Jonboy's '09 Automatic Blue Himalya and Automatic Little Angel Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
shoulda told me....... would've dropped by and smoked a phat toke with yah for the times..... ahh maybe we can bask in the afterglow of this outdoor season together.....

I don't recommend topping any outdoor plants within two weeks of flower....

works well indoor for some strains more than other strains....... I don't top kush strains or heavy indica strains for that matter..... I have found sativa dom strains love to be topped FIM'ed or super cropped though ;)
You're always welcome to drop on by...we should make an RIU get together reunion thingy...I'll have it at my place!


Well-Known Member
So here's an update for those of you that are following along.
So, I told yas that I was meeting up with my boy to pick up a coupla zips...short and sweet trip right? Wrong...everything that could possibly go wrong, did...(except for getting pinched). Just as I was leaving to go to my boy's house, a National Weather Service announcement flashed across the screen with a Tornado Warning for my area...greeeat. So, I head out for the drive, ignoring the warning. I have to travel on a small early 20th century divided highway to get to my friends house. I drove about 5 minutes, rain was pouring buckets, and I couldn't see in front of me. The traffic came to a sudden stop. I'm acclimated to traffic in my area, so I didnt think much of it. I sat at a stand still for 5 minutes, awaiting impatiently, because I had a small window of time to meet my friend for my hook up. Then I notice people getting out of their cars, the rain subsided. I remained in my car and threw it into park and shut off my engine because I couldn't waste gas since I only had 1/4 tank which would get me there and back under normal driving conditions.
I called my boy and told him where I was and that I was stuck on the highway in stand still traffic. He got pissed because he had to get to work by 4:30 and it was about 5 past 4 with no end in sight. Needless to say, I didn't make it to my boy's house. I had to pick it up at his work which made him even more pissed.
I got out of my car and looked further up the road. About a 1/2 mile ahead of me lay 4 massive Oaks and Maples across the highway, over the grass median and into the oncoming traffic 2 lane highway. Emergency crews cautiously weaved their way up between the two traveling lanes, which made me and everyone else pull our cars to the sides. I hung out with a few people in the middle of the highway, periodically dodging passing downpours. It took the DOT 1 1/2 hours to clear a passing lane. I slowly crept along for the 1/2 mile until I came up to the destruction. A tornado tore through the woods, snapping 3' caliper tree trunks like they were toothpicks. Luckily, no one was involved in the carnage. So I made it past...until I slammed into more traffic. Fuck this! I took the first exit off. I took backroads to another connector torwards I-95 NYC. All in all, it took me a total of 4 hours traveling there and back, which normally would take me an hour trip.
It rained so hard that I got water in the basement. My garden was flooded, but I cultivate it regularly so its nicely drained.
Sorry about the long ass story, I don't mean to ramble on, but I'm finally stoned. My new indoor grow started...2 sprouts of my Himalaya Blue Diesel have started to poke their heads out. I'll post pics of my indoor garden soon.
The pic I posted is from on the highway with the stand still traffic. Sorry if its not that clear, but its my camera phone.
Hear from ya's soon!




Well-Known Member
shit man i know how u feel about everything going wrong when ya buying weed,it always happens to me! well maybe nt tornadoes but all the other crap tht can prevent me from getting my ganja happens xD haha


Well-Known Member
shit man i know how u feel about everything going wrong when ya buying weed,it always happens to me! well maybe nt tornadoes but all the other crap tht can prevent me from getting my ganja happens xD haha
I was just thankful that I finally got my anxiety meds...LoL...that's a phat spliff youre chewing on there m8. How is weed growing in Iceland considered?:joint:


Well-Known Member
New England for ya. Wait a minute and the weather will change. it's bright and sunny, and it's gonna hit 90 today...WTF...the girls are doing great though...
I found a set of preflower hairs on one of my Automatic Little Angels. Yay! figure another 6-7 weeks until she's finished! I'm anxious to see these auto flowers in action! My NL is doing awesome...bud sites all over the place!
I have 5 sprouts of my Automatic Himalaya Blue Diesel this morning...awaiting 4 more...lights set to 24/0:peace:


Well-Known Member
Very nice:hump:

Looking forward to new pics. Gonna have to wait till tommorow to check my girls.
I'll try to get some updated pics up today at some point...when I get home from doing errands. I'll twist up a phat blunt and putz around in my garden. I have to cultivate the soil because of the harsh rain yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys +'s some updates.
1. Swiss Cheese
2. Swiss Cheese
3. Northern Lights buds
4. Automatic Little Angels Feminized
5. Automatic Little Angel that I brought indoors under 24/0
6. Automatic Himalaya Blue Diesel sprouts (2 days old)
7. Automatic Little Angel pre-flowers hair (18 days old). 6 more weeks till harvest!
8. My indoor fluorescent garden.

Hope everyone enjoys...any comments/suggestions are appreciated!:peace::joint::hump:



Well-Known Member
congrats on the female NL, and your swiss cheese is lookin lush bro!
Haha...remember the problem I was havin' with all my male NL's? Well, I hope she gives me something to be proud of...I'm nearing a week of force flowering her. 7 more to go (ideally).
Thanks for stopping by Zig...always good to have a seasoned vet in my thread! Your garden is swollen with lushness...very envious!

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Haha...remember the problem I was havin' with all my male NL's? Well, I hope she gives me something to be proud of...I'm nearing a week of force flowering her. 7 more to go (ideally).
Thanks for stopping by Zig...always good to have a seasoned vet in my thread! Your garden is swollen with lushness...very envious!
Hell yeah bro I remember those male NL's were giving you such a hard time, I know how it feels bro lol but no problem man, haha I wouldnt even call myself a seasoned vet, my grow turned out better than I expected...hey its a weed!:lol:
anyways my man keep up the good work, i'll stay tuned :peace: