B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !


Well-Known Member
dude wtf does leave nutrients for 3-6 days ?

u have to let it in there for that long b4 you can water.. sucks :D


Well-Known Member
hahahah that old chestnut again lol we must get a different bottle in the uk westy cos mine deffo dont say feed em that much, but i do like. 15ml per 2 L usually for about a week at the 7th week?!

any chance you could take a pic of the feeding shedule DWR?

babies are plumping up nicely too btw!
yeah here it is :



Well-Known Member

I use coco pk13/14... just cuz it has more of it in there... better for me plants :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
woah cheers DWR i see its the HESI guide i get it now lol

god knows why it says leave for 3-6 days?!?!? if its liquid surely you just need to mix it up good n proper?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah ive been finishing two plants in soil with coco nutes for nearly 10 weeks now n they havent complained at all! good work DWR

think you'll make the switch to coco? it has its pro's n cons, its great for plants but shite if you run out you cant just nip to the garden center n pick a bag up...


Well-Known Member
hahah ive been finishing two plants in soil with coco nutes for nearly 10 weeks now n they havent complained at all! good work DWR

think you'll make the switch to coco? it has its pro's n cons, its great for plants but shite if you run out you cant just nip to the garden center n pick a bag up...

heh, the garden centers sell shit soil.. i only buy plagroon wich dont sell at any local garden store.. only hydro stores and such ;) u know wich ones :D


I dunno, coco... Guess its a good product. Just got comfortable with my soil :)

I am using coco for the clones... had a slab from a year ago.. :)

listen, if you can give me some Pros of the product.. and then compare to soil i might just buy it for flowering.. but i dont know.. i realy dont know.. :D

just seems weird... plants should grow in soil :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha yeah i hear that i only just made the switch to coco myself i'd just gotten used to soil but really there's not much to it. you cant really overwater it cos the stuffs looser than soil so it gets more air to the roots which in turn makes the plants roots grow fast and the plant bigger quicker.

it was reading peoples grows on RIU that made me switch i was looking at coco grows and thinking they look a lot better and have huge yeilds but theres a lot of other factors involved obviously. coco is like hydro soil if that makes sense lol

the flush time on coco is a lot shorter too 3-4 days n your golden.


Well-Known Member
you can reuse the coco aswell or not ?


might buy myself some coco tomorrow then :)


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
before you jump in with both feet, you will need coco specific nutes if your not using organic already just thought id mention it! lol


Well-Known Member
before you jump in with both feet, you will need coco specific nutes if your not using organic already just thought id mention it! lol

mhmm... :) allready got coco nutes pk 13/14.. have to buy the rest.. we will see what the other guys say :)

Ohh and i just gave away 48 clones.... :cry: god damn.... NOW I FEEL YOU MR. WEST :spew:

awww my babys are going away :(

sniff sniff.... last pic of em

These are 6 Maple leaf.. small ones.. the top left is trainwreck below it is big bang... next to it the biger plant is el nino...

Will be cutting el nino in about 3 weeks for the next round when i harvest other..... :) then i'll be cutting trainwreck for the next grow in 2 months... :)

give some big bang away on request.. and also some el ninos....

Farewell Haze & AMS .. my clones the haze... special ones... are so great... :) lol... but i dont want to grow these anymore.. allready got a mother plant of the haze outside.. will pull her in tonight and show you pics of all my veg plants.. and flowering ;)

cheers... :joint:

