B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

mr west

Well-Known Member

heres a pic of my roots on my psychosis in coco. I was amazed by them so much i bought 3 bags of it, canna coco pro+kiss-asskiss-asskiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Could U spare a couple Trainwreck Seeds? :) :) :)

no.. :)

sorry... buy em...

hahaha ;) PEACE YO :) I got haze seeds .... but dont send to users i dont realy know at all... :) maybe in future.... :joint:

heres a pic of my roots on my psychosis in coco. I was amazed by them so much i bought 3 bags of it, canna coco pro+kiss-asskiss-asskiss-ass
Shit, you were happy with it... guess i'll get it aswelll :D !!!!!!

roots look crazy :) good stuff m8


Well-Known Member

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
those pic vid cut down thingies are cool as fook DWR you should do a full grown start to finish, but i imagine it would be quite a hassle?


Well-Known Member
those pic vid cut down thingies are cool as fook DWR you should do a full grown start to finish, but i imagine it would be quite a hassle?

not if ya have a cam that you can stick in ya grow room + the hps light would be to strong for a cheap 300 dollars cam for this type of work. im guessing you'll need an excellent cam.. maybe 500 dollars worth.

crazy.... :) wouldnt be quality... would be more like a overglowd pic.

I have pics of evry day.. some are taken in the same position or near same ..

this way i can do it :)

just got to sort out the pics at the end... :)

2 hours work :)

heres the one from yesterday... you can see the shadow of the house slowly going on the plants :)

was a bit windy.. so pics are all over the place.. cam wouldnt stand still... gota to find a better stand.

sorry for bad shifting movements... as you can see even my bambus was getting bent by the wind... :)

u love the shadow moving along !!!! I find it more amazing than the plant :)

remember only 25 minutes.. and the shade went that fast.... the sun is moving very fast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or is the earth.. ?its the earth...


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
kool man kinda mesmerising, two hours work is not too bad i guess especially with a good supply of green to keep you company...


Well-Known Member
day 30 Flowering

Havnt been able to go to the shops yet, think i wont make it till monday wich sucks.... i realy need a a new fan or whatever they're called... gona get myself the 400 one....

So : Get 70 litres of coco... should i mix with soil ? ????

I am not buying the automatic watering system, cuz if i do it by hand i can achieve better results.... well not that i have tryd the automatic watering system, i can just tell by other peoples grows... they become lazy and so does the final harvest..

i have love for my plants, individually each one will be lookd at, studyd :P and yeah loved afterwards.

so, saves me a bit of money.

need to buy phosophorus... need to buy the coco products for the veg & bloom.... need to rethink this coco business.... realy do..

i dont think i'll buy coco now that i am thinking of it, not my thing... + i have earth on one side and then coco on the other... no.. cant be bothrd with all that shit... realy cant.

so yeah :

ok :

new list :

100 Litres Soil. Bat Mix.
1x Bloom Nutes for Soil again, used the whole bottle so fast... :S
1x Phosphorus
1x TNT

i am thinking of getting the 10x T5 lamps for 160 dollars for veg... !

250w of t5's... pretty cool shit if you ask me.... + hardly any heat :) wich is just lovely... cuz then i wouldnt need a strong fan.. wich i have .. 160cfm.. other one for 600w's are 380 cfm.. buying new fan 400cfm.

2 fans for 1200w - Should be cool a ice :)


What else do i want ?


Ohh yeah, i need to buy the power cables for the other 600w ....

Relist :

100 Litres Soil. Bat Mix.
1x Bloom Nutes for Soil again, used the whole bottle so fast... :S
1x Phosphorus
1x TNT
250W - 5 t5's.. look like 10.... cuz there curved at the end... looks good.
1 New fan.
Cable supplys.

Black Tape

New Cloning box... long one.

500 Jiffy cubes.




Well-Known Member
kool man kinda mesmerising, two hours work is not too bad i guess especially with a good supply of green to keep you company...
:) no its not that bad... searching for pics takes about 20 mins... rolling the joint 3 minutes.. smoking it and relax a bit.. 30 minutes...

Open programm to make .gifs -

then just have fun with 60 pics... :)

heh, watch it..

Oh fuck i allready know it aint going to work on rius servers

he has a limit of mb you can upload per file if not it automaticly.. just makes the first pic .gif.. lol rofl !


have to upload to some other place.. you know any hosts that do unlimited with .gif support ?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah ive had similar probs with certain avis cos of that, must be somewhere that will host it for you on this old tinterweb somewhere....


Well-Known Member
2x Industrial Plant - Feminised

5x Critical Mass - Regular

3x Ata Tundra -...Regular


gona try these babys... they sound pretty good.... :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey DWR

yeah the coco thing is all or nothing like n having soil and coco will just end up being a pain in the ass. sounds like a hell of a shopping list, new beans as well?!?! i've seen great things of critical mass dont know the other one sounds commercial tho hahahah

not sure about the unlimited gif upload Q not done it before....


Well-Known Member
hey DWR

yeah the coco thing is all or nothing like n having soil and coco will just end up being a pain in the ass. sounds like a hell of a shopping list, new beans as well?!?! i've seen great things of critical mass dont know the other one sounds commercial tho hahahah

not sure about the unlimited gif upload Q not done it before....

ok, im staying with my soil....

Guess it wont work with the .gif, unless it somehow in future gets changed.



Well-Known Member
not like your getting poor results with soil is it mate!! haha

no not realy :)

last grow easyly would of harvest 700g's.... 1000w...

had like 480 or so cant remember.. was allot.. but i harvest 1 plant each day for 14 days from week 7 - week 9.... i cant say how much it would of been... i had like 32 plants or so... -14 = 18 plants harvested me my result.. would of been more.. but didnt have any cash for weed.... :)



Well-Known Member
day 30 Flowering

Havnt been able to go to the shops yet, think i wont make it till monday wich sucks.... i realy need a a new fan or whatever they're called... gona get myself the 400 one....

So : Get 70 litres of coco... should i mix with soil ? ????

I am not buying the automatic watering system, cuz if i do it by hand i can achieve better results.... well not that i have tryd the automatic watering system, i can just tell by other peoples grows... they become lazy and so does the final harvest..

i have love for my plants, individually each one will be lookd at, studyd :P and yeah loved afterwards.

so, saves me a bit of money.

need to buy phosophorus... need to buy the coco products for the veg & bloom.... need to rethink this coco business.... realy do..

i dont think i'll buy coco now that i am thinking of it, not my thing... + i have earth on one side and then coco on the other... no.. cant be bothrd with all that shit... realy cant.

so yeah :

ok :

new list :

100 Litres Soil. Bat Mix.
1x Bloom Nutes for Soil again, used the whole bottle so fast... :S
1x Phosphorus
1x TNT

i am thinking of getting the 10x T5 lamps for 160 dollars for veg... !

250w of t5's... pretty cool shit if you ask me.... + hardly any heat :) wich is just lovely... cuz then i wouldnt need a strong fan.. wich i have .. 160cfm.. other one for 600w's are 380 cfm.. buying new fan 400cfm.

2 fans for 1200w - Should be cool a ice :)


What else do i want ?


Ohh yeah, i need to buy the power cables for the other 600w ....

Relist :

100 Litres Soil. Bat Mix.
1x Bloom Nutes for Soil again, used the whole bottle so fast... :S
1x Phosphorus
1x TNT
250W - 5 t5's.. look like 10.... cuz there curved at the end... looks good.
1 New fan.
Cable supplys.

Black Tape

New Cloning box... long one.

500 Jiffy cubes.


each plant is as individual as a person..... thats why they are my ladies, my babies ;)........ hell yeah, check that out....... stay organic buddy, trust me! I will use coco again..... but there are some things that I am looking at trying first..... and my best results have always been from soil, organic soil at that.
Those strains look very frosty and tasty..... I hope you get tons of those beautiful nugs to fill up your drying lines :). I look forward to watching the grow develop. Keepin it real bro ;)

