Advanced Stealth Hydro Bubbeponics Thread

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
Whats everyone takes on Flushing.. On Fox Farm's web site, it says there is no need for flushing, I have also heard a couple people around here say that it is a waste.. ??


Well-Known Member
I like to flush, but I have quite the lineup of nutes. I guess its all about how much your putting into your grow chemical and nutrient/supplement wise. I do it, I think it helps finish up ripening.


New Member
From what I hear. it's about the burnability of the finished product. If excess nutes (there's always some or better be) aren't flushed out the product takes on a bitter or metalic taste. That, and you save on nutes. LOL!

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
A couple veterans of this site say that **flushing is a waste of time, along with clearing solutions..I wish more people with experience would give some input.


Active Member
A couple veterans of this site say that flowering is a waste of time, along with clearing solutions..I wish more people with experience would give some input.
How can flowering be a waste of time that's the whole poinnt of it :joint: I think you meant flushing right haha....I don't care what anyone says it taste alot better when you flush for at least a week


Well-Known Member
i used to be a die hard flusher, like 3 wks every time. one day an old timer argues with me for so long that i started to listen to him. he said, 'to corn farmers flush thier fields? do outdoor crops get flushed? to you flush your garden crops at home? no, no, and no. its not necessary.

people say you need to make your plant 'use up stored nutes so there gone when you smoke the bud'. its quite evident when your plant is using up stored nutes because the leaf yellows, browns, and falls off once its depleted. but the bud remains unchanged when we smoke it.

the last several weeks of flowering is when your plant will be bulking up the most and requiring the most nutrients so why starve it. i compare it to training for a marathon for months and not eating breakfast the morning of the race.


Well-Known Member
just drop your ppm's the last week. i usually start flower at about a grand, i up it every week till its at 1700 for weeks 5&6, then down to 1400 for week 7, and about 700 week 8. my ppm's are pushing the envelope a bit but you get the idea. adjust as necessary for longer flowering strains of course.


New Member
Slik, problem with the old timer's analogy is that none of those scenarios would be hydro or soil where you push nutes at the plant heavy the entire grow. The logic would be correct if you nuted at the beginning and then watered or just gave mild maintenance nutes for the duration. We're trying to take the excess nutes out with flushing and we know we are successful if the plant yellows. Some strains my also be needing of a flush more than others hence you hear the stories of "I didn't taste the difference" or "mine always burn clean" in some cases. Lack of nutes is also a late grow stress on the plant which I feel speeds up the completion of the bud formation.


Well-Known Member
Slik, problem with the old timer's analogy is that none of those scenarios would be hydro or soil where you push nutes at the plant heavy the entire grow. The logic would be correct if you nuted at the beginning and then watered or just gave mild maintenance nutes for the duration. We're trying to take the excess nutes out with flushing and we know we are successful if the plant yellows. Some strains my also be needing of a flush more than others hence you hear the stories of "I didn't taste the difference" or "mine always burn clean" in some cases. Lack of nutes is also a late grow stress on the plant which I feel speeds up the completion of the bud formation.

corn fields are some of the most over-nuted soil on earth. did you know that earthworms cant live in field soil?

the leaves yellow but the bud remains unchanged so tell me, how does flushing remove nutes from the bud we smoke?

this one just plain doesnt make sence. lack of nutes helps bud formation? quite the opposite my friend.


New Member
Corn fields are nuted heavy early and when they get to their flower stage the nuting is over. Is a corn stalk brown or green when you harvest?

It uses the leaves as fuel when the roots are empty. That's why they yellow. How close do you manicure? It would make a difference only when you don't manicure close and did not flush. The remaining single and small leaves would hold the excess nutes and affect the taste of the bud.

As the leaves are used as fuel and die, the plant is programmed to give it one last try to be fertilized and throws all the trichs it can in case a stray male pollen is anywhere in the area. About 2 weeks before the cut, I stick thumb tacks in the stem and braches, I twist the plant heavy, I raise and lower the lights too close and too far away. I call it purposeful stress. You do it the last two weeks to avioid the stress having time to hermie the plant (which is also a last ditch effort to survive - no male pollen around, I'll make my own). I've tried it with and without the stress on the same strain and with produced more trichs and slightly bigger bud.


Well-Known Member
Corn fields are nuted heavy early and when they get to their flower stage the nuting is over. Is a corn stalk brown or green when you harvest?

It uses the leaves as fuel when the roots are empty. That's why they yellow. How close do you manicure? It would make a difference only when you don't manicure close and did not flush. The remaining single and small leaves would hold the excess nutes and affect the taste of the bud.

As the leaves are used as fuel and die, the plant is programmed to give it one last try to be fertilized and throws all the trichs it can in case a stray male pollen is anywhere in the area. About 2 weeks before the cut, I stick thumb tacks in the stem and braches, I twist the plant heavy, I raise and lower the lights too close and too far away. I call it purposeful stress. You do it the last two weeks to avioid the stress having time to hermie the plant (which is also a last ditch effort to survive - no male pollen around, I'll make my own). I've tried it with and without the stress on the same strain and with produced more trichs and slightly bigger bud.

the corn we eat is green when harvested. your thinking of feed/ethanol corn.

but we smoke the buds. what does it matter if the leaves have been devoid of nutes. you said yourself we trim them. THE BUDS REMAIN THE SAME. they dont yellow so no nutes are being removed/changed. plants metabolize all absorbed nutes into plant sugars in the root system.:wall:

just plain old wow. trichs arent for catching pollen dipshit, pistils catch pollen. sure pollen will stick to a trich, but there is no reaction and no seed will form.

i call it mutilating a perfectly good plant.

what else ya got?


Well-Known Member
Might I suggest you partake of what you grow. If you want to do it your way, do it your way.
do i have a gun to your head? your loved ones locked away somewhere?

then do as you please. i was asked my opinion and i gave it and my reasons. you countered with your thoughts and i gave my reply. if you cant handle being challenged in a debate then i suggest you unplug your phone, turn off your computer, and curl up into the fetal position because you cannot handle the real world.