Soz its hard to tell the age of a man from the back, sorry i was just guessing u were born in 58, which would make u 15 years older than me and 31 years older than my girlfriend lol.spose u better ... and hey ... u got a problem with leather pants ... on a man MY age .... and what friggin age is that? hahahahaha! they're latex faux leather ... please! now get them friggin pics! hahahaha!
Very very tempting mateI guess this is the real test of metal, I opend my tent to this this morning and i have nothing to smoke, no forgotten buds or lost branches just cigeretts.
Also heres the top of the ebw for ya lol.
patience of titanium stainless alloy ... and balls of the same. hahahaha! excellent garden ... looking fukin lovely mate! Walk on!!~~~~
Afghan used to couchlock me after smoking the good old Echeese it dont touch me I would have to take a 14 day break to get some thc out of my system!![]()
cool, im glad I didnt offend. I kinda see u as a Doug sort of charecter from weeds lol dunt ask me why lol, just silly fantasys u make up in ya head about ppl uve never met lolno worries, no offense, none taken ... you actually are bang on. I was just joshing ya. ah yes, the days of twentysumthin girlfriends .... nary but a dream laddie ... hahaha!
that's crazy, I can't wait to try the proper cheese ..... sometime?MY balls are starting to melt, Ill prob do some very important(spl) pruning of lower branches and popcorn by tonight lol. Hey quick dried unready weed is free but damp unready weed is 25 quid an eighth, you do the math lol. My unready shit is infanatly superier to the stuff that the chinese grow so im quids in lol or something lol. I neeed a![]()
Its mental how the cheese raises the tollerance bar so other weed dunt work. I only need 24 hrs off of weed and then I have to be carefull smoking my next one cuz ill prob whitey like a school boy lol.
cool, im glad I didnt offend. I kinda see u as a Doug sort of character from weeds lol dunt ask me why lol, just silly fantasys u make up in ya head about ppl uve never met lol![]()
hahahha ... .hopefully the "fantasies" are kept to a minimum hahahaha! its all good! but then maybe I should check out the character ....doesn't ring a bell for me?
Thats going to b an amazing strain,
Doug Wilson Kevin Nealon (S1-5)
Doug is the fun-loving accountant and friend of Nancy, who as a "wake and bake" smoker is also a steady weed buyer. Doug is a city councilman for Agrestic, but treats his position like a hobby and takes advantage of it for the perks. Doug has an unseen wife Dana who he loves very much but who won't have sex with him. Doug also has a gay teenaged son Josh (Justin Chatwin) who appeared only in the pilot episode. Doug has recently opened a medicinal marijuana dispensary with Silas, but his atrocious manners and abusive bargaining tactics have frustrated Silas.
thats wot wiki says bout the doug charecter.
Have u seen the tv show called weeds?