Am I being investigated?


Active Member
I was making a trip to Taco bell just around the corner during mid-day on my bike. Along the way I was stopped by a cop. He was accompanied by an older man who seemed to be clean cut but in plain clothing, collared shirt, tan slacks, etc

I asked if I had done something

His excuse for stopping me was that he said there were allot of thieves in the area whom ride bikes and he hadn’t seen me in the area before. (moved here few months ago)

The older man chimed in "most people drive" I live in a coastal area and see atleast 10 people (give or take) riding bikes every day

He asked a few basic questions like age and name. He never bothered to ask me my current address which worries me a bit but he did ask me my previous address and where I had come from before that.

I may be over thinking it, but what do you guys think?

The key things that worry me would be

#1 The older guy in dress type / plain clothing

#2 They didn’t bother to ask me my current address which leads me to believe they may already have it.


Active Member
tell the "cop" to fuck off. did he shw you a badge? if you did nothing wrong, ask him to tell you what you did wrong. if he makes up a lie, get his name and badge number, write it down on a peice of paper in front ofhim. tell him that you are aware of your rights, and that you are aware of the laws, and that if you did not break any law, you would not like to take up any more of his imporant time.


Well-Known Member
and just be careful and watchfull of everywhere u go if u got a tail cars drive slow past ur house see cars that arent normall in r neggiorhood that kinda stuff

pot scott

Well-Known Member
if ur under 18 and it wasn't past curfew, he had no reasonable suspicion to stop u. And i hope he didn't shake u down too.


Active Member
Yeah I mean if I'm not being investigated then I'm not really worried about it, probably better not to provoke anyone. I'm working on installing new security features around my house and neighborhood. Though I am curious to know if I have any rights when it comes to the disclosure of investigation information, obviously not the "details" but rather if I have the right to know that I'm under investigation.


Well-Known Member
Don't you live in CA? What have you got to worry about, unless you are going way over the limit.


You should be extra careful, similar thing happen to me and I didnt think much of it...a month later I got busted. They were actually Feds who busted me and they were working with the local PD


Active Member
Don't you live in CA? What have you got to worry about, unless you are going way over the limit.

yes I do, and lets just say i'm under 100 but I dont think thats the limit lol.

I'll take note of that, but at this point theres not much else I can do, I mean do I trash my entire crop from something that may or may not hold substance?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I was making a trip to Taco bell just around the corner during mid-day on my bike. Along the way I was stopped by a cop. He was accompanied by an older man who seemed to be clean cut but in plain clothing, collared shirt, tan slacks, etc

I asked if I had done something

His excuse for stopping me was that he said there were allot of thieves in the area whom ride bikes and he hadn’t seen me in the area before. (moved here few months ago)

The older man chimed in "most people drive" I live in a coastal area and see atleast 10 people (give or take) riding bikes every day

He asked a few basic questions like age and name. He never bothered to ask me my current address which worries me a bit but he did ask me my previous address and where I had come from before that.

I may be over thinking it, but what do you guys think?

The key things that worry me would be

#1 The older guy in dress type / plain clothing

The older dude is a detective

#2 They didn’t bother to ask me my current address which leads me to believe they may already have it.
I believe there have been burglaries (or other serious crime) in that area (on bikes), and they know who you are, because they've been watching all the bike riders in that area. You are just one of the suspects in these burglaries, and they wanted to get your reaction.

I think you handled it well, and as long as you have no priors, they'll go sniffing around somewhere esle now.

Think about it; they aren't going to pull you aside, make up some BS about burglaries, and question your past, if they suspect you are growing some weed in your closet.


Active Member
Everyone Listen up! Never be a dick to a cop!!! What's the point. Be respectful and answer basic questions (Name & DOB) thats it. 9 out of 10 times they are doing their job and seeing if you are braking the law. In this case your not. You are well within your rights to keep your meds. My point is that if you keep to yourself, and are not doing B&E's or other dumb shit like that, why draw attention to yourself.

By the way, I'm sure your OK. They didn't need you address because they can get it through the DMV. Just remember that you are doing NOTHING wrong.


Active Member
Everyone Listen up! Never be a dick to a cop!!! What's the point. Be respectful and answer basic questions (Name & DOB) thats it. 9 out of 10 times they are doing their job and seeing if you are braking the law. In this case your not. You are well within your rights to keep your meds. My point is that if you keep to yourself, and are not doing B&E's or other dumb shit like that, why draw attention to yourself.

By the way, I'm sure your OK. They didn't need you address because they can get it through the DMV. Just remember that you are doing NOTHING wrong.
I wasnt driving, I had no ID


Well-Known Member
you don't have to be driving to have information at the DMV or in other records. also, you don't have to talk to cops unless they detain you. it is within your rights to calmly walk away if you have done nothing wrong (or if they cant prove it)


Active Member
Idk man... That seems kind of suspicious to me. Id be careful and on the look out. Watch for people parked outside your house.


Well-Known Member
I woulda told him to suck his mother,u dont have to give out info except name age and birth date unles being investigated for an "actual" crime i never answer the simplest questions from a duppy cop.


Well-Known Member
always be curtious to police ...bein a dick is a way to stick out. sounds like u did the right thing, talked with them about there b an e investigation. remain vigalant and watch for any signs of foul play. stay off the grid. off the phones with bullshit talk around the house, and watch who u bring in to ur casa. be impressionable to immediate nieghbors in a good way. just cover ur bases and cross ur fingers. its all we can really do..


Well-Known Member
always be curtious to police ...bein a dick is a way to stick out. sounds like u did the right thing, talked with them about there b an e investigation. remain vigalant and watch for any signs of foul play. stay off the grid. off the phones with bullshit talk around the house, and watch who u bring in to ur casa. be impressionable to immediate nieghbors in a good way. just cover ur bases and cross ur fingers. its all we can really do..
words of wisdom, i mean whats better a neighbor whos never even seen you, or someone who can vouch for your character. I just got some new neighbors and instead of avoiding them I brought them pomegranets...


Well-Known Member
Are you in So. Cal.? Doesn't sound very out of the ordinary for down there. I can't count the times that I was stopped and questioned while walking down the street, minding my own business. Seems like down there if you're not driving it's assumed that there's something wrong with you. I don't think there was anything to it but them not liking the way I looked. (Luckily, I don't live down there anymore). I wouldn't worry to much personally.


Active Member
Appreciate the responses guys.

Yeah I'm always trying to stay on top of being the "friendly neighbor" type; with out over compensating of course, I wouldn’t want Mr. Rogers thinking
that I'm trying to score with his wife :hump:

Maintaining a calm collected and courteous attitude seems to be key here.

Yeah I'm in SOCAL, and getting stopped is usually only 40% of the time haha. It just seemed awkward to me, the setting was unusual for my being stopped and questioned.