Thank god france, Frace is with us!! Thank you


Well-Known Member
Finally france is with us, there will be no peace if the terroist nation of Iran obtains the atombomb!

Sarkozy says letting Iran go nuclear could cause war

Reuters - 18 minutes ago UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons could destabilize the world and lead to war, French President Nicolas Sarkozy told the United Nations on Tuesday.

In his maiden speech to the U.N. General Assembly, Sarkozy said: "There will be no peace in the world if the international community falters in the face of nuclear arms proliferation."
Iran was entitled to nuclear power for civilian purposes, he said, "but if we allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, we would incur an unacceptable risk to stability in the region and in the world".
In a broader warning against the dangers of appeasement, the new French leader said: "Weakness and renunciation do not lead to peace. They lead to war."
Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, but the West suspects the Islamic Republic of enriching uranium to develop a nuclear weapons capability.
Underlining French support for tougher sanctions against Tehran, sought by the United States but opposed by Russia and China, Sarkozy said: "We can only resolve this crisis by combining firmness with dialogue."
In an interview with the New York Times published on Monday, Sarkozy said that if the U.N. Security Council was unable to agree on further financial sanctions, the European Union should take its own measures to raise pressure on Iran.
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner caused an outcry last week by saying if diplomacy failed to stop Iran's nuclear program, the world should prepare for the worst -- war.
But Sarkozy appeared to deliver the same message in a coded form, without mentioning the possibility of military action to prevent Iran achieving a nuclear capability.

all we need is all the nations to say this to show they mean busines and Iran will stop thier program, instead because of cowardness there will probably war because the Iranians think they can get away with it, trust me guys I have good sources if they dont stop this shit asap, we are going in. wait and see. we have to unite as allies or you will send some of your allies to war,

thank god we have a frenchman who learns from the past, jeez its about time.


Well-Known Member
so what are you going to do now, go throw a war party or something? decorate your apartment with severed limbs and dead bodies while passing out goblets filled with fake blood?

you do realize that war with Iran would be absolutely devastating to our country don't you? do you think they have a few AK-47s and some RPGs? you need to research what they're capable of.

CIA - read it.



New Member
so what are you going to do now, go throw a war party or something? decorate your apartment with severed limbs and dead bodies while passing out goblets filled with fake blood?

you do realize that war with Iran would be absolutely devastating to our country don't you? do you think they have a few AK-47s and some RPGs? you need to research what they're capable of.

CIA - read it.

Jesus, look who showed up. Hooray for you 7X, war is intolerable and WE know it, It is the very weak minded that think war is the solution, IE: G.W.Bush and friends like Panda,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Jesus, look who showed up. Hooray for you 7X, war is intolerable and WE know it, It is the very weak minded that think war is the solution, IE: G.W.Bush and friends like Panda,~LOL~.

its a proven fact my friend, shall I recite history for you:blsmoke:

we wanted to be free, the british wouldnt allow it,

Solution: we beat them in the revolutionary war and freed ourselves:mrgreen:

we didnt want any US state to leave the union

solution: we went to war and stopped them from doing it

we didnt want hitler to come kill us after consolidating his wins in europe

Solution: we kicked his little ass just in time and we became safe

we cant trust a state sponser of terror with nucleur weapons, for fear of a torrorist nuke with no return address, defeating the mutually assured destruction theory

Soluion: easily beat Iran, it would not be hard for our military.

see you forget we won the war in iraq in 3 weeks, its only cuz we have interests (oil & killing terrorists) in there that we are haveing to police the country.

Iran would be made impotent within the first day of bombing

so there is proof buddy, once again you are incorrect.


Well-Known Member
If we DO get proof of iran enrisching uranium, while bush is still in office. You know he'll declare war in an instant, even if he can't lead it. but panda made a good point, yes war is intolerable, but sometimes necessary, was it necessary in iraq? fuck no, we had NO proof.

There are times when all things are needed, just at different times of each other. War and diplomacy being two great examples.


Active Member
I didn't like the scarest man in the world leading all those innocent ppl of his country in his crazy world view he was expressing as truth..saying 1 that ther was no holicast an funnier yet ther were no gays in his country and all the woman were pure afraid my friend


Well-Known Member
there are times when war is the only option.

if you really want to look at history, go back to the war of northern aggression where you can see a pattern starting to emerge in the federal government; use superior force when you don't have the superior intellect or reasoning. we've become a bully nation since then.

we got into WWII because Europe didn't want to be absorbed by the USSR,we didn't go there to keep hitler from swimming the atlantic and hurting us. hitler defeated himself anyway, he lost when he invaded the USSR just at the onset of a brutal winter. one of the worst in history. i have a friend who's grandfather marched into the USSR with the German army on that disastrous mission. it was so cold and the conditions at the russian prison camp were so bad that the man never wore short sleeves again, even in the summer.

you say "easily beat Iran" and i hate to say it but that's the elitist, ignorant, imperialist fallacy of thought that has us pumping billions a day into a war that we will not win in Iraq. the best propaganda and spin will not overcome the facts.

not only would a war with Iran torture every citizen at the gas pumps and throw us into record inflation it would endanger global trade because they have advanced submarines, how would you like to see a couple of our carriers burning and exploding on your evening news? they potentially have anti-satellite missiles from China, they have long range cruise missiles and long range ballistic missiles, highly advanced ground to air defense systems and many other weapons that make this "easily beat Iran" notion silly.

