TM's 3K OP...version 2.0


Well-Known Member
Dam Your girls look real good seems like yesterday you where harvesting:weed:.. looks like you got your shit dialed nice..:hump:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thought I'd give another azotrol update. After cutting back to 1 tbs per gallon I must say it is the best $108.00 i've spent to date for mite control. I'm still a firm believer in 1500 ladie bugs every 50 days though. Looks like all is well keep up the good work. Ya perpetual or not referring to posts of days gone by well those fuckers just wont give up no matter your strategy. Seems like a workout you just have to put in your 5 miles every morning or face the piper.

Got me some afgannie train wreck copied off today. Ahh got good old tw back in the line up.


Well-Known Member
tw is good shit for sure.. there's a grower around these parts that has that every once in a a while.. his harvest schedule is sketchy at best.. so its impossible to know when it'll be around again...


Well-Known Member
i love the musty smell of good train wreck, almost reminds me of chocolate. everything going good approching 7weeks of flower rapidly, i started flushing today, i may flush all the way to 9weeks, and give u guys the bud porn yall deserve. i might take a few blueberrys out this weekend at week 7 but the rest are staying towards 8-9 weeks. i have a huge step towards a better situation. within a month ill have another 7patients, a big clinic coming to town, and ive been working on preapprovals all week , faxes, releases of medical info, and records. my numbers will go up from 30 to 66 by the 20th of next month. that should help tremendously..


Well-Known Member
i love the musty smell of good train wreck, almost reminds me of chocolate. everything going good approching 7weeks of flower rapidly, i started flushing today, i may flush all the way to 9weeks, and give u guys the bud porn yall deserve. i might take a few blueberrys out this weekend at week 7 but the rest are staying towards 8-9 weeks. i have a huge step towards a better situation. within a month ill have another 7patients, a big clinic coming to town, and ive been working on preapprovals all week , faxes, releases of medical info, and records. my numbers will go up from 30 to 66 by the 20th of next month. that should help tremendously..
nice...nice...nice :hump:


Well-Known Member
nice to know your numbers are increasing.. will help you figure out what to do with the surplus of clones!! will be waiting to see pics...


Well-Known Member
damn bro.. nothing beats a bong and some porn in the morning... shits looking REAL nice bro.. keep it up and i'm gonna have to come out and see em for myself!! LOL


Well-Known Member

Those are some great looking plants. They still look like there growing alot...only the last one looks like its finishing? Are you going to go 60 days with them?


Well-Known Member
ya im letting them go... to around the 8-9 week range. some blueberrys and that last pic of the grunk theyll come down as soon as there flushed, possibly a week from now. the ecsd needs more time..all pistals are white and there still growing and fox tailing at this point. the ecsd is amazing, its as big as my big bud strain wuz, but much more dense and crystally, great rez production and nug fattness. my best so far as far as yield will be concerned. its between the ecsd and the blueberry u have slip, as far as yield and resin goes. the grunk is bomb, and is a early finisher, with rock hard nugs they just dont get as big as the ecsd or the blue.

raider the cloner is working without a hitch. i have to add some ph down every week and add about a half quart of water, and other than that maintenence free so far. after this next few clones finish in there ill be bleaching it out and starting it over once again. i will be packing every sq foot i can next cycle with flowering plants, as reccommended .. dont want to be wasting space or precious lumens. alll else goes well, and SS if u can make it down ur always invited...


Well-Known Member
man id be stoked to have u SS. man if u could get here for rifle season, NOV 15th u should. im getting like 5B tags this year, so its open season on does bro. then i get an elk and a buck of choice. .. if i can find any :) nothing better than being in the hills brawling Diesel 1tons at 430am pitch black stoned as fuck ...locked and fucking loaded. either way hunting season or not. . . ur presence would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
Wow :clap: just wow That first flower pic the first thing out of my mouth was WOW THAT BUD SWELLED UP QUICK!!!!!! Looking great over there TM keep it up bro :clap:
