Obama's Certificate of Live Birth...


Active Member
PVS has no foundational knowledge to base his ideas in. He's not to blame...the public school system is. He is awash in swirling ideas without the means to parse the truth (if any) from them.

A piece of political flotsam and jetsom.
fair enough...and you're just an angry bitter internet yapper who feels the need to put people down online and insult their intelligence as a replacement for presenting a valid point with evidence...seemingly to compensate for whatever real-time personal shortcomings you have and need to accept.


Well-Known Member
Its all coming together...

They are pushing the health care bill to give us
the mandatory vaccines!!!

If they control the health care industry, and can
govern what care we receive, who we receive it
by, and when.......

then everything falls into place. They will make it
mandatory for anyone under the forced gov't health care

to accept a national ID card in the name of health insurance
that will have the microchip that will control us, which they will

then reveal that the national ID card will become the new
"tracker" by which they can get any and all information

about you whenever they please. The new "national" health care
system will make it mandatory that all of your information

is sent into their federal data base, along with all of your
registered gun information!!!!

I've figured it out...

and at the rate they are pushing this new health care,

we are fucked.

I've signed any and every petition and sent letters to my
representatives opposing this "national health care".

Everyone should do the same.

Obviously, the CONS out weigh the pros.



Well-Known Member
Its all coming together...

They are pushing the health care bill to give us
the mandatory vaccines!!!

If they control the health care industry, and can
govern what care we receive, who we receive it
by, and when.......

then everything falls into place. They will make it
mandatory for anyone under the forced gov't health care

to accept a national ID card in the name of health insurance
that will have the microchip that will control us, which they will

then reveal that the national ID card will become the new
"tracker" by which they can get any and all information

about you whenever they please. The new "national" health care
system will make it mandatory that all of your information

is sent into their federal data base, along with all of your
registered gun information!!!!

I've figured it out...

and at the rate they are pushing this new health care,

we are fucked.

I've signed any and every petition and sent letters to my
representatives opposing this "national health care".

Everyone should do the same.
No, I like health care. You fell down the slippery slope in your estimation of potentiality. It's a clear sign of youth and immaturity. Consider that there may be more than one or two outcomes to socialized healthcare. Consider that it may benefit the most.


Well-Known Member
No, I like health care. You fell down the slippery slope in your estimation of potentiality. It's a clear sign of youth and immaturity. Consider that there may be more than one or two outcomes to socialized healthcare. Consider that it may benefit the most.
And so does everyone else.

But I'd rather keep the health care I have without
all of my personal information being sent into a

gov't database where it can easily be viewed by
who knows who....

And Can you give me these outcomes please?

I don't see this as being beneficial to Americans
when all of your personal health information will
be sent into a gov't database. They can do what

they please with your information. Would you like
to propose that it isn't possible?

Sure its possible, its what they want.

I'd like to see the benefits of a socialized health care system.

So they say if I don't want to buy their gov't mandated health
care I will be taxed 2% of my weekly income for something I don't

even reap the shitty benefits of?


Look how well the health care system in Canada is?

They have nationalized health care...

how is that going for them?


Well-Known Member
And so does everyone else.

But I'd rather keep the health care I have without
all of my personal information being sent into a

gov't database where it can easily be viewed by
who knows who....

And Can you give me these outcomes please?

I don't see this as being beneficial to Americans
when all of your personal health information will
be sent into a gov't database. They can do what

they please with your information. Would you like
to propose that it isn't possible?

Sure its possible, its what they want.

I'd like to see the benefits of a socialized health care system.

So they say if I don't want to buy their gov't mandated health
care I will be taxed 2% of my weekly income for something I don't

even reap the shitty benefits of?


Look how well the health care system in Canada is?

They have nationalized health care...

how is that going for them
It's going quite well for them. See, this is what I mean - you are clearly so young and naive. You think Canada's system is bad because you heard it from someone, but it's not. And Canada doesn't possess the only healthcare system. ALMOST EVERY first world nation has socialized healthcare. I myself was a patient of the EU system for something major and they covered everything. I merely signed my name. There's no denying of pertinent care and there aren't shitty benefits. You are so uninformed - please consider this fact and do some research.

And you say you like your health care? Well good. You can keep it. This is the staple of the proposed system. Keep whatever the hell you want. If you CAN'T get affordable health care, then the government will subsidize the cost, using taxpayer money. So your taxes will go to help the poor and undercovered, which, IMHO, is better than sending money over to Iraq to wage an unethical and illegal war. So what's the problem. You now get to keep you health care if you like it, you will not be put on some euthanasia list, people will ultimately benefit (with little to no increase in taxes), and all will be well. Where's the collapse? We will still have private insurance companies. There's still a huge potential for profit, so competition will keep care high. You do not understand what is being proposed and the general state of socialized medicine abroad.


