SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
i read that article it helped a little. on our meters,i think it may be only one of them, but it came with 2 different calabration solutions. i think its .5 and .7 so does that cover the 500 and 700 scale that its talking about?

no, thas totally different

i blv you are referring to 1413 us/cm, 1382 ppm, 12.88 mS/cm

your instructions will be able to tell you which your meter is set at

to my knowledge im only aware that you can change your pH buff 7.01 buff or 6.86 buff


Well-Known Member
LB much respect for all your info on this system and growing in general.

Some clarification on ppm and TDS. As far as water quality, ppm is just a measure of parts per million and in water quality a measure of TDS or total dissolved solids. This not only includes NPK salts but all dissolved trace minerals like Ca, Mg and whatever else is dissolved in your water. If you let the water evaporate what is left in the glass is the dissolved solids.

EC is as the article states the measure of the waters capacity to carry electricity. This also can be related to the salt content of the water. The saltier the water the better it conducts electricity.

RO water is not pure water. There are ions in RO. They are the ones that can pass through the RO membrane. Pure water is distilled water. Water without ions is distilled water. As your RO sustem ages, more ions and salts pass through the system and the TDS increases.

You have recommended 2 meters and that is the best recommendation going. Another recommendation is to calibrate before and during use.

One thing I need to mention is never pour the calibration solutions back into the container. They used calibration solutions, following use (you can use them 2-3 times in the same container during calibration) they should be discarded.

Sorry SOG didnt mean to jack the thread. Hope this helped in some way. Just my 2 cents. :blsmoke::peace:
brilliant elaboration.

i felt like i woulda confused them if i would have went into detail...

i see you love water just as much as me bro :p

my contacts at the water plant and biological water plants is what turned me onto learning so much about water

also, you are right about RO water not being as pure.....however, i sometimes beg to stealth RO 100gpd strips EVERYTHING out my water comes out 000ppms. So i think SoG merlin would be a better stripper than its little brother the stealthboy 100. My water comes out so raw out my RO machine, i have to add potassium bicarbonate just so my water can buffer ph (that or mix RO water with tap water at a ratio of 3 gallons RO to 1 gallon tap water)

HOWEVER SoG listen to him, cuz he is right.... i change out my sediment and carbon filters regularly if not at least cleaning them every other month and replacing the RO membrane every year...but that is because like Greenthumb says....your tds WILL rise.


Well-Known Member

those are the meters we have. they do have replaceable probes. they gave us a really good deal on them at the hydro shop. what scale is it that they use?

milwaukees normally run on .7 scale

i have those exact same meters as well as some other ones

for future reference bro....stay away from about highway robbery :p

here's a little secret on the best deals in town with free shipping:

you can thank me later :p

you find a better deal and ill mail you $100 bucks (thas how confident i am)


Well-Known Member
are you blind SoG?

not being a smartass, im serious

how good are your eyes?

i ask because........ you should be able to see them if they are mites anyway


Well-Known Member
when you mix the cal-mag how do you mix it and then how do you mix the rest.
i mix everything in one big bowl together, then keep the mix to top off when needed

cut that cal/mag down to 75mL (15gallons x 5mL)

also, what meters are you using?
I'm using a Tri-Meter model 202 from Nutradip which calculate EC @0.5
i used a standard 1000ppm (0.7) calibration solution, to dial it to 714ppm

Stink's recipe calls for 2000ppm @0.7 EC
i converted @0.5 EC to 1428ppm



Well-Known Member

pull out a magnifying glass stat!!!!

do you see any webbing around stem? lowers of the plant?

you HAVE to nip this shit in the bud QUICK!!!! or they will overcome your plants and your plants will stop production period.


Well-Known Member
I'm using a Tri-Meter model 202 from Nutradip which calculate EC @0.5
i used a standard 1000ppm (0.7) calibration solution, to dial it to 714ppm

Stink's recipe calls for 2000ppm @0.7 EC
i converted @0.5 EC to 1428ppm


you're losing me bro....

im confused as shit...

2000ppm converts to about 2.8-3.0 EC on the 700 scale and 4.0 EC on the 500 scale

im also lost on your calibration solutions of 1000 ppm


Well-Known Member
have you seen anything?

what does the underlying of the leaf look like?
too much information, its hard for me to tell at this point
i just let things run in the room while i get other things running and dialed in

in one pic i can actually see web threads

I'm not 100% sure how these spider mites look like
i think I'm looking at the damage they do though

i just assumed they were fine since i got them from the F@#$n club

i know i was warned
just great, i don't have enough shit going on :wall::wall::wall:



Well-Known Member
you're losing me bro....

im confused as shit...

the stuff they sell in the shop is 1000ppm; for devices coverting EC @0.7
that's why i got the nutes burn in the first place
the Tri-Meter converts EC @0.5

2000ppm @0.7 = 1428ppm @0.5

its divided by 1.4 o convert to 0.5 from 0.7, or multiply for the other way around
2000/1.4= 1428
1428x1.4= 2000

does that make sense?



Well-Known Member
sorry bro.... i forgot to warn you about clones from the club.

happens all the time

thas why i quarantine all new material that comes from another grow room.

Clubs be pissing me off with that shit. They should have a better policy on that.

If you see webs, you need to get to work bro cuz once they start, they wont stop

oh btw, our favorite plants seemingly are affect by the 2 red dot/stripped spidermites.... i think either 6 or 8 legs...cant remember.

damn SoG, sorry you're going through so much shit man!!! i hate it for ya.

imma say a prayer to the Ganga Goddess for you man.

it seems like Jberry is your man.... even though i think Floramite is hella dangerous..... i'd let him guide you. Im old school with the neem oil and dawn soap.


Well-Known Member
sorry to break it to ya.... i just went and looked for the picture that you said you saw them on....but i wanted to see if i could find it before i asked you which pic # it was

sorry bro...... you see (starting from left to right) between leaves 4 and 5? those two little black dots?

also you see those yellow things that seem to be floating on air? those are eggs in the web

i see the web already forming.

get to work bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
they could have easily came in on your shoes ect... also attics seem to get more bugs in my experience.
...but it easily could have been the club to blame as well.

i never bring any new clones into my room without totally submerging them upside down into a bucket of floramite mix, in the past i used einstien oil, but floramite works ten times better (for mites).
the spider mites look like spiders kinda but gnarlier. you might not see the mites themselves at first but u will probly see their eggs which are pretty obvious when u see them.


Well-Known Member
this is the best thing ive used yet i use neem oil out side and the sm-90 inside and its organic also

CAL-MAG MIXING: we were having problems and the guy at the grow shop told us this about the cal-mag. when you mix the cal-mag mix it directly in the res/water when you mix it with other stuff it combines with other chemicals and turns into a completly different chemical and is no longer beneficial to growing. so pretty much when you mix it with any thing but water it screws it up.

we had spider mites one day went and got the sm-90 sprayed they were dead and gone sprayed 2 more times to make sure havent seen 1 since.


Well-Known Member
yea i run sm90 in the res but i didnt know they rid spidermites. i just run it for root maintenance if im out of hydroguard, rhizotonic or whatever