. Silva's only lefft competition is Machida but they said they wont fight cuz they're "bnrother".
I hate Brock Lesnar! Can't wait to see his big ass get knocked out! All in time!


Active Member
I hate Brock Lesnar! Can't wait to see his big ass get knocked out! All in time!
Yea dude has no skills whats so ever.. But he's fucking crazy and obviously a steroid freak.. I think he got lucky cuz most of the people he fought was smaller and weaker than he is.. But i bet if someone just as strong as him fights him. He's going down hard and fast... He actual thinks he has a chance against fedor...

In my opinion. Fedor aint getting knocked out EVER by skills.... Maybe if he is unlucky and catches a SUPER SWING right in the jaw..Thats only way fedors going down...
Jackson's suplex didnt phase fedor this guys foreal man. Has a heart of a warrior and fights like a champ. Only time fedor was ever EVER shaken was by this japan guy who took a baseball homerun swing and caught him luckly. Than fedor got stable INSTANTLY and almost broke his arm.

MMA is fun shit. I love to see cocky fuckers go down.!
Kimbo WHO??? LOL


Well-Known Member
Yeah, can't wait to see Ultimate Fighter with Kimbo Slice! It's gonna be some exciting shit, at least I hope it is!


Somebody tell me how the Silva v Griffin fight was fixed?

Machida v Silva is next. Silva said he doesn't want to fight Machida, but Dana White said fuck that, if your contracted in the UFC, it doesn't matter who you WANT to fight, it matters who the fans WANT to see you fight. That is going to be an epic match up! I seriously can't wait!

I think Diego Sanchez needs to get his ass beat. I used to be a huge fan of his, but after a few fights and seeing some stuff behind the scenes on that guy, his personality lags and he's kind of a douche...

GSP looks like he'll be at the top for a while too, that guy's an animal!

I agree about Lesnar. That guy is all show and hype. None of his fights impressed me and he talks a lot of trash, I think he still thinks this is the WWE where you bring that dramatic persona to the fight.

This seasons TUF is going to be pretty cool, I've seen a few of Kimbo's fights on youtube so we get to see if the guys all hype or if he's actually got some skill. His stand up is decent, needs some work, but his jaw is iron, like Leben it's going to be tough as fuck to knock him out. Maybe I'll be wrong, which would be just as cool, I always love seeing a knock out! But I doubt he's got anything on the ground... unless he's been training in anticipation for the show... so Idk about him..

Are we going to see Rampage and Evans fight at the end?


Well-Known Member
Somebody tell me how the Silva v Griffin fight was fixed?

Machida v Silva is next. Silva said he doesn't want to fight Machida, but Dana White said fuck that, if your contracted in the UFC, it doesn't matter who you WANT to fight, it matters who the fans WANT to see you fight. That is going to be an epic match up! I seriously can't wait!

I think Diego Sanchez needs to get his ass beat. I used to be a huge fan of his, but after a few fights and seeing some stuff behind the scenes on that guy, his personality lags and he's kind of a douche...

GSP looks like he'll be at the top for a while too, that guy's an animal!

I agree about Lesnar. That guy is all show and hype. None of his fights impressed me and he talks a lot of trash, I think he still thinks this is the WWE where you bring that dramatic persona to the fight.

This seasons TUF is going to be pretty cool, I've seen a few of Kimbo's fights on youtube so we get to see if the guys all hype or if he's actually got some skill. His stand up is decent, needs some work, but his jaw is iron, like Leben it's going to be tough as fuck to knock him out. Maybe I'll be wrong, which would be just as cool, I always love seeing a knock out! But I doubt he's got anything on the ground... unless he's been training in anticipation for the show... so Idk about him..

Are we going to see Rampage and Evans fight at the end?

Oh man, you need to stop getting me hyped up! But yeah can't wait to see how kimbo performs in this seasons ultimate fighter. Wonder what's gonna happen in the house? any fights gonna unfold? I don't think anything between rashad and jackson is gonna happen.


I LOVED the Hendo KO on Bisbing! That was BEAUTIFUL! lmfao!


Well-Known Member
Kimbo is a bitch.

He got famous beating up powder puffs in the back yard. Are you guys tellin me you've never seen the kimbo vs petruzelli fight? What was it, 17 seconds and kimbos big ass was on the ground trying to figure how he got beat down by that little mother fucker.