• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Obama rolls out the "Rat on your neighbor" Campaign


Well-Known Member
Now THAT is a biased new's source! Wow!

Anyway, what if they're merely trying to clear up misinformation. A lot of it is out there. Look at this site. There are 4 people I can name spreading absolute lies about the proposal. They're saying the government will watch your bank accounts, force everyone to get on the government plan over private ones, give death pills to the elderly, etc... These claims are ridiculous.

However, if that is a WH press release, then it does seem a bit extreme. I don't even know how they have the time to monitor what a website is saying or why they care. So I agree in one sense in that the presumably true statement is a bit frightening. Even if they are simply keeping tabs, I would want to know why.

But as I said, it would be hard to accept any piece of news as fact when it comes from a site dedicated to red policies only. It screams bias. I'm looking for another mention of this right now and will get back.


Well-Known Member
I doubt the intention of that message on the white house blog is anywhere near as sinister as those links you provided make it out to be.

Sounds like a pretty legitimate request. I mean, how can they dispel the misinformation if they don't know what it is that's being said?


Well-Known Member
I don't watch fox, cbs, nbc, abc or ANY TV at all. I can count the hours of TV I watched on 1 finger this year.


Well-Known Member
Now THAT is a biased new's source! Wow!

Anyway, what if they're merely trying to clear up misinformation. A lot of it is out there. Look at this site. There are 4 people I can name spreading absolute lies about the proposal. They're saying the government will watch your bank accounts, force everyone to get on the government plan over private ones, give death pills to the elderly, etc... These claims are ridiculous.

However, if that is a WH press release, then it does seem a bit extreme. I don't even know how they have the time to monitor what a website is saying or why they care. So I agree in one sense in that the presumably true statement is a bit frightening. Even if they are simply keeping tabs, I would want to know why.

But as I said, it would be hard to accept any piece of news as fact when it comes from a site dedicated to red policies only. It screams bias. I'm looking for another mention of this right now and will get back.

I hit the post button before I had edited all the sources, there is more than 1 source listed there. As I know the first thing you need to do to disprove anything is to first attack the source as unreliable or biased.


Well-Known Member
how about this i think our president is a pinko commie and is trying to socialize america their have been an amazing amount of precedents made that in manies opine is in direct opposition to FREEDOM

obama you suck

commies get shot on the spot



Well-Known Member
the first thing to do to combat ignorance is propaganda

not interogation where is this going

very un american


Well-Known Member
Here is the actual White House post.

Opponents of health insurance reform may find the truth a little inconvenient, but as our second president famously said, "facts are stubborn things."

Scary chain emails and videos are starting to percolate on the internet, breathlessly claiming, for example, to "uncover" the truth about the President’s health insurance reform positions.

In this video, Linda Douglass, the communications director for the White House’s Health Reform Office, addresses one example that makes it look like the President intends to "eliminate" private coverage, when the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.

For the record, the President has consistently said that if you like your insurance plan, your doctor, or both, you will be able to keep them. He has even proposed eight consumer protections relating specifically to the health insurance industry.​

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].​
Do you not frequent this website?

The type of crap going on here is what they want to see. If they don't know what your brand of crazy is how can they answer any of your questions? It is funny there are certain words that I can now pick up on to know which type of propaganda people are swallowing and am starting to get a better idea of where it started from.

You don't realize but most the crap that you see on blogs is pure imagination. They are falsifying it to make Obama look like he is evil, and if I was him I would want to keep up on it too.

Hell I would actually like to see politicians on the net going to blogs and trying to have a conversation with the people that are most afraid of them.

I always try to understand where people are formulating their ideas because if you don't know that you cannot hope to have a conversation with them. You don't realize that you are arguing a point that may seem like the same thing, but are actually worlds apart.

Like talking about taxes, if I am trying to say that it is a 3% difference that was the same as Clinton, and it is just repealing the cuts Bush put in place. It will fall on deaf ears when they are saying that it is too high. We sound like we are talking about the same thing, but I just wouldn't get that they mean ANY taxes is too much.

You have to know where someone is coming from before you can talk with them and get anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Look at your last paragraph there Hanimmal, thats what were talking about. We aren't talking about health care in this thread, please keep to topic.


Well-Known Member
You mean my last sentence or the white houses? The white house brought up health care as what they were talking about not me.

But you know that those website you linked are all very republican biased right? They are just slandering the piss out of things. What is sad is that now the Fox news channel will pick up this story and use those sites as their "Evidence" so that they are technically not doing anything illegal.

This is how things are working in the news today. The food chain goes Conspiracy Theorists>> Their followers using those as news for their links >>> To bloggers picking up on those ideas and posting them on boards like this >>> Radio and TV talking heads pick up this 'news' and reports it as the truth.

So what we end up with is a huge chain of garbage news that is impossible to sort out reality from fiction anymore for people that don't try to dispute everything.

I am forced to do this (dispute everything that gets posted) and that is why I end up debating everything. I am really trying to keep an eye out on Obama's Administration, but for things that are real. So I try to go through everything that you all post, but I refuse to be a bloggers puppet.