It's going quite well for them. See, this is what I mean - you are clearly so young and naive. You think Canada's system is bad because you heard it from someone, but it's not. And Canada doesn't possess the only healthcare system. ALMOST EVERY first world nation has socialized healthcare. I myself was a patient of the EU system for something major and they covered everything. I merely signed my name. There's no denying of pertinent care and there aren't shitty benefits. You are so uninformed - please consider this fact and do some research.

And you say you like your health care? Well good. You can keep it. This is the staple of the proposed system. Keep whatever the hell you want. If you CAN'T get affordable health care, then the government will subsidize the cost, using taxpayer money. So your taxes will go to help the poor and undercovered, which, IMHO, is better than sending money over to Iraq to wage an unethical and illegal war. So what's the problem. You now get to keep you health care if you like it, you will not be put on some euthanasia list, people will ultimately benefit (with little to no increase in taxes), and all will be well. Where's the collapse? We will still have private insurance companies. There's still a huge potential for profit, so competition will keep care high. You do not understand what is being proposed and the general state of socialized medicine abroad.
it is apparent you know now what this bill represents nor what it contains

things like granting the fed REAL TIME ACCESS to your bank account


Well-Known Member
it is apparent you know now what this bill represents nor what it contains

things like granting the fed REAL TIME ACCESS to your bank account
Let's see it. I don't believe you. Prove me wrong (and no youtube videos).


Well-Known Member
It's going quite well for them. See, this is what I mean - you are clearly so young and naive. You think Canada's system is bad because you heard it from someone, but it's not. And Canada doesn't possess the only healthcare system. ALMOST EVERY first world nation has socialized healthcare. I myself was a patient of the EU system for something major and they covered everything. I merely signed my name. There's no denying of pertinent care and there aren't shitty benefits. You are so uninformed - please consider this fact and do some research.

And you say you like your health care? Well good. You can keep it. This is the staple of the proposed system. Keep whatever the hell you want. If you CAN'T get affordable health care, then the government will subsidize the cost, using taxpayer money. So your taxes will go to help the poor and undercovered, which, IMHO, is better than sending money over to Iraq to wage an unethical and illegal war. So what's the problem. You now get to keep you health care if you like it, you will not be put on some euthanasia list, people will ultimately benefit (with little to no increase in taxes), and all will be well. Where's the collapse? We will still have private insurance companies. There's still a huge potential for profit, so competition will keep care high. You do not understand what is being proposed and the general state of socialized medicine abroad.
Please refrain from personal slurs against me. Thank you.

Why do you insist on the government taking care of us?
Last time I checked, most of us are capable of taking

care of ourselves, unless you're physically disabled.

And I will keep my health care. Because why? I can choose
my own doctors, I have a say in what type of care I want,
and I don't want "big brother" telling me who my doctors are, &

when I can receive my health care, and if I'm approved for
it. Didn't you read Keenly's thread about it?

Obviously not.

And you want taxes to go up? :roll:
Even after Obama promised there would be no
new tax increases, but rather tax cuts?

They government will be taking taxes from me for other's
health care that I won't even want or receive.

Most people are capable of getting a good

education and becoming a successful responsible person
who can pay for their own health insurance.

Last time I checked, my homeless ex starting going to college
and received better grades than I did. So I don't believe in

people saying they are unable to go to school to better themselves.
Most are capable of doing better in life. No, I'm not saying all.

But this is America, if you want to be wealthy, hell you can work
your way up by getting education and starting your own business
if you so please.

Here is What Keenly found...and I don't agree with any of it.

From CMS at FreeRepublic.com:
• Page 16: States that if you have insurance at the time of the bill becoming law and change, you will be required to take a similar plan. If that is not available, you will be required to take the government option!

Required? Hmm. I don't want to be required by the gov't to do something I don't want to do. Sounds like enslavement to me.

• Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!

So now employers who self insure are being audited? :shock:

• Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!

Rationed Health care? Wtf is that?
Does that mean I won't be able to get my inhalers
every month if I choose this gov't health care since my
care will be rationed?

• Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)

This is just golden isn't it? So a gov't committe is going to select
my treatments for me? Last time I checked, with the health care
I currently have, I have a big say so in what treatments I decide
to get for my health problems. If I don't want a certain medicine,
I can ask for a different one. That won't be the case here.

• Page 42: The “Health Choices Commissioner” will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.

So since when is not having a choice considered freedom here in America?

• Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free healthcare services.

Yupp. Put the bill for all the illegals on us tax payers. Its just what we need in a time of recession. To pay more taxes and for other people's health care. :roll:

• Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard.

Yeah, the national Id "health card" that will become the new
ID card in America with all of our information that can easily
be accessed by someone else. It also WILL have a microchip in it.
Sorry, but I'd rather not be "issued", in other words, forced
to carry a card that can and will track me wherever I go.

• Page 59: The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.

This one is so fucked up in so many ways I won't continue to comment. I'm pretty sure you can figure out why.

• Page 65: Taxpayers will subsidize all union retiree and community organizer health plans (example: SEIU, UAW and ACORN)

Why do I have to pay to subsidize for this? Because big brother says so. Fuck big brother.

• Page 72: All private healthcare plans must conform to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange.

I guess this means that private health care won't be private anymore. Seeing as they have to conform to government rules.
How will being mandated by the gov't keep these sectors

• Page 84: All private healthcare plans must participate in the Healthcare Exchange (i.e., total government control of private plans)

You still believe that private health care will still be private after reading this? ^^^

• Page 91: Government mandates linguistic infrastructure for services; translation: illegal aliens

Ah, yes. More taxes to hire translators for the illegals.

• Page 95: The Government will pay ACORN and Americorps to sign up individuals for Government-run Health Care plan.


• Page 102: Those eligible for Medicaid will be automatically enrolled: you have no choice in the matter.

I guess socialized health care means I have no choice huh?
What were you saying? Oh, that I would still be able to keep
my health insurance? But I will still be automatically enrolled
into a program I don't want to be in. There is no freedom of choice here.

• Page 124: No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No “judicial review” is permitted against the government monopoly. Put simply, private insurers will be crushed.

There will still be competition though right? :roll:

• Page 127: The AMA sold doctors out: the government will set wages.

Ooh. So I guess this means when I become a PA the state will
no longer decide my wages, but the gov't will tell me what I get paid.
I feel so free!!! **sarcasm**


Active Member
looks like things are getting back to normal. :)

really? thats the norm? just everyone spamming "only my opinion matters" posts and picking e-squabbles with anyone who disagrees...devoid of anything useful, meaningful, mildly interesting or at least relevant to the topic?

*packs bags*


Well-Known Member
really? thats the norm? just everyone spamming "only my opinion matters" posts and picking e-squabbles with anyone who disagrees...devoid of anything useful, meaningful, mildly interesting or at least relevant to the topic?

*packs bags*
bye bye. :cry:


New Member
Jrh has researched the health care bill thoroughly... JK!!!! You will be able to keep your health plan....for awhile.... but make no mistake....the idea is to drive a stake through the private insurance sector. You know, the sector that 85% of Americans are quite happy with.

The socialized medical countries are going broke already. We will follow.

Want to live and die by a point system? Move to Great Britain....or just wait, it's coming to you. Are you blind.... minus a point...wheelchair...minus another point. The govt. knows that ppl spend 25% of ALL their medical costs in the LAST year of life. Guess what? You will now be given counseling instead of treatment.... counseling to die.

Can you imagine if Stephen Hawkins was born in the UK? he wouldn't have stood a chance......


Well-Known Member
Yeah, because for some reason when people here
have no refute against something logical they resort

to personal attacks....

just like jh...

because I'm "clearly so young and naive"

So you won't admit that you're wrong about Canada's system? Typical.

And it's not an insult to call someone young and naive. You are young and the naivete is quite clear with you. Research your post history. How many times have you started a thread about your poor life or your 'hot' body? I mean, come on.... We are adults here.


New Member
Canada has a horrid system. i'll debate you on it if you wish.... no worries there. All the hard data on it indicates inefficiency and waste and NOT there when ppl need it most. I'm not talking about getting a prescription filled or having your knee looked at.

what... huh?

Active Member
Let me tell you a couple of things about Canada and healthcare and money.

It is nice not to have to pay for a military because your big brother has one, and self interest in keeping you safe.
It sucks paying over 60% in taxes for "free" programs.
Canadian health care is "ok".

Waiting still sucks.

what... huh?

Active Member
Please reply in one of your derailed health care threads.

At first I thought you wanted very much to discuss this... but you keep running away from discussions in each one when it gets hard. When you get the time... Ill be lurking... in all of them.