America can't and shouldn't continue down this world police path, we're a great nation and we don't need to try to prove it all the time. let's really use history and quit starting wars. if someone treads on us we should fight back but we don't need to go treading on others, it's un-American.

its a proven fact my friend, shall I recite history for you:blsmoke:

we wanted to be free, the british wouldnt allow it,

Solution: we beat them in the revolutionary war and freed ourselves:mrgreen:

we didnt want any US state to leave the union

solution: we went to war and stopped them from doing it

we didnt want hitler to come kill us after consolidating his wins in europe

Solution: we kicked his little ass just in time and we became safe

we cant trust a state sponser of terror with nucleur weapons, for fear of a torrorist nuke with no return address, defeating the mutually assured destruction theory

Soluion: easily beat Iran, it would not be hard for our military.

see you forget we won the war in iraq in 3 weeks, its only cuz we have interests (oil & killing terrorists) in there that we are haveing to police the country.

Iran would be made impotent within the first day of bombing

so there is proof buddy, once again you are incorrect.


New Member
Panda for president. We can start the bombing campaign as soon as the inauguration is over. Hell, lets not stop with Iran, Syria, Jordan, Packistan, Usbeckistan Stan-Stan-Stan. There must be at least a hundred countries that hate our guts. We could put General Dynamics on triple overtime to build the bombs, then just mutilate every child in the world that their leaders disagree with the good old USA. Yeah, bombing is good, makes lots of friends, maybe Panda could be world dictator, yeah that would cure everything, Kill-Kill-Kill. How frucking idiotic.


Well-Known Member
Panda for president. We can start the bombing campaign as soon as the inauguration is over. Hell, lets not stop with Iran, Syria, Jordan, Packistan, Usbeckistan Stan-Stan-Stan. There must be at least a hundred countries that hate our guts. We could put General Dynamics on triple overtime to build the bombs, then just mutilate every child in the world that their leaders disagree with the good old USA. Yeah, bombing is good, makes lots of friends, maybe Panda could be world dictator, yeah that would cure everything, Kill-Kill-Kill. How frucking idiotic.

look man if you let a terrorist state get the atom bomb you risk them destroying washington DC and every leader in it with a terrorist nuke without a return address, thereby destroying the govenment fabric of the united states, Im not playing games with you on this one medi.

i mean Iran isnt even trying to lie to us, they are openly saying they want to destroy isreal and america, he stood in front of a "death to america" banner before he came to make the usa vist. so yes if our enemy, our openly stated enemy is gathering its powers, increasing the expance of thier proxy terrorist organizations and getting very close to acquiring the most leathal weapon known to man you best believe the level heads of this country will not stand by untill they gather enough balls to glass our government you bafoon!!!

you guys are really full of it, you guys couldnt protect a fly let alone your own people. Im done,

BTW Jordan is our friend I hail from the Government of Jordan

I also hail from lebanon and they just want freedom but fuckin Syria is occupying thier country and raping them as we speak fuckin pigs.


Well-Known Member
Due to the length and unpopularity of the current Iraq occupation , the U.S. will temporarily delay our next invasion of a middle eastern nation. But you can bet we will continue our tour of terror over there ( with some fabricated reason...or maybe a halfway legitimate one who knows!)soon enough. Wesley Clark said that we have a 7 nation plan for the middle east and that Iraq was not suppossed to be first.Bush decided to start there for personal reasons.


Well-Known Member
Due to the length and unpopularity of the current Iraq occupation , the U.S. will temporarily delay our next invasion of a middle eastern nation. But you can bet we will continue our tour of terror over there ( with some fabricated reason...or maybe a halfway legitimate one who knows!)soon enough. Wesley Clark said that we have a 7 nation plan for the middle east and that Iraq was not suppossed to be first.Bush decided to start there for personal reasons.
can I get a link where this 7 nation plan is talked about?


Well-Known Member
you just don't get it.

instead of fantasizing about Iran building a nuke and taking out the capitol let's look at reality for a second.

oil will run out.
demand for oil is higher than ever.
profits for oil have never been higher.
if you consume less oil you have more to sell.
their only natural resource is oil.
the USA is the largest consumer of oil on earth.
nuclear power is clean and efficient.
lots of crazy countries have nukes.

why do they hate the US? what was the turning point?



