Origami: Hijack Plus Six

Hey bro good to see your still at it. Havent have a chance to catch up on the thread.(will do tonight) Any way just wanted to touch base with you. this is that same flipsidesw for somereason i cant login with that name. any way im gonna shoot you a pm hit me back.


Well-Known Member
Sup NG, how's that Aero going? I'm subscribed now brotha! bongsmilie
It's looking good, all the cuttings look really healthy. The ones I put in coco are taking off already.

I moved a thai skunk out on the balcony. I sexed and transplanted the other soil plants yesterday too. Big Lots has really big blue tubs for $5 and you can get 5 gal buckets at Wal-Mart from the Bakery for $1 :wink:

I also have two extra Hijack (1 female,1 unknown) and a female super skunk that need good homes . . . I can't put everything out on the balcony :leaf:


Well-Known Member
It's looking good, all the cuttings look really healthy. The ones I put in coco are taking off already.

I moved a thai skunk out on the balcony. I sexed and transplanted the other soil plants yesterday too. Big Lots has really big blue tubs for $5 and you can get 5 gal buckets at Wal-Mart from the Bakery for $1 :wink:

I also have two extra Hijack (1 female,1 unknown) and a female super skunk that need good homes . . . I can't put everything out on the balcony :leaf:

the bakery you say?! HHHMMM whoda thought? :-P I'll definitly give you a shout later or tomarrow for sure. Glad the clones bounced back man :weed:


Well-Known Member
sup NG, its SICC, how thing goin
Great man! I saw you on the AG thread earlier, good to see you are still around! Right now I feel like I'm living in sync with my plants or something just waiting for these clones to root.

They look great though and a bunch have already started to root.

A wall of Kush . . . . stick around bro I think you might like it:weed:


Active Member
a wall of kush huh? well damn! lol you should take some new pics when you get a change bro

best of wishes!


Well-Known Member
a wall of kush huh? well damn! lol you should take some new pics when you get a change bro

best of wishes!
I will, been working on the room today. The more shit I put in there the harder it is to work.

I'm at a loss for drainage on the shelves any ideas would be appreciated . . .

About 90% of the Clones have started to root at this point so I have to figure something out soon:-?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
looks sweet bro...a good book I use for reference is the Jeff Mowta books. he got some solid ideas in there...check it out bro....


Well-Known Member
Sorry to jump in without knowing the whole story, but are you going with a recirculating or drain to waste system?