The Opiates Thread



You are how you feel. I dont do opiates to much but still enjoy a voyage.

Your always so negative. =D

well if i was high from doing opiates like you and had that warm funny feeling maybe id be more positive? lol yeah right.:clap:


Well-Known Member
Lmao I havent had opiates in atleast a month =\. Damn I should be better rounded here. You could do a copious amount of different drugs and never get addicted to them. Its in your mind little one.

I also do think you would be a little more positive if you had drugs in you. Always does for me.


Lmao I havent had opiates in atleast a month =\. Damn I should be better rounded here. You could do a copious amount of different drugs and never get addicted to them. Its in your mind little one.

I also do think you would be a little more positive if you had drugs in you. Always does for me.

in your mind huh? shoot dope for 30 days and try to tell me that.


Well-Known Member
When I said "Drugs" it was plural meaning more than one..In my meaning I was talking about all assortments of drugs..If you use different ones you might have fun =D.
I have a question, and it might sound stupid but you didn't touch on it. Do you regret it? I mean, something having that much power over you?


Active Member
I started off with vicodin and I thought i was great. It wasnt too much of like a high for me but it made me more sociable and a lott happier. like id pop them b4 school everyday and it would be great. they do get addicting though. vic's arent that hard to kick (speaking for myself) I hadnt done any oxycodone at the time only opiates i had where hydrocodone. so my buddy says he has morphine from his dad or whatever. i got a few pills and popped 2 before school. i was excpecting the same thing but noooo this was a HIGH haha i was pretty high on morphine. at my school then morphine was hard to find and after that i wanted more. Percocet was going around though so i started getting into those and those were hard to kick.

Now i just ocaisionally do the opiate pills and smoke opium. never tried herion though. i dont want to but if i come across it ill probably end up trying it just being so curios

thats my history of opiates!


Well-Known Member
Heroin Is 2x As Potent As Morphine.

Hydrocodone Is 1.5x As Potent As Morphine.
This just isn't true. Are we talking a morphine drip or the pill. The pill is awful. The drip is heaven.

I've been on Vicodin for year. Sometimes I have to go a week or two without. I'm fine. I've had opiates prescribed and they are absolutely nothing.

Everyone is different in regards to what meds work for them.

Generally speaking doctors try and give you Darvaset, hoping you'll go away, then you move up to vicodin/hydrocodone, then percocet/oxycodone then Oxycontin then morphine pills.

Most opiates prescribed by doctors are terrible and don't do much for me.


Active Member
yea i know what you mean dubsfan, i was taking vicodin prescribed like not to get high and didnt seem to help pain at all. still a relaxing buzz though. I think just smoking opium for pain is the better way to go if your safe with it. plus theres no risk of liver failure with the tylenol mixed with vicodin.


Well-Known Member
yea i know what you mean dubsfan, i was taking vicodin prescribed like not to get high and didnt seem to help pain at all. still a relaxing buzz though. I think just smoking opium for pain is the better way to go if your safe with it. plus theres no risk of liver failure with the tylenol mixed with vicodin.
I mispell them because I'm not terribly concerned with how they're spelled. The Vicodin does relieve my pain and every now and then I'll catch a little buzz.

There is probably some scientific explanation as to why Morphine could be weaker than Vic's but there is a reason doctors prescribe Vic's a lot.

I get the larger 750's. The ratio of hydrocodone to acetominaphin is better. What's funny is the dope doesn't damage your liver. The over the counter shit does.

I have a buddy with MS. I've tried everything. I strained my back last year working out too hard. The ER gave me name brand Percocet. Blue pills. Easily twice as strong as the generics I've fucked with.

I was laying in bed and clinching my fist was difficult. Keep in mind I had been doing Vicodin on and off for years at this point. I was shocked.

Name brand matters...


Active Member
I have a question, and it might sound stupid but you didn't touch on it. Do you regret it? I mean, something having that much power over you?
its weird i love and hate it.. the highs are the best but not worth the withdrawls .. its better to stay away from it in general if you have an addictive personality


Well-Known Member
I personally have never experienced withdrawls from anything. When I quit smoking the nicotine wasn't my issue...not taking a break every 45min was. Also the action of putting a smoke to your mouth was the hard part. Just like for many heroin users the prick of the needle is a lot of what they crave.