Active Member
Thanks WonderWhatsNext, cheers for looking inThey look great to me I wouldn't mind a few of those, i just might try the 12/12 from the start

V12, I'd join you there if I could! KNow what you mean about small venues. Motorhead are annual regulars at our local small venue, its about the same size. From the stage you're looking straight out to sea, its on the edge of a cliff, kind of suspended on 'stilts'! I had visions of the whole place crumbling into the sea under the pounding of that volume and Lemmys bass

Re the neem oil, well I have had issues with spider mites in the past so I use neem as a preventative measure before they begin to bud up. Its not impossible that was the cause of my burning as you can fry them if you dont let it dry before going back under the lights! I've changed now to another spider mite control product, supposed to be very good and organic...... all OK so far anyway.....I detest the little bast***s !!
Have a good one.
(Pasted this image in from last update as we're on a new page)