Well-Known Member
Ok this is kinda crazy to me, but I had a couple germinated seeds in styro cups sittin in my backyard in a light shaded area. They never sprouted for reason i do not know...I figured it was the sun because im in Central Texas...but the thing is i remember planting one the day after i planted those germinated seeds, but this one wasnt germinted...i just threw it in some wet soil and set it out there....this was about 5 days ago..i go out there today to set some more cups out there thinking the ones already out their failed and i see the one i just threw in the dirt had poppd soil! I was excited as shit...the soil was really dry so i ran in the crib to water (filterd water). What are the odd of that!? Im still amazed. I will be setting more up outside in a couple days once they pop soil... i have them in the house right now. Any idea would be helpful....I also have Superthrive and Fish Emu but i havent used them...should i use them?
I still cant believe the seedling survived the hott gets triple digits here! Must be strong.

I still cant believe the seedling survived the hott gets triple digits here! Must be strong.