Quit Smoking Cigarettes


Well-Known Member
Great job Solstice. Your over the worst of it. I had dreams of smoking off and on for like two years after I quit. What really sucks is feeling all guilty for smoking when you wake up and it was just a dream.

Watch the eating, I gained like 25 pounds when I quit smoking. Was thin my whole life until I quit.

Also make sure you know what your triggers are. It only takes one really shitty day to make you go grab another pack.

Good job again!
Holy Crap, I just read your entire message and that's me. Wake up from a very vivid dream that I was smoking and find myself making excuses why I slipped.

My weight gain is well over your 25 pound mark and I have been thin my entire life, as well. All that I've read on the subject points favorably on being a bit chubby over smoking 30 cigarettes a day.

The shitty days seem to be coming more frequently and sooner between each one.

Thanks for the well wishes.


Well-Known Member
Hi, My name is Solstice and I quit smoking cigarettes 5 days ago.

This has been one of the most stressful weeks of my life.

Anyone else going through the same thing? I could certainly use some support.
i quit by smoking a joint when i craved a cig. it worked for me. when ever i was smoking when others were smokin their cigs i was like this is my cig. no cigs for over 15yrs


Well-Known Member
holy shit the tripyst thing just happened ...this random dude showed up at my house andasked if he could play a concert for us and started playing some dank music...sooooo random...my brother is passed out hes gana come down here any second and freak out haha ...wow though he kinda sounds like asher roth


Well-Known Member
i quit by smoking a joint when i craved a cig. it worked for me. when ever i was smoking when others were smokin their cigs i was like this is my cig. no cigs for over 15yrs

thats true. i always smoke way more when im dry... like these past few days.