yeah, in another post i referred to them as your ancestors... try to keep up.dude you know nothing of them, I know them cuz I am an arab, I speak arabic and lived in the "middle east" i was born there, so dont tell me what I know and dont know. I know one thing, I know much more than you about "them" or should I say "us"
you apease your enemies, fuck it let them offer you peace while they quietly build thier arsenal to create a mass casualty war. your a fool!
you know that amedinajad has already stated that they could sustain a second stike and that isreal couldnt cuz they are too small. do understand what he means by that?
here let me spell it out. he says he can strike isreal with nukes and destroy the whole counrty but thier stike on Iran would not tottally destroy them, you are such a fool. you speak without thought.
you have no idea of the arab and persian mentallity, take a look at palistine, arabs would rather bite thier own nose off just to spite thier face. thats an old saying in the Arab world, if you dont think arabs and persians would use nukes you are a real chump and nieve.
and algebra? u bring up an invention we came up with thousands of years ago? what has happend since the? huh? ...............jack shit thats what!!!
we have all the most important inventions come from the USA, be cuz we encourage freedom and free thinking, they encourage oppression and conformity, if you cant see that this will lead them to waring with us you are an idiot, the only way they can sustain thier strangle hold on thier people is to war with us, the spreaders of freedom.
algebra ha ha
bafoonary abounds
toke it up! nothing in here is personal to me, we're just sharing our views and trying to figure out a small part of this very large, very insane sorry for the name calling stall, i dont really mean it
ill smoke a nug in your honor for my imaturity
Believe me, he returns insults. So It was aminutjob then. well yeah, he must be pretty dumb to tell us they have no Homos. Maybe that is because they hang them when they find them. Believe me, I'm not sticking up for the man or the atrocities committed by his government. What I was basically saying was the glass house thing. We've done our share of terrible deeds all over the world. The CIA is a terrorist group every bit as much as Al-queda. Also the way that university president introduced the man, Should have waited until after he spoke to deride
neither one of them are dumbasses. the only one of them who's got anything to do with this thread is who i was referring to.
why don't you just PM Vi and invite him to post instead of calling him names?
My post is aimed at all warmongers and governments worldwide and not just at America and especially not at American civilians including those that live in my own country,i hate them allGeeze Natmoon, why don't you tell us how you really feel. I'm with you Bud, fuck em. All the elites that profit from war would not feel so comfortable if the bombs were dropping on their heads, the problem is, I live in Eliteland and I'm not an elite, so any bomb dropping would affect me and my grandkids. I certainly don't have the solution, but there are a whole lot of people in this country IMHO that are deserving of retribution for the wars they have profited from, as in hang them by the balls. It sounds like you are from the British isle area. Those rapscallions have had a hand in lots of killing also through the ages. There are plenty of elites in your neck of the woods.
dude those rapscalions are dead, why blame thier children?Geeze Natmoon, why don't you tell us how you really feel. I'm with you Bud, fuck em. All the elites that profit from war would not feel so comfortable if the bombs were dropping on their heads, the problem is, I live in Eliteland and I'm not an elite, so any bomb dropping would affect me and my grandkids. I certainly don't have the solution, but there are a whole lot of people in this country IMHO that are deserving of retribution for the wars they have profited from, as in hang them by the balls. It sounds like you are from the British isle area. Those rapscallions have had a hand in lots of killing also through the ages. There are plenty of elites in your neck of the woods.
The cold war can not really be classed as ww3 imo,when the worlds skys are full of bombs that to me is ww3,i understand the need to have defense measures in place but the whole thing sickens me to my coreWWIII is already over, it was the cold war we fought in korea vietman afganistan and countless other places using proxy troops, hence the war was not hot
The cold war can not really be classed as ww3 imo,when the worlds skys are full of bombs that to me is ww3,i understand the need to have defense measures in place but the whole thing sickens me to my core
You are a sick puppie!yea I have never even killed anyone yet but I cant wait, j/k
Now back to our regular scheduled program.Personally i am sick to death of evil and greedy people threatening my life with their bombs and wars i wish you would all just fuck of with your wars and shit.
If you bomb just one even one innocent kid or baby your doomed in my opinion.
I had a dream only a few weeks back that there was a tank in my front car park area and that it was attempting to shoot down a missile that appeared to be going straight for my local nuclear power station,which im told is the 5th main attack point in my country,anyway the tank failed and i died.
Anyway my point is that we should not have to live like this just because countries don't agree or they want more of this or more of that resource i feel like im living in a cheap video game and i hate feeling like i have no control over my life at all and that if these guys get pissed with each other chances are that im dead and my last sight will be that of my kids faces burning off.
Thanks a fucking bunch you rotten bastards is all i have to say on it im sure youll all be fine in your fucking fallout bunkers though you rich fucking tossers