genfrano i wouldnt ditch my girl ive been with her 3 yrs and i have a daughter 6 months with her. she hates him as much as i but yes as for the plant being stretched you r right. i wanted it together with not so much branching but ith the plants at different height it f ed things up plus my light only 200watt. i am a complete newbie thats why i ask you all for help. im 19 got a kid got made redundant and have an ass as a mate (my life sounds top

) anyways i ill be doin another grow after this hopefully better as im taking in every1's advice. and genfrano i mean no offence at all in this paragraph to you, as far as im concerned your a top grower whos giving me helpful advice
No problems man!... But please.. its Gen FranCo ...with a "c"... LOL
Shit your life sounds like mine at that age... except the roomate thing... gotta get your own thing going with you and yours now bro... LOL
Please dont misunderstand me, I was just trying to help ....
PS... thats looking A+ for a 200 watter... try placing it closer to the plants next time...
A real good way to know how close you can have your bulb/hood to your plants is by putting your hand under the hood/light about 24 inches down...(palm down).. then slowly start raising your hand towards the light... when you feel a little itch with the heat you know its close enough... basically right before the irritating feel... then just hang a string with a paper clip on the end as a marker and that will always give you a nice guide to go by...
as far as your mate.... well, just tell him he can cut his 1/3 right now if he wants and then your on your own... But make sure you tell him the sharing is over. My bro in law kinda thought he could do what he wanted around my house cause his sis lived there... i know what you feel bro... you gotta stand up to him and his sis if needed sometime... he will respect you more in the end... and she will love you more in the end for standing up for yourself..
There ya go man... life lessons...
happy growin!