The Doobieus Cooler - Home made AC


Well-Known Member
Do you need to have the water running? can you just put in 4 bottles of frozen water and have the air blow directly onto the ice and exit out the vent?
The ice cold water going through the copper tubing keeps it cooler longer, copper also retains cool really well, it's one of the most cold retaining metals out there.

You could do that but it wouldn't stay cool as long, or won't work as well.


Well-Known Member
That think kinda scares me.. You could make it soo much safer using a DC fan.. Accidentally knocking that thing could be bad..
Beyond that, you're dead wrong about your copper effect..
Copper is an EXCELLENT conductor of heat, it doesn't retain anything really.. Thats a good thing for this purpose..
Still though, copper to air like that yields about 15W/sqft*dT.. That means 15W cooling power per sqft of surface area per degree celcius temperature difference between the copper & air..
With your roughly 2ft of 1/4" tubing, you have maybe 0.1sqft of surface area, and your temperature difference 'might' be 5°C since the air has already hit the ice bottles/water.. That means you get max roughly 7.5W higher power with the coil, and it will thaw slightly faster accordingly.. If 2 bottles melt in 2 hours then you've effectively got a 180W cooler btw, so the coil will likely acct for 1-3% power & time difference..


Active Member
doob it looks great an this is a great tut. i will plus rep you. also as reading through here and tryin to figure out a way to improve if any i came up with the idea of instead of using bottles use ice water. you could fill the cooler with straight ice and it should take longer to melt.


Well-Known Member
That think kinda scares me.. You could make it soo much safer using a DC fan.. Accidentally knocking that thing could be bad..
Beyond that, you're dead wrong about your copper effect..
Copper is an EXCELLENT conductor of heat, it doesn't retain anything really.. Thats a good thing for this purpose..
Still though, copper to air like that yields about 15W/sqft*dT.. That means 15W cooling power per sqft of surface area per degree celcius temperature difference between the copper & air..
With your roughly 2ft of 1/4" tubing, you have maybe 0.1sqft of surface area, and your temperature difference 'might' be 5°C since the air has already hit the ice bottles/water.. That means you get max roughly 7.5W higher power with the coil, and it will thaw slightly faster accordingly.. If 2 bottles melt in 2 hours then you've effectively got a 180W cooler btw, so the coil will likely acct for 1-3% power & time difference..
The fan can't fall inside the cooling unit, I cut the top to account for that type of fan and safety lol, the fan's bigger than the opening there's no chance of it falling in. To make that fan fall in you'd have to push it in and force it to fall in.

As far as the copper tubing thing I think I might've confused the info with glass.

doob it looks great an this is a great tut. i will plus rep you. also as reading through here and tryin to figure out a way to improve if any i came up with the idea of instead of using bottles use ice water. you could fill the cooler with straight ice and it should take longer to melt.
Thanks Nitro, I used the bottles because you can only fill it up so much because of where the vent is. Originally I was going to have the fan/vent both on the top. If the fan were on the top you could add a ton more water. Another reason for the bottles is that you can put salt water in the bottles and it won't cause build up on the water pump from the salts, and it stays cooler longer too.

+rep on this one Doobieus. Great job.
Thanks Hunt, much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
The fan doesn't need to fit in the cooler to electrocute though, there is too much water involved..
It isn't even filled up halfway, it's been running now for like a month. I've had no issues, and I have not gotten electrocuted. Thanks for the concern though.


Well-Known Member
It isn't even filled up halfway, it's been running now for like a month. I've had no issues, and I have not gotten electrocuted. Thanks for the concern though.

People say the same thing if you build a light too. lol If it was so true there would be a lot of homes burned down!:o


Well-Known Member
Ok... I may be askin a dumb question... But what about a dry ice method? Would that last longer?

And Born what might you change in this design to make it a lil safer?

I so need something like this!


Well-Known Member
Thats only because you don't understand that its the mains potential, not the device that carries the risk..
Seriously there isn't as much risk as you might want to think. If you look at the pics you can see how I made a border in the styrofoam that prevents the fan from falling in. You literally would have to forcefully push down and break the styrofoam to make the fan fall in.

Secondly the water level isn't even filled halfway and the copper tubing is pointing down. So there's no risk of it setting on fire, electrocuting me, water splashing around or anything like that.

