B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !


Well-Known Member
LOL..... I was just talking about including Trainwreck in my next indoor and doing a special SOG SCROG style for them......... don't have the strain though...... yours are looking healthy as hell ;) ......... and possibly on the girl cit.......... pm me sometime.... :)


Well-Known Member
LOL..... I was just talking about including Trainwreck in my next indoor and doing a special SOG SCROG style for them......... don't have the strain though...... yours are looking healthy as hell ;) ......... and possibly on the girl cit.......... pm me sometime.... :)
cool will do.... :peace:


Well-Known Member
day 26 Flowering


fed with 15ml pk13/14 same here 5 litres... maybe a bit to much dont care
fed with 30ml of bloom per 5 litres
2 drops of super vit.. :D
emm nothing else..




Well-Known Member
thnx loaded, the pots were dry.. no extra water for these girls.. i feed 20 girls with 5 litres of water evry day :)

going to buy a 20 litre pump system, with 40 drop system things.. you know what i mean ?

Will just pump the water from outside and let it pour in to each pot.... i can also twist the holes cloes so that pots with more water dont get waterd at that time.



Well-Known Member
250ml per plant per day, lol I give my gals a liter each most days lol

:) yup ... sometimes i dont even fill the thing up to the top.. so maybe 4.5 litres.. wich would be 200ml :D

loooool !

not allot if ya think about it :D shit... might have to gear up :D


Well-Known Member
LOL... yeah, I know exactly what you mean, there is about 100 ft of drip irrigation sitting up in the greenhouse reasy to be used :)...... it works really well, slow and constant ;)


Well-Known Member
LOL... yeah, I know exactly what you mean, there is about 100 ft of drip irrigation sitting up in the greenhouse reasy to be used :)...... it works really well, slow and constant ;)
good to hear that, makes me even happier that im buying it :)



Well-Known Member
day 27 Flowering


;) excellent growth over night.. buds have goten bigger !!!!!!

ahhhhhhhh ;)

fed with the same amount again

ph was 6.34



Well-Known Member
day 27 - Week 4 Hit...

Pumping up pk 13/14 to 20ml or something like that..




Well-Known Member
i thought u was spozed to give pk 3 weeeks before harvest???

no... it says start week 4.... wich was this week.. this week is week 5 basicly... see i see it like this m8

0 -7 week 1
7-14 week 2
14-21 week 3
21-28 week 4

so yeah i guess i did it right, it says on the bottle :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah that old chestnut again lol we must get a different bottle in the uk westy cos mine deffo dont say feed em that much, but i do like. 15ml per 2 L usually for about a week at the 7th week?!

any chance you could take a pic of the feeding shedule DWR?

babies are plumping up nicely too btw!

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yeah i must have a micky bottle lol, least this ones in english my coco nutes are all in dutch lmao herdegerdy