New Member
yah, why even pay attention to what they are doing......
Next time....don't taunt me...
41. it's one thing to consider something "in private". It's quite another to announce it.
Yes, but by you knowing he "considered", it is now chavez. Better to keep it close to the vest. It was noobish and a mistake.
I know, but this stuff isn't hard to find. There is a section of pol posters who simply don't look and then want me to fill in the blanks for them.
I look at every side of every issue before I crunch numbers and come down with an opinion. Very little is off the top of my head, except for the jokes....
Yes, but by you knowing he "considered", it is now chavez. Better to keep it close to the vest. It was noobish and a mistake.
I know, but this stuff isn't hard to find. There is a section of pol posters who simply don't look and then want me to fill in the blanks for them.
I look at every side of every issue before I crunch numbers and come down with an opinion. Very little is off the top of my head, except for the jokes....
Pay attention yes. But actually look at the real stuff like we are doing with the health insurance bill, not just what some loony website posted. What you seem to be doing is looking at what the bloggers are telling you, and believing it.yah, why even pay attention to what they are doing......
Wouldn't it be better to say your considering it, like Obama did to see the reaction it causes?I too am for the embargo ending... surprise... but if I were the President of the United States of America, I wouldn't be telegraphing a "consideration". What President hasn't had at least ONE meeting where it was discussed and considered...and canned.
I didn't single that one out, and I for one can give him a pass on being so naive. he has no record nor experience and an ascension from such a low resume to the top job has to be a tremendous stress. He's a noob..... that's not surprising to me at all.
And I am curious, can you point out some 'crunched' numbers that you have ever done? And I applaud what you say here, that is the best way to formulate a good opinion.I look at every side of every issue before I crunch numbers and come down with an opinion. Very little is off the top of my head, except for the jokes....
I have read a lot of the Bill. It is scary as hell and will cost a fortune. It will be out of whack at the end of a decade and then will take off from there...just like Medicare. All of these same platitudes were promised with medicare..... and all were crushed under the reality of Govt. run inefficiency. No spin is needed....... the numbers and time lines are horrid.Pay attention yes. But actually look at the real stuff like we are doing with the health insurance bill, not just what some loony website posted. What you seem to be doing is looking at what the bloggers are telling you, and believing it.
Like any good lawyer (Obama?), you never ask a question you don't know the answer to. There was no upside to making that public. It did however ADD to the legitimacy of Raul Castro and got him high favor with the rest of Latin America and especially our good friend the narco man Chavez. If Obama saw all that coming, he is far more dangerous than I thought. If he didn't know what would have happened...we are back to him making a mistake.Wouldn't it be better to say your considering it, like Obama did to see the reaction it causes?
what was given in return?People don't realize how important being open and honest helps to show the others true colors and positions. He kept quiet during Korea missile launch and that worked with China having to step up. He didn't fly off the handle with Clinton going to Korea, and we got the 2 journalists back.
The despots pretty much have Obama on the run, especially Russia who just trounced him in the last talks, and who just coincidentally put 4 attack nuke subs off the east coast last wee.... symbolic they said.... symbolic of what?The saying "speak softly and carry a big stick" is so far working very well for Obama. He says a few things and it seems to be going well. Instead of tough talking Iran after the election which would just set a match on a bad situation he settles back on an issue we have no power over. Unfortunently here in the good ole' US of A it doesn't work very well. People here somehow think that now flying off the handle and threatening to call your boss if you don't take this undercooked stake back it the only way to get things done.
I have read a lot of the Bill. It is scary as hell and will cost a fortune. It will be out of whack at the end of a decade and then will take from there...just like Medicare. All of these same platitudes were promised with medicare..... and all were crushed under the reality of Govt. run inefficiency. No spin is needed....... the numbers and time lines are horrid.
Like any good lawyer (Obama?), you never ask a question you don't know the answer to. There was no upside to making that public. It did however ADD to the legitimacy of Raul Castro and got him high favor with the rest of Latin America and especially our good friend the narco man Chavez. If Obama saw all that coming, he is far more dangerous than I thought. If he didn't know what would have happened...we are back to him making a mistake.
what was given in return?
The despots pretty much have Obama on the run, especially Russia who just trounced him in the last talks, and who just coincidentally put 4 attack nuke subs off the east coast last wee.... symbolic they said.... symbolic of what?
Officials said they became aware of the most recent submarine activity off the East Coast early on through intelligence sources and were not notified by Moscow in advance of the patrols. They said the submarines have not crossed into U.S. waters, which extend 12 miles out into the ocean.
The statement issued by Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command said, "We have been monitoring them during transit and recognize the right of all nations to exercise freedom of navigation in international waters according to international law."
Well the CBO says already that is will be in major deficits where as Obama insists it won't cost a dime. Whom to believe.... I'll go with the CBO considering they use "static growth tables" and is conservative AT BEST. Which means it will be worse than their prediction, but I'll accept their low figures for now.And what did you read to get you to think that this would cost a fortune that we are not already paying?
Nobody is on trial, this is not a one sided argument. Raul got legitimacy and he by saying yes please talk to us, so he is willing to do whatever to work with us, while his brother loses credibility with not working with us. I see that as a win.
wow, I simply used the lawyer as an ILLUSTRATION to not making mistakes when the STAKES are high. Hooboy... I'm getting you more in focus...slowly.
Soundboard of Fox news quote right there. What was given by Jessie Jackson when he got prisoners released? When ever an American goes out on his own and gains us people that are being held by foreign governments is a good thing, because it means that the government is not having to give up anything.
Unlike the whole Regan/Oliver North compramise.
bargaining for hostages is always a bad idea. it just promotes more hostage taking. Everyone is watching and everyone sees that the US will deal if ppl are taken. BAD BAD BAD.... that's a no brainer. total of 4 but that's ok... yes of course the military is tracking them.... now I want you to think that one through a bit..... how else would we know? Uhhhh.... hooboy. It was two subs, and they were hundreds of miles off the coast in international waters which we cannot force them to not be. Which also the military were tracking and unconcerned about.
Yes, the Russians said it was symbolic so I'll ask again... what's the symbolism??????????????????????????????
Well the CBO says already that is will be in major deficits where as Obama insists it won't cost a dime. Whom to believe.... I'll go with the CBO considering they use "static growth tables" and is conservative AT BEST. Which means it will be worse than their prediction, but I'll accept their low figures for now.
wow, I simply used the lawyer as an ILLUSTRATION to not making mistakes when the STAKES are high. Hooboy... I'm getting you more in focus...slowly.
bargaining for hostages is always a bad idea. it just promotes more hostage taking. Everyone is watching and everyone sees that the US will deal if ppl are taken. BAD BAD BAD.... that's a no brainer.
A total of 4 but that's ok... yes of course the military is tracking them.... now I want you to think that one through a bit..... how else would we know? Uhhhh.... hooboy.
Yes, the Russians said it was symbolic so I'll ask again... what's the symbolism??????????????????????????????
You are off your rocker son if you think the govt. is setting up the same thing. If they are (they aren't)....then why do it? Why replace it with the same thing? The vast majority of Americans are quite happy with their Health Care. What's so hard to understand about that? It's about commandeering 1/7th of the economy.... sigh.Do you not get that the insurance plan is looking at those that don't have any now? What do you think happens now when they get very sick, or injured? Do you not understand that we are still paying for it? So why would it cost more money? You are just thinking that this is a brand new thing that is being created it is not a new plane, it is something that we are already doing, it is just changing the system that is in place and not working right.
Giving comfort (which is what he did) emboldens the enemy... (raul castro) and gives him undeserved legitimacy. Nuff was a mistake.Wow some nutjob is slowly forming an opinion about me. What mistakes that are so huge is he making? The only people that are pissed at Obama for talking, is the people that were going to be pissed at him regardless of what he said or didn't say.
Huh? I just want to know what was given IN RETURN... I guess you aren't aware of the three Americans which were taken hostage by Iran? What lesson is Iran learning now from a negotiated release? Think hard....You demand to see the manager to take back your mostly eaten state to get a free meal arn't you. What did they bargain? What could Jesse Jackson have possibly given to get people back?
Huh? Again...huh?How about last time we used this sub we got the entire crew killed because we built it wrong, now look we didn't kill everyone.
Can't answer what the symbolism is?? Or is it that you don't want to answer....![]()
Huh? Again...huh?
Can't answer what the symbolism is?? Or is it that you don't want to answer....![]()
I'm still waiting on you to explain why you think all Muslims are terrorists, but you haven't.
Yeah the 80% of americans that have insurance and hence affordable medical care are happy. Good for them, they should be. But this is about the 20% that don't. You really should read the actual bill. They are setting up a insurance plan pure and simple. The other stuff in it is about stopping the insurance companies from cutting people that get sick by saying it is pre-existing conditions and everything else they do to screw the people that they call customers when they cost money. You know setting up regulations to stop americans from being screwed.You are off your rocker son if you think the govt. is setting up the same thing. If they are (they aren't)....then why do it? Why replace it with the same thing? The vast majority of Americans are quite happy with their Health Care. What's so hard to understand about that? It's about commandeering 1/7th of the economy.... sigh.
It underminded Castro and made him look weak, because the people do want us to work with them. Once he goes away it open up us saying hey we always wanted to help you but he wouldn't let us, making us smell like a rose. Nuff said.Giving comfort (which is what he did) emboldens the enemy... (raul castro) and gives him undeserved legitimacy. Nuff was a mistake.
That they will be looked at worse than north korea by the world if they don't let them go? You are just putting your prejiduce in this and assuming that anything was given away.Huh? I just want to know what was given IN RETURN... I guess you aren't aware of the three Americans which were taken hostage by Iran? What lesson is Iran learning now from a negotiated release? Think hard....
That was the symbolism dumby. That they can sail a sub without killing the crew (that is what happened last time that they set to sea with that sub, the entire crew died from a gas leak).Quote:
How about last time we used this sub we got the entire crew killed because we built it wrong, now look we didn't kill everyone.
Huh? Again...huh?
Can't answer what the symbolism is?? Or is it that you don't want to answer....![]()
Now CJ is going to cry hat he doesn't watch them, which I guess is true. What he doesn't know is that they get all their news from the same conspiracy sites that he gets all his information. So he thinks he is cutting edge by not watching them, when in reality it is identical and he doesn't even get to see the hot girls that they try to pass off as 'news anchors'.Cracker is what he is .... Just a shame that in this day and age people are still living and thinking the way he does... What part of the country you in..... Never mind don't answer pretty much tell it in your writings... Hey guy caught off fox news ( better still cut off t.v. ), stop listening to Hannity, Alex, and the rest of the hate mongers. ...Go out meet some new friends of different backgrounds ....( I know I know, but they really don't all carry guns and drink malt liquor or live 15 deep in a house ) .... I bet you hate our new supreme court justice too..... Great choice Obama ....Needed a woman ( and latin to boot ).... Cracker you are so see thru your name should be " Casper the Cracker"jax
I'm still waiting on you to explain why you think all Muslims are terrorists, but you haven't.
Maybe because I never said it to begin with.
Maybe because I never said it to begin with.
Well, only you know the meaning of your words, but your words (spoken with generalized diction) certainly suggested a bias. Perhaps I did interpret them wrong, but you could have spoken more clearly.
well this is not a true statement.....if he as this document states, and from what is true, he lied about his name if he was not born in the USA, Biden should not and could not take over, how, his party ran on lies, and his postion would also be null and void by proxy as any thing that has been, signed and acted on by the non US born pres. it would create havoc as it would if the first non white pres. was ousted out along with his US born family, his grandmother lived here in the US with an expired visa, she did not get kick out she was at the white as things change in the world (like phone booths, mom and pop stores, drive-ins, farmland, anything made or owned by USA, proibition) the goverment has to change by wasteful spending! it seems that the goverment is filled with a group of people of the 50's and 60's, and their thinking and spending is putting us into turmoil! God bless us all!Ok guys, so if we find out Obama was not born here and Biden takes over, what then?
The man will always change, but the plan will stay the same...the answer is at the top.