UK cheese cross white widow cross blueberry

mr west

Well-Known Member

is it me or has it got a blueish hint to it, could be the light of the flash vers the back light of the autumn hps? looks pretty tho lol


Well-Known Member
She's a leggy dame Fred, looks amazing how long do reckon it'll need? Did you get those clones back? Does she look blueish in normal light? I'll rep you when it lets me

mr west

Well-Known Member
cheers oscar, I recon itll be finished b4 the older bb/ww judging by the funk and hairs lo Less than ten weeks id say.

mr west

Well-Known Member
it smells like earthy cheese with a sweet lick lol. In my opinion its the BOMB!!!! Smells very potant, catches in the back of ur sinuses lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
well its 6 pm now and im skint with hardly any smoke so i will be sat at home watchin rubbish telly lol