DillWeed's 2009 summer grow journal: Two Lbs. or Bust! (2x1000 watt HPS in grow tent)


Active Member
Woww man this a reallly reallly cool grow respect the idea of the normal growing im def staying tunedd


Well-Known Member
Big update coming later on today everybody. I haven't updated in a week, but I promise it will be worth it. bongsmilie:blsmoke::mrgreen::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Day 56:
July 27, 2009

(Day 14 of 12/12)

Today was a big day for my girls. I gave them all the good old lollipop. I trimmed off all of the branches about a foot from the soil line and down. I can already tell this is very beneficial for the sake of air flow. I now have my oscillating fan set to medium instead of low and it works just perfect. Hopefully this will send more energy to the tops and fatten up the colas even more than last time when I didn't trim a single branch. Now for the pics!

Pics 1-6: the last shots of the plants before I lollipopped them.

Pics 7-10: a few shots of the colas starting to form on a few different plants.

Pics 11-16: the first shots of the plants after I lollipopped them.



Well-Known Member
It looks great Dill! For only 14 days into flower you have an impressive amount of pistils!

I can't wait till I can flip the switch to 12/12 ;-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks, guys! Now that I have done the lollipop bit and all of the bud sites are now formed, I am going to go back to veg nutes for the next two feedings to help heal the plants at a faster rate. I'll go right back to the bloom nutes immediately after that to help those fat colas grow!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, guys! Now that I have done the lollipop bit and all of the bud sites are now formed, I am going to go back to veg nutes for the next two feedings to help heal the plants at a faster rate. I'll go right back to the bloom nutes immediately after that to help those fat colas grow!
Interesting I haven't heard of this.

Keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
I've never done it exactly like that either, but I usually give my plants veg nutes during week four of flower as it is, but considering what I just did to them I figure that now would be as good a time as any. We shall see! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey dill i havent been able to watch close till now. your grow looks great. keep up the good work!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
True lollipopping involved totally removing the bottom 1/3 of the plant growth.

It also involves trimming growth points off that protrude greater than 1" from the stem of the plant.

The concept is usually used in a SOG style operation to form single, solid buds with no lower popcorn bugs. What Dill is doing is pruning, IMO, although I have myself referred to this process and lollipopping.

To truely lollipop, you will end up with one solid head nug that forms along the stalk almost exclusively.

Pruning to increase airflow is HIGHLY suggested. Also, since Dill is growing 15 plants and space will be limited....it is important to remove some of the lower branches that will get no light and not form any dense buds, which will allow the plant to redirect that energy to the massive, pop can sized colas that Dill is famous for :clap:


Well-Known Member
I found a fucking hermie in my tent today. It was a "feminized" Great White Shark too. I want to punch Arjan in the nuts right now. Fuck. :(


Well-Known Member
I found a fucking hermie in my tent today. It was a "feminized" Great White Shark too. I want to punch Arjan in the nuts right now. Fuck. :(
Son of a bitch!

Had the pollen sacs opened up at all? Pics?

You pulled it I assume?

Sorry man. Its just a bump in the road to 2 lbs tho brother! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Had the pollen sacs opened up at all?
No, luckily I caught it in time. Still sucks though.

I am thinking about putting the plant in another room and just monitoring it every day and pulling off the "balls" as they develop. Do you think that would be fine? How could the plant possibly get pollinated if no pollen ever opens up? Does this make sense or is it just wishful thinking on my part?


No, luckily I caught it in time. Still sucks though.

I am thinking about putting the plant in another room and just monitoring it every day and pulling off the "balls" as they develop. Do you think that would be fine? How could the plant possibly get pollinated if no pollen ever opens up? Does this make sense or is it just wishful thinking on my part?

Why take the risk of saving one plant that has the ability to pollinate the other 19?

Cut your losses, it's only a 5% and that's not material. Focus on the large pictures.