Well-Known Member
its not a fantasy my freind it is real

do you think it was a fantasy that Hitler was building an atomic bomb?

guess what, it was a fantasy, you know why? cuz we killed him before he finished it.

your life is a fantasy


Well-Known Member
because we dream the future up and then spend the present trying to make the dreams come true everything which isn't in the past is a fantasy in one way or another.

they want to be in the "club". Israel has an arsenal, that we gave them, look:
Israel's Nuclear Weapons

they know that another senseless attack on our civilians will bring about more damage on their end than on ours. you think the Iranian's are mindless fools, running around doing random stupid stuff? these are the people who invented Algebra and the number system we use: 12345.... these people have contributed a lot to advanced modern sciences. they are calculating, insightful people - not wild fools. you think one smack talking president means DC will get nuked? get real.

you have no historical basis to build your fantasies on. they, on the other hand, have quite a substantial pile of scary REAL things we've done and if i was them i'd be going balls out to build nukes too. i'd build as many as i could.

put yourself in their shoes. let's work with them to bring everything out in the open and stop playing games by constantly defending everything Israel does. Iran welcomed Jews during the holocaust, there were at least 20,000 who sought refuge there in those days. you aren't looking at the big picture and you are closing your eyes.



New Member
because we dream the future up and then spend the present trying to make the dreams come true everything which isn't in the past is a fantasy in one way or another.

they want to be in the "club". Israel has an arsenal, that we gave them, look:
Israel's Nuclear Weapons

they know that another senseless attack on our civilians will bring about more damage on their end than on ours. you think the Iranian's are mindless fools, running around doing random stupid stuff? these are the people who invented Algebra and the number system we use: 12345.... these people have contributed a lot to advanced modern sciences. they are calculating, insightful people - not wild fools. you think one smack talking president means DC will get nuked? get real.

you have no historical basis to build your fantasies on. they, on the other hand, have quite a substantial pile of scary REAL things we've done and if i was them i'd be going balls out to build nukes too. i'd build as many as i could.

put yourself in their shoes. let's work with them to bring everything out in the open and stop playing games by constantly defending everything Israel does. Iran welcomed Jews during the holocaust, there were at least 20,000 who sought refuge there in those days. you aren't looking at the big picture and you are closing your eyes.

Kudos 7X, I believe you are getting it. Hell yes we are not the only educated country on the planet, in fact we probably have more than our share of dumbasses (Panda And Vi expressly). I wonder why the media didn't mention the peace offerings of Ahmadinejad. I'm pretty sure that even though his country has a few bad traits in the human rights arena, he would rather get along with us than bring the wrath of our military down on him. I'm also pretty sure that if a fight were to ensue, that outside of Nukes, Iran could hold their own


Well-Known Member
i don't think he's a dumbass, he's hungry and he'll eat at the nice buffet just like anyone else would. once he's had his fill he will begin to ask questions.



Well-Known Member
because we dream the future up and then spend the present trying to make the dreams come true everything which isn't in the past is a fantasy in one way or another.

they want to be in the "club". Israel has an arsenal, that we gave them, look:
Israel's Nuclear Weapons

they know that another senseless attack on our civilians will bring about more damage on their end than on ours. you think the Iranian's are mindless fools, running around doing random stupid stuff? these are the people who invented Algebra and the number system we use: 12345.... these people have contributed a lot to advanced modern sciences. they are calculating, insightful people - not wild fools. you think one smack talking president means DC will get nuked? get real.

you have no historical basis to build your fantasies on. they, on the other hand, have quite a substantial pile of scary REAL things we've done and if i was them i'd be going balls out to build nukes too. i'd build as many as i could.

put yourself in their shoes. let's work with them to bring everything out in the open and stop playing games by constantly defending everything Israel does. Iran welcomed Jews during the holocaust, there were at least 20,000 who sought refuge there in those days. you aren't looking at the big picture and you are closing your eyes.


dude you know nothing of them, I know them cuz I am an arab, I speak arabic and lived in the "middle east" i was born there, so dont tell me what I know and dont know. I know one thing, I know much more than you about "them" or should I say "us"

you apease your enemies, fuck it let them offer you peace while they quietly build thier arsenal to create a mass casualty war. your a fool!

you know that amedinajad has already stated that they could sustain a second stike and that isreal couldnt cuz they are too small. do understand what he means by that?

here let me spell it out. he says he can strike isreal with nukes and destroy the whole counrty but thier stike on Iran would not tottally destroy them, you are such a fool. you speak without thought.

you have no idea of the arab and persian mentallity, take a look at palistine, arabs would rather bite thier own nose off just to spite thier face. thats an old saying in the Arab world, if you dont think arabs and persians would use nukes you are a real chump and nieve.

and algebra? u bring up an invention we came up with thousands of years ago? what has happend since the? huh? ...............jack shit thats what!!!

we have all the most important inventions come from the USA, be cuz we encourage freedom and free thinking, they encourage oppression and conformity, if you cant see that this will lead them to waring with us you are an idiot, the only way they can sustain thier strangle hold on thier people is to war with us, the spreaders of freedom.

algebra ha ha :mrgreen:

bafoonary abounds


Well-Known Member
Are you refering to Panda or VI?

neither one of them are dumbasses. the only one of them who's got anything to do with this thread is who i was referring to.

why don't you just PM Vi and invite him to post instead of calling him names? :)