If you want to keep on hating and giving an opinion that honestly isn't needed, then do it somewhere else. Also snide subtle comments about my potential or what not isn't needed as well. I understand where you're coming from but like I stated before there is no risk in all honesty. My home can be engulfed in flames within 7-10 minutes fully, so trust me dude I'm not trying to lose my place to live, that's why I'm telling you that it's not as hazardous as you might want to think.

Ok... I may be askin a dumb question... But what about a dry ice method? Would that last longer?

And Born what might you change in this design to make it a lil safer?

I so need something like this!
I don't really know if dry ice would last longer, I'd have to check into that. I'd imagine that you'd have to have a huge dry ice block for that, because of how quickly it's gone.

As far as making it safer, the setup I have I've been using for about a month or so now with no problems. The original design I was going to use a can fan and caulk it (Under and over) to the hole I made for it on the lid of the cooler. You can do that, but like I said it's not as hazardous as you may think. Actually one of the designs I combined to make this cooler seems more dangerous to me, because you have the condensation dripping onto the fan itself. That's another reason I made this cooler, to get rid of that condensation on the fan, it's messy and dangerous.

Good luck on the build :bigjoint:.


Well-Known Member
that just fucked my head up, im not making fun of you or instigating, just stoned and passing thru....on to the next thread.....peace :leaf:.........
oops, don't step right there.
I don't understand how that fucked your head up lol, what're you smokin'? And why aren't you sharing? Lol jk dude.


Well-Known Member
What about potentially deadly?? How does rep calculate for that?

Edit: And for the denser folks, I mean potentially deadly in the sense that this is a STUPID combination of electricty and water without ANY protective barrier! Gotta love news film that includes both dead bodies and pot plants.. Its the conservative's wet dream..
Granted somebody obviously needs to die for this message to hit home... Hopefully it will be the OP.. He seems pretty useless anyways..

Double edit: He'll likely defend his position on the premise that styrofoam was guaranteeing his safety..


Well-Known Member
What about potentially deadly?? How does rep calculate for that?

Edit: And for the denser folks, I mean potentially deadly in the sense that this is a STUPID combination of electricty and water without ANY protective barrier! Gotta love news film that includes both dead bodies and pot plants.. Its the conservative's wet dream..
Granted somebody obviously needs to die for this message to hit home... Hopefully it will be the OP.. He seems pretty useless anyways..

Double edit: He'll likely defend his position on the premise that styrofoam was guaranteeing his safety..
The HE IS A SHE smart guy... Why don't you go fuck with someone else? You made your point on your first post, now you are being a dick so go somewhere else with that shit. If you want to try and help HER make it safer than speak up. There is not need to talk about someone getting killed to make your point. That is just fucking dramatic man. I hope you don’t have kids…..:finger:


Well-Known Member
I guess dumb fucking idiots are on the protected species list around these parts.. Dude, you're teetering 120V aboove water, relying on styrofoamto keep you safe.. If you accidentally tip that thing over your floor becomes live and zaps ppl,
Why not a dedicated ground wire atleast you fucking tard-boxes??
Oh, and by the way, I did dome math, and the heat from your fan motor is likely reducing the cooling potential by 25-30% overall.. Basically what I'm saying is you would keep the temperature lower for a longer time if you merely removed the danger..
But by all means, get pissed off at me, and go kick that thing around to quell your frustration.. It would save me alot of fucking hassle protecting naive, but decent ppl..


Active Member
I love this Idea! (regardless of the criticism)
Even if you don't think it's safe, you have to see how this has great potential, and easy adaptability! + rep
It would be completely simple to just add a piece of outdoor screen ( like on your patio ) and secure it underneath the fan, or the lid of the cooler, for added safety.
keep up the good work doob, thinking is growing.... = )


Well-Known Member
I guess dumb fucking idiots are on the protected species list around these parts.. Dude, you're teetering 120V aboove water, relying on styrofoamto keep you safe.. If you accidentally tip that thing over your floor becomes live and zaps ppl,
Why not a dedicated ground wire atleast you fucking tard-boxes??
Oh, and by the way, I did dome math, and the heat from your fan motor is likely reducing the cooling potential by 25-30% overall.. Basically what I'm saying is you would keep the temperature lower for a longer time if you merely removed the danger..
But by all means, get pissed off at me, and go kick that thing around to quell your frustration.. It would save me alot of fucking hassle protecting naive, but decent ppl..

Sounds like you are pissed off. I am not protecting anyone I am just saying you should shut the fuck up or help.
"Fucking Tard boxes" LOL You got some class pal..:clap: