Magnets.....was going to say about the new meters and no moving parts-but figured everybody had them and knew. Bad karma?? Whatever....... I call it unnecessary risk as I believe in 'my-neck-of-the-woods' they can get real close to where they're 'losing' power....
If you dont have it yet, get ready: They replaced our meters well over a year ago.....and then again about 6 months ago. They're all digital and completely wireless. They can sit in thier office and tell me how much power Iam using
right now! And they have graphs.....well, thier computers do. You think this is scary? Yeah, they
see that ever day at say 6pm I have a spike of 600+- watts. And every 5 minutes from 6 to 6:20 600wts is added(5x600=3000wts) plus my ac, fans, pumps, dehumidifier..... So I know that on a regular night at 12:01am I am probably burning well over 4000wts......and at times I switch out some of the 600's for 1000's......whatever it is, my point is that they see similar spike every day(can you imagine what the graph looks like?!) and unless you have two 12/12 rooms and are real good with math and electric, you can avoid the 'spike' by setting up a flip-flop and spread your power out over 24hrs at a more 'even' rate. Your still using the same amount of power.
I'm a reasonably(haha) paranoid careful person, if such a thing exist.... I try to cover everything with/through SSH Tunnel via proxy with all of my online shyte. The last thing I am worried about is the power company. What's going to flag them to my account? It's all automated...... My bill is paid. There is no power coming out here to where I am at that is 'missing.' You do realize that they can meter power at points and do math, I am assuming. The software they use 'detects' leaks(missing power), amoung many other things I am sure. They are a business and for the most part are run like one. And they dont give a rat's ass how much power you use---at least in this part of the US.......... Dont rip them off, dont be completely stupid....... Leo is much more likely to violate the flir rules because who knows for sure what they're looking at?
That even causes me more concern than the power consumption: you think they can just walk in the power company and say 'we want to look at all the records' for (whatever area/house, neighborhood)? And if they come in there and say with specifics which house they want the records for--well fuck me, that house was already busted before they went to the power company: now they're just building onto the evidence they must already have?
Nobody has an excuse to not pay thier power bill. If your burning x amount of power and cant take care of the bills, well that explains the magnets. Paranoia is NO EXCUSE! If your burning 15,000+ watts then your in it for the $$ and should be set-up commercial/industrial somewhere with proper cover. Not growing schwag with glass in it like all the rest of these veitnamese fly-by-night, house destroying bastards giving all of us a bad rap.
Oh, something else....? They had a HUGE indoor bust in the PNW I think it was last week. HUGE!! It was a highly sophisticated op too. I think the news said they had
over 40(that's 4-0!!!) mature plants and as many that were "immature"<----(un-rooted cuttings??). The $$ estimates?......yeah, you know. My point is this, something better for you guys worrying about a few thousands watts to worry
about: the narcs/task force, whatever--got thier lead starting from a hydro shop surviellance op-->the news reported that they(5-0) 'regularly' watch who comes and goes from the hydro shops. I can only imagine the records they have(illegal they are) and swap with the other task forces and agencies, just for info(intelligence).
oooooops... I think I hear a helo outside-----hey, think one of those magnets could fuck it up should it get too close?? JK

Hope you all have a great weekend!! I am not trying to be an ass towards anyone!!......just giving my 10 cents when I was only asked for two.
