The government has been overstepping its bounds for a while now, and yet all I see from your ilk is justification for its violations of the Constitution and transformation of that document into something that it was not meant to be.
Makes me believe that you will never say a word about the gross abuses of government as long as its spun as being for the common "good."
I have been trying to be civil with you but I am over it. Dude get a life. You are in a constant state of fear and are so worried about a piece of paper that has slowly been adjusted over the last 220 years. Things change, technology gets better and we have to adapt. If you feel like the nation is the same as it was when it was written and that we have nothing to offer for the betterment of our country, I feel sorry for you.
You are turning into a dinosaur. Your 'austrian economics' is biased which it shouldn't be. Your fear of actual economic theories is unfounded. The Gold/deflation bit you keep playing is played out and absurd. Your nutball theories about the fed is asinine.
But what ever, you are a fear mongerer and that is all you will be until you wake up and realize there is no one in the government that cares enough about you to try to get you. And if there is some diabolical plan to take over the nation enough to get Obama elected and control all the banks, wake the heck up because it would mean that they are already in power, so why would they need to get more when they would be able to have everything that they want?
For over two hundred years we have been adjusting that document that took a couple weeks to write as we grew as a nation. Was it an amazing document, hell yeah. Is it all things to everyone, hell no. Does these adjustment mean that the government is overstepping its bounds? No. Because it is the people that elect these idiots and they are just passing crap that people want, leaving in just enough loopholes to skim some off the top.
Do we need to get out of peoples lives? Yes.
Does collecting what people are talking about so that they can understand the point of view your nutty right is coming up with at breakneck speeds constitute something to worry about? Hell no.
Now if they tried to collect who was saying it in order to arrest them, then yeah big time issue with that.