Ok, I'm new to the site and seen how some people have been growing in PC towers which blew my mind cause I have a spare one that's pretty tall so I decided try it out. PICS BELOW. This has been my 3rd attempt ever to grow erb and failed. Never grew inside so I hope this works. My mother and I both share the ritual of smoking MJ together as it always brought us together. Starting smoking with her at the age of 16 I believe and I am now 26 and she is 54 and still puffing strong. So to make a long intro short I have been challenged from my mother and wife to start out small and then maybe something larger after this goes well. I have 2 14w daytime cfls 5500k pretty much all I could find at home depot for what I had in my pocket and a splitter, found a adapter in the house and hooked up one fan to it from the old PC, still have to get another one for out take but I have a hole already made up top for now. I used sun reflector for car windows for the walls, and the soil is miracle grow seed starting potting mix with phosphorus for roots. I only use water that has been set out for a few days and some rain water I have collected that I have stored. Tuesday July 28, 2009 I started germinating in soil with a bag tightly over the containers set outside and noticed they had came through Aug 2, 2009 Saturday. I have been real cautious of how much water I add noticing the soil I have gets real damp and logged so I'm trying to get that figured out and wonder if my lights are good for my application. Any and all help would be appreciated!