I fact check everything that I post on so that I know the real story. And almost always it is pure bs. The only thing so far that I have found that Obama actually has done wrong is firing the DA that refused to drop a law suit against the Sacramento Mayor. That is a real story, but it is just not sexy when compared to Obama trying to kill little old ladies, or Fema death camps.


Well-Known Member
Yet right wingers had no problem with Bush trying to turn everyone into spies and reporting terrorist neighbors.

You all loved his illegal wiretapping and surveillance programs and the Patriot Act he pushed through in a matter of days. That was all just fine and dandy, cause, um, Bush was white and not a Muslim heathen.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Obama is preparing to start making an "Enemy" list. Basically he wants to know if your neighbor does not agree with his Politics and he wants you to rat him out.
Good Lord. It says the rumors propagate through casual conversation, which is a fact. The WH wants to know about the substance of the rumors, not the names and addresses of the casual conversants. Are you seriously this goddamn stupid?

what... huh?

Active Member
I am still not sure why people feel they have a "right" to privacy over a privately owned public utility anyway. I guess it makes them feel better.

Google echelon.

LOL @ illegal wiretapping.


Well-Known Member
Fly, one thing that I have to accept now with what is going on with Obama is that we started this mess with Bush.

Looking back they are using our playbook. These bills that were passed I believe now were read and understood. But what we saw on the news was our dems blabbering like it was the worst thing ever, and all these last minute pages inserted. Michael Moore was our Alex Jones, Fox News is their version of MSNBC and CNN for Bush. Glenn Beck is a whole new beast though, kudos to them for being somewhat inventive.

We used the everything including the kitchen sink with bush and a lot of it stuck. Much like Obama is getting now.

Those wiretaps and other stuff may not have been the worst thing ever since it helped stop the jewish center bombing a couple months back.

We need to keep an eye on nutballs. But if the government starts to overstep their bounds is when we need to scream from the rooftops about it.


Well-Known Member
Fly, one thing that I have to accept now with what is going on with Obama is that we started this mess with Bush.

Looking back they are using our playbook. These bills that were passed I believe now were read and understood. But what we saw on the news was our dems blabbering like it was the worst thing ever, and all these last minute pages inserted. Michael Moore was our Alex Jones, Fox News is their version of MSNBC and CNN for Bush. Glenn Beck is a whole new beast though, kudos to them for being somewhat inventive.

We used the everything including the kitchen sink with bush and a lot of it stuck. Much like Obama is getting now.

Those wiretaps and other stuff may not have been the worst thing ever since it helped stop the jewish center bombing a couple months back.

We need to keep an eye on nutballs. But if the government starts to overstep their bounds is when we need to scream from the rooftops about it.
The government has been overstepping its bounds for a while now, and yet all I see from your ilk is justification for its violations of the Constitution and transformation of that document into something that it was not meant to be.

Makes me believe that you will never say a word about the gross abuses of government as long as its spun as being for the common "good."


Well-Known Member
The government has been overstepping its bounds for a while now, and yet all I see from your ilk is justification for its violations of the Constitution and transformation of that document into something that it was not meant to be.

Makes me believe that you will never say a word about the gross abuses of government as long as its spun as being for the common "good."
I have been trying to be civil with you but I am over it. Dude get a life. You are in a constant state of fear and are so worried about a piece of paper that has slowly been adjusted over the last 220 years. Things change, technology gets better and we have to adapt. If you feel like the nation is the same as it was when it was written and that we have nothing to offer for the betterment of our country, I feel sorry for you.

You are turning into a dinosaur. Your 'austrian economics' is biased which it shouldn't be. Your fear of actual economic theories is unfounded. The Gold/deflation bit you keep playing is played out and absurd. Your nutball theories about the fed is asinine.

But what ever, you are a fear mongerer and that is all you will be until you wake up and realize there is no one in the government that cares enough about you to try to get you. And if there is some diabolical plan to take over the nation enough to get Obama elected and control all the banks, wake the heck up because it would mean that they are already in power, so why would they need to get more when they would be able to have everything that they want?

For over two hundred years we have been adjusting that document that took a couple weeks to write as we grew as a nation. Was it an amazing document, hell yeah. Is it all things to everyone, hell no. Does these adjustment mean that the government is overstepping its bounds? No. Because it is the people that elect these idiots and they are just passing crap that people want, leaving in just enough loopholes to skim some off the top.

Do we need to get out of peoples lives? Yes.

Does collecting what people are talking about so that they can understand the point of view your nutty right is coming up with at breakneck speeds constitute something to worry about? Hell no.

Now if they tried to collect who was saying it in order to arrest them, then yeah big time issue with that.


Well-Known Member
Unlimited faith in government, unless your guy loses. A very sophisticated stance, to be sure.


Well-Known Member
Unlimited faith in government, unless your guy loses. A very sophisticated stance, to be sure.
That is funny if you are referring to me. Because I have said time and time again that I want to find the stuff they are doing that is bad and unlawful, it is just all the nutball theories that are tossed around are just pure garbage fiction.

And the unlimited fear of government regardless of who it is in just as sophisticated.


Well-Known Member
Because I have said time and time again that I want to find the stuff they are doing that is bad and unlawful, it is just all the nutball theories that are tossed around are just pure garbage fiction.
"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected],"

Your an apt student of Obama...and "fishy" as hell